(Seb) Drawings

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Request by Lou_Laufeyson-barnes

I had lived in New York for around 3 years now. Moving to such a big city scared me at first but I soon found my way and like most people settled into somewhat of a routine.

My job as an assistant designer at the art gallery didn't take up too much of my time, which is one of the reasons I had relocated so I had more time for my art. And the city was so beautiful there was inspiration wherever I looked. I often liked drawing the locals, capturing the diversity of the city and the wonders of everyday life. Sitting on park benches drawing the couples on picnic dates, or the performers on the streets.

So far Tuesday had been a normal morning for me. I had woken up, got dressed and headed out for my morning coffee. I walked down the street searching for my next inspiration when I noticed the new diner had finally opened on the corner. I decided to head inside for some food so I could check my emails and finish designing the layout for the next exhibition at the gallery.

As I got closer I saw a few tables already filled out, which is pretty normal for a new place. Seen as I was by myself I decided to grab a stool at the tabletop bar at the end. A blonde-haired waitress came to me from behind the counter and placed a menu down in front of me.

"Welcome to Larry's, my name is Dana I'll be your server today" she smiled at me, "Can I get you started with a drink while you choose?"

"Just a water please thank you" I replied and quickly glanced at the menu, "actually can I order my food already?" I asked

"Sure thing honey, what'll it be?" She opened her notepad.

"I'll try the waffles and bacon please," I said, my usual go-to at any breakfast place.

"Coming right up" she smiled and turned away, ripping the paper and passing it through the hole in the wall to the kitchen.

I looked around the diner and admired the decor inside. It was so colourful and open, very well designed. I felt my artistic inspiration fueling up so I decided to scrap off my emails and pulled out my paper and pencils.

I glanced at the groups around to find my muse of the day. A young family of four sat not too far from me, all giggling over milkshakes and pancakes. Cute but not unique enough for me. A group of college students sat at the furthest table, all with backpacks and phones out. Same issue.

I looked at the end of the counter across from me and finally found the one. A guy sat by himself, sunglasses on, denim jacket, short brown hair, stubble and strong jaw. He was reading a pile of papers and kept his head pretty low. I was intrigued.

I liked to draw things that drew others in and made them think and ask questions. What was he reading? Why the shades when it isn't that sunny out? Why was he reading in shades? Why was he so mysterious? Oh yeah, he was definitely the one.

I got my head down and began to sketch, peeking slightly so he didn't see me continuing to stare at him. I didn't even notice that the waitress has brought my food and drink over yet.

A good amount of time passed and I was lost in the shading when a voice behind me made me jump. "That's pretty good you know," the male voice said "but most people usually use a camera to take a picture. Tends to be quicker"

I looked up and saw the man I had been drawing and froze with embarrassment. "I-I, sorry I'm an artist" I tried to explain, not knowing if he understood that I wasn't just being creepy

"So I can see" he pointed at the picture, "it's really good. Mind if I join you?" He asked

"Sure" I welcomed him. He sat beside me and took off his shades to reveal the bluest eyes I had ever seen. "See now that's a crime" I laughed

"What, talking to a pretty lady who has been staring at me for nearly an hour or inviting myself to join her?" He asked jokingly

"No," I giggled, "your eyes are like crystal blue. Yet you hide them with those shades. Art like that shouldn't be hidden". He smiled widely at my words. I slide my plate between us and offered him some bacon, which he took.

"So I've got to ask, why are you drawing me?" He enquired

"I'm an artist," I pulled out some of my work from my bag and handed it to him. He flicked through the pages as I continued, "I like to draw people who have a little something unique about them" I explained

"And what's unique about me?" He asked

"Well, for one you're looking pretty shady in those glasses and hiding at the end of the bar here," I laughed, "and you were reading this pile of paperwork so intently"

"Oh, that's just my sc..." He started until I held my hands up

"uh-uh," I interrupted, "I don't want to know. That's part of the mystery". He laughed and shook his head.

"You're really talented" he complimented me as he handed my work back

"Thank you .... Shit, I didn't even ask your name I'm sorry" I realised, "I've been pretty much stalking you while we have been sat here and didn't think"

"It's fine, not the first time I've been stalked" he joked, "I'm Sebastian".

"Y/N" I smiled at him.

"So y/n, where is your inspiration taking you next?" He asked

"Wherever I feel it take me" I laughed, "but probably from here I'd say that park across the way."

"Mind if I join you?" He asked

"Sure, it's the least I can do" I accepted

"Well then, let me pay for your breakfast" he offered.

"Hey, struggling, broke and hungry artist is a poor stereotype" I joked

"Fine then let me buy my drawing from you" he bargained. I nodded and he put down the money. He reached over to the plate and grabbed a waffle for each of us and put his glasses back on. "Let's go find you some inspiration"

We strolled out together and head straight for the park. It's never as busy on a weekday which I liked. We slowly walked the path and talked about our jobs. I told him about the gallery I worked in and he told me that he worked in the media on some movies, but seemed reluctant to go into full details about it. I respected his privacy and didn't pry further.

We must have walked for about an hour when his phone rang. "Hello? ... Yeah I'm not too far just walking in the park ... No I'm not slacking off." He laughed, "alright Chris I'll be there in 10" he hung up.

"Guess you're needed elsewhere," I said

"Yeah they need me back there" he sounded a little disappointed. "Hey can I um, give you my number?" He asked shyly, "I'd love to see more of your work and the gallery"

"Yeah, I'd like that too" I smiled. He handed his phone to me and I put my number in and called myself. My phone lit up and I waved it to him, "see no fake number"

He smiled "I'll call you later" he took his phone back and put it in his pocket, "I really got to run though y/n. But thank you for this, I needed some normality"

I shrugged my shoulders, "meh, normal is overrated". I smiled and waved to him and we both turned away and walked in our opposite directions.

As I got home I put my things down and turned on my TV to switch my mind off. A few ads in and a trailer came on for one of the new Marvel movies. I never really got into any of them so I was only giving it half of my attention before I sprang up from my seat. I reached for the remote and hit rewind and pause. And there he was. Sebastian. My blue-eyed muse.

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