(Bucky) Valentine's Day

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"Gotta admit Buck I have never seen you panic this much" Steve laughed, watching his best friend look at the Valentine's gifts in the store.

"Yeah well back in our day you bought a dame a rose and wrote her a love letter and that was it." Bucky sighed

He had been searching for days for the 'perfect' Valentine's gift for you. But nothing seemed right. So he finally waved his white flag and asked Steve for help.

"What did you get for Nat?" Bucky asked

"Easy. Knives and liquor" Steve smiled, hoping she didn't want to try both at the same time. "Just think, what does she like?" Steve picked up a pink bear from the shelf. "I guarantee the answer isn't some 2 dollar bear"

"Well, she likes reading. Like a lot." He smirked slightly, picturing scenes of you sitting by the window or curled up on the large couch with a blanket. Always with a book in your hand.

"You know what genre?" Steve dug further

Bucky hesitated for a moment, not wanting to give away your secret of loving the 'spicer' side of the bookstore. "Mostly romance. Sometime fantasy"

"well then, let's head to the bookstore" Steve suggested, rolling his eyes at how easily he could talk Bucky around to see sense.

When they arrived at the bookstore a few of the girls behind the counter began to check the two supersoldiers out. Hoping for their own 'met a handsome mystery man in a bookshop' fantasy to come true.

Bucky walked over to the section I normally go straight to. In all honesty he had no idea what he was looking for. As he browsed the shelves he noticed a few covers that he had seen on my side table, so he grabbed a few from the same author.

Steve held a book and read the back of it. "Do women actually read this stuff?"

Bucky nodded, "A lot". He chuckled.

As he walked to the counter he grabbed a copper corner bookmark with my initial on it.

"Find everything okay today sir?" The girl behind the counter asked him, twirling her hair.

"I hope so" Bucky smiled politely as she began to scan the books.

She raised her eyebrows at a few of the titles. "These for you? Not many guys check out these type of books"

"No not for me. They're so my girlfriend" Bucky proudly said.

Her face immediate dropped as she huffed "oh" and pressed the screen.

After paying and leaving the guys walked outside.

"Where to next?" Steve asked, happy to tag along. "Remember, think about what she likes"

Bucky paused before having a 'light bulb' moment. Through the day the guys went shopping around the city for small luxury items.

A basket, dark hot coco , candles, a blanket etc.
They called it the 'perfect at home bundle'.

Bucky raced home knowing I wouldn't be back from training yet. He assembled all of the things neatly in the basket and tied a huge ribbon around it.

He stood back and smiled proudly at what he made, and knowing how much I'd love it.

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