(Bucky) Tortured

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Request by: bvckybarnes107

"Fuck you!" I spat blood at the masked man currently pacing around me. I kicked out with my legs, but my arms remained suspended above me and shackled together by rusty chains.

I had lost track of time since I was kidnapped from our last mission. Sam and I got separated before I was dragged into a Hydra base by a group of their generals.

I worried whether Sam had gotten out okay either. I hadn't seen him, nor had any of the other soldiers spoken his name since I had arrived. So I decided to keep that a secret in case he was still out there hiding.

The guard snapped and stood to attention as a villainous man walked in. "Stand down soldier" he instructed him, "my turn"

He walked up to me slowly and bearing a grin the entire time. I'd seen a lot of shit while working as an Avenger, but this was the creepiest by a long shot.

"Listen here, sweetheart. We know that you have something that belongs to us. And we want it back" he leaned down slowly as he spoke, gently stroking my face.

I flinched away from his touch but my limited movements made it easy for him to grab hold of my face.

"Where is The Winter Soldier?" he gritted his teeth.

We had known Hydra was looking for Bucky for some time now. It scared us all, but Bucky was terrified. All the progress he had made to recover had regressed into him being a shell of himself. It was heartbreaking to see.

Steve had also incorporated torture endurance into our training regimes so I tried to harness that knowledge. But it felt impossible. The past few hours, maybe even days, had blocked any of my recall. I had to improvise. I knew one thing though. I wasn't letting them win.

"Go to hell" I muffled. I held back my tears of pain from his firm grip, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

"tut tut. Such filth from a young lady". His expression quickly turned more serious. "I don't have time for your games you little bitch. Now I won't ask you again"

I gasped for breath as he struck my face with a small blade. The blood ran down my cheek and dropped onto my torn-up clothes.

I grunted with anger as I remained silent. Spitting a mouthful of blood onto the floor to reduce the metallic taste taking over my senses. I stared him right into his evil eyes.

"My my, what a tough little thing you are" he stood back to observe me. "I guess the only way for us to stop searching for our asset could be to create a new one" he laughed.

"Oh yeah, and how do you plan to do that? I don't exactly see many guys falling from trains these days" I mocked him

"Well Miss y/n, sometimes the answer can be right in front of you" his smile grew again. "Officer. Here. Now" he shouted towards the door.

An older guy entered the room timidly, "Sir?"

"Bring me the chair" he ordered. He locked eye contact with me as the room filled with machinery and white lab coat men.

"What the fuck are you saying?" I asked demandingly

"One of two things are about to happen here. And that decision relies solely on you" he crouched down in front of me. "You are either going to give me the information that leads to the location and return of my property... "

I rolled my eyes, "And what's plan B asshole?"

"Or you get in that chair. Willingly. To have your friend be free forever." he stroked my face once more, "But, you take his place. Don't worry. We'll electrocute that precious attitude right out of you" he smiled.

I couldn't give him up. Not after what he has been through.
He could barely watch us being tortured in training. He would never forgive himself if I broke now.

I gritted my bloody teeth, "Bring it on". I manically laughed

A slight pause revealed that he wasn't expecting that answer. But for him, either option was a win.

He stood up harshly and with a grunt, slid his chair to the side. "prep her" he instructed the guards.

My shackles were released and my arms felt heavy to the floor. Arms were threaded between my body so I could be lifted onto their chair.

As I looked up at the dirt ceiling and bright fluorescent lights I cleared my mind. Remembering what I could, while I could.

The cold probes were placed on either side of my temples and a mouthguard was forced between my gum and lips.

"Now this ... This is gonna hurt" he leaned down and whispered at me. "and when we are done you'll be ours. I hope he was worth it"

He was. He always has been.
Determined to stay strong I cursed the tear that fell from my eye. Bucky was special to me. And I'll always regret not telling him.

"NOW!" he yelled, as one of his guards pulled the switch.

The pain was immediate. The burning was nothing I had experienced before. I bit down on the mouthguard unconsciously and closed my eyes. The rest of my body stiffened and jerked in pain.

The flash of white stunned the room. The draft of fresh air fell over me like a wave but did nothing to ease the excruciating pain.

The shouts and gunfire were dulled by the ringing in my ears already. My eyes slowly began rolling backward.

"Get it ..... Off .... Now .... " a man screamed nearby.

Once the electricity was cut I was weightlessly heavy in the chair, my body limp and exhausted.

"We need to move her NOW" the same man screamed.

Half unconscious I felt the straps and probes sliding from me and my body was lifted.

I began closing my eyes from the sudden draft of cold air hitting me. I was outside. The sun nearly blinded me before I curled up towards the solid figure holding me.

They shook me desperately and pleaded "Come on you gotta stay awake for me".

I felt no energy to speak back. Instead, I tried solely to keep my eyes as open as possible.

Once I felt that whoever was holding me had sat down I reached up to grab their clothing for comfort.

"I'm here. You're safe. I've got you, you hear me? I've got you now". I felt his tears hit my skin from above.

I groaned a reply quietly.

"Sshh. It's okay, save your energy" he reassured me, his grip on my legs tightening.

As the world faded to black I heard his muffled shouts and how they became frantic.

Pt 2?

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