(Bucky) Tortured Pt2

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"Sshh. It's okay, save your energy" he reassured me, his grip on my legs tightening.

As the world faded to black I heard his muffled shouts and how they became frantic.

My eyes screwed up together and I let out a painful groan. My breaths felt dry and scratchy.

"fuck" I whispered as I tried to move, but my body failed to cooperate.

I felt a cold hand latch onto mine as it gently led me back down.

"woah there. That's probably not a good idea yet" I heard him say. I knew instantly it was Bucky, but he sounded different. He sounded tired.

As I lay back down I tried to open my eyes, the light stunned me for a moment.

"Let me close these hang on," He said. I heard the curtain rings slide across the pole and instantly the room dimmed. "better?" he asked me, placing his hand back on mine.

I tried again and opened them with much more ease. I saw myself lying in my bed and Bucky sat on a chair next to me. He looked as tired as he sounded. His stubble had grown and his eyes were as heavy as when he had begun with his nightmares.

"Bucky, how did I ...? " My voice ached. I must have been asleep for a while.

"Sam got out." he explained, "he reported straight back and we put a team together to come for you. We were so worried"

"But you..." my words turned into wheezes. Bucky quickly passed me a bottle of water with a straw in it, lifting it to my face.

"Yeah, I know. Ive been distant from you all lately huh?" he hung his head slightly. "This new world scares me. A lot. There's too much on TV. There are robots in phones. But Hydra ... They really scare me."

"You said they sent a team though?" I asked him, frowning slightly in confusion

"Yeah they did." he smiled a little at me, "but what Hydra doesn't know is that there is only one thing in this world scarier than them"

"you?" I giggled a little. The Bucky I knew was tough sure, but wasn't scary. At least not in my rose-tinted eyes.

"No Doll, not me." he put the water down and placed his other hand on my cheek, "the thought of anyone harming you makes me terrified."

I was breathless.

"so when the team found your location, and Tony discovered that there had been traces of serum reported nearby ... I knew I had to be there" he went on, "and then. When I got there, and saw you in the god-awful contraption I lost it". His hand ripped away as he wiped his face.

"what do you mean?" I asked

He let out a few tears before frowning, "I did what I had to do. I couldn't let you become what I became"

"You saved me" I tried to reassure him

"I haven't felt that way in a long time. That urge, that drive to just harm" he was clearly struggling between revenge and justice.

I slowly lifted my hand up to his face in return, "You. Saved. Me. That wasn't this whole 'true self' you're so afraid of Buck. You know deep down that side of you was erased in Wakanda."

"then how come it keeps coming back up then?" he asked me, hurt filling his words.

"When you were under their control you were fueled by their drive for destruction. And their hatred towards the world." I explained, "What happened back there, was fueled by you and your emotions toward them"

"....towards you" he looked at me straight in the eyes. The breath escaped me once more.

"Do you want to know what was going through my mind right before they turned that machine on Bucky? You."


I nodded. "I was filled with regret and sadness that I would never be able to tell you how I feel about you."

"You don't need to. I've always known" he smiled back at me.

He leaned forward, resting his elbow on the bed as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. Of course, I kissed him back as deeply as I could.

My hiss of pain ruined the moment as my body tilted slightly at his weight pushing down on one side of my bed.

"Sorry" I whispered into his lips

"never be sorry Doll." he kissed my forehead before lifting away, "Just rest now. Your body went through a lot."

"only if you sleep too. You look like shit" I giggled as I closed my eyes

He laughed back and placed his feet up on the bed. "Deal. I'll let you have your bed for while you recover though. But I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm always going to be here to protect you"

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