(Bucky) Hurt

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Request by: bvckybarnes107 - Hurt(Everything over comms will be in italics, oooooh) 😂 also it saves me from writing it every time

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Request by: bvckybarnes107 - Hurt
(Everything over comms will be in italics, oooooh) 😂 also it saves me from writing it every time

"All clear" Nat announced to us.

"How much deeper does this thing go anyway?" Sam asked

"Ooh ooh that's what he said" Tony laughed to himself

"I've seen the girls you have slept with Tony. Ain't nothing deep about them" I joked back.

"Seriously guys, it feels like we've been in this maze of a Hydra Base for hours now. We must be close" Sam continued

"Blueprints show 3 more rooms then we'll mark this as complete, shall we? Then we can all go home and snuggle up as one big happy family" Tony told us

"Okay, 3 rooms so let's divide and conquer. Nat and I will go down the East corridor. Y/n and Bucky you guys go straight ahead. Stark and Sam bare right" Steve ordered

"Aye aye captain" Bucky confirmed.

We all regrouped outside of the main area where the corridors were divided.

"Should take 30 mins tops. We'll meet back here. Any problems wire in" Steve ordered

"Now who the hell put you in charge?" Tony asked. Nat and I rolled our eyes at the childish debate.

"Not this shit again" I laughed and sighed, "come on I want to go home and crawl into bed"

"And I also want to crawl in your bed" Bucky playfully added.

"You guys make me sick," Sam said pretending to throw up, "since y'all have gone public this shit has got out of control"

"Ooh, do you get out of control y/n?" Tony asked, waving his eyebrows

"On that note, I'm out," I said as I headed down our corridor. Bucky looked at Tony and nodded a little. Tony gave him a fist bump before he finally caught up to me. "I saw that babe," I told him

"Shit" he chuckled, "how much trouble am I in?"

"Well let's say I'm going to be VERY MUCH in control for a while" I kissed him before we finally found the door to our assigned room.

"You know, if this room is clear we do have...." He lifted his arm to read his watch, "...24 minutes."

"Not a chance Barnes" I shook my head as we lifted our guns and burst through the door.

As soon as we entered we went silent. All of our playful teasings stopped while we worked, we agreed that when we started dating.

We flipped a few files and checked behind desks and doors. Empty.

"Call it" Bucky instructed me

"All clear Room 2," I told the others.

We sat for a while and looked through the desk drawers.

"You know, this base is actually one of yhe special ones?" Bucky revealed

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I asked curiously

"you see that star up there?" he pointed to the red star in the center of the ceiling above us


"That means you needed very high clearance to enter. I guarantee there is a hidden passageway in the walls somewhere for evac"

"Wanna bet?" I put to him

"What's the stakes?" he smiled

"You find that passageway in the next 10 minutes and I won't be mad at you for your little conversation with Stark"

"Yeah sounds fair." He agreed

"But if you don't, or there isn't one, then you have to admit to EVERYONE that I'm a better agent than you" I grinned. I knew his pride was worth more than anything else.

He walked over and firmly shook my hand as we both smiled. He strutted around as I tried to dig any data from the old computers that had been left.

"All clear Room 1" We heard.

"Ooh, Barnes only 4 minutes left. A better agent probably would have found it if it existed" I tease him further.

I didn't hear a response from him so I lifted my head to spot him. He was walking along the wall feeling all the cracks.

I was relaxed until I saw a shadow move behind him.

I ran across the room, sliding over the abandoned desks to reach him. The barrel of a gun revealed itself out of the screen and I dove at him.

I pushed Bucky to the side, using my momentum to launch forward at the assailant.


The gunshot rang through the empty room.

"Was that a shot?" Tony asked, "Who got that? Someone talk!"


Bucky ran over to me and saw the assailant below me with a bullet hole between his eyes.

"Fucking sneaky fucker" I whimpered before falling into Bucky's arms

"Guys!?" Tony yelled

"Room 2. Room 2. Y/n's been shot." Bucky yelled

"Rescue and retreat team we're done here," Steve urged us

"Doll? Where are you hit?" Bucky saw the blood in his hand and scanned over me for a wound

"My arm," I told him, pointing to the left bicep. "I'll be fine don't worry. Just the shock sent me down."

"Oh baby you....you saved my life" Bucky realized, "I mean that guy where did he even come from?"

I lifted my right arm and pointed to a small entrance behind the corner desk. "Told you a better agent would have found it" I weakly laughed

"well this isn't the time for an 'I told you do' but ..." He smiled remorsefully

"Yeah, you were right. I'm not mad at you any more congratulations."

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