(Bucky) Vacation

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Request by: bvckybarnes107

"You ready Doll?" Bucky asked me as he slung his carry-on bag over his shoulder.

I made sure that we got to the airport with plenty of time before our flight. I liked browsing the small airport shops and grabbing a holiday book anyway.

"Just about" I replied to him, grabbing my new murder mystery book to head to our gate together.

"I haven't been on vacation for so long" Bucky grabbed my hand as we walked.

"We went to Mexico last month!" I laughed

"Missions don't count." Bucky looked at the line of people waiting to board the plane, "remind me again why we didn't take up Tony's offer to use his jet?"

"Because I want some normal couple experiences with you Buck" I smiled

"Doll, we aren't normal." He smirked

"Well, let's pretend for the next 2 weeks that you aren't a super soldier and I'm not an assassin"

After we boarded the plane we found our seats in first class. I would have never been able to afford it normally but Tony insisted if we didn't take the jet that he was upgrading our seats. The stewardess brought us pillows and champagne courtesy of 'Stark Airlines' of course.

The flight wasn't anything exciting. Bucky slept for most of it while I read.

After we landed we saw a man standing in a suit holding a sign with our names on it, and a small crowd of civilians and press forming around him.

"so much for normal" Bucky rolled his eyes

I looked around and raised my eyebrows when I saw a line of taxis outside. I grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him as we ran.

"Come on!" I insisted, giving him no choice in following me.

We jumped in the back of the taxi and he drove us to our beach villa. The driver was a local but spoke pretty good English so gave us some good tips on local restaurants for later.

Bucky got out and grabbed our suitcases while I paid the driver. He laughed when he saw the luxury villa.

"you know, you're very selective about when you want normal and when you want the rich and famous treatment"

"some things are just worth the upgrade sometimes" I laughed as we walked inside.

The villa looked like it was straight out of a magazine. The stone walls were painted beautifully and art hung on the walls. Our lounge opened up right onto the beach.

I wasted no time sliding open the door and placing my bare feet right on the hot sand. As I breathed in the salty sea air I heard Bucky walking beside me. His eyes were stuck on the horizon.

"it's beautiful" he sighed in contentment, not looking away from the view.

"It's perfect" I agreed. I stepped forward slowly as I began removing my 'flight' clothes one piece at a time.

"Hey, I know it's a private beach but that doesn't mean you should let everything out!" Bucky shouted after me

"Sorry, Barnes I can't hear you!" I teased as I continued to pace forward and discard my garments.

"You know damn well what I said" he laughed, realizing I wasn't going to listen. "You remove one more thing and that's it"

"Ooh, what you gonna do?"

"I'm coming in there after you" he grinned widely, hoping I would rise to his challenge.

I turned and walked backward into the sea as I slowly untied my bra. Making sure I kept eye contact the entire time.

I lifted it into the air and gave him a bratty expression. "oops" I giggled as I dropped it into the water

Bucky kicked off his shoes and immediately began running at me. He too began throwing his clothes in all directions on his way.

I squealed with joy as I turned to run further out to the shore. But even with the extra drag of the water he caught up to me. He chuckled loudly and boastfully as he wrapped his arms around me and used his momentum from running to drag me down.

As we resurfaced I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hand rested on my waist. We kissed passionately and just stayed locked in on the perfect moment.

"I love you" he whispered happily as we stood, waves hitting us in sync.

"I love you too Bucky"

The rest of our first day was me meticulously unpacking our suitcases to feel 'settled in' while Bucky made us cocktails.

We decided to ditch the restaurants for our first night and spend it sitting on our lounge chairs by the beach. We sat together and drank the whole night, eating snacks that had been restocked for us and talking about our future.

The sunset was unlike anything we'd ever seen. Even though the compound was high up, this was so different. It was clear. Peaceful.

"This is what retirement feels like?" Bucky lay back in his chair, "I could get used to this"

"Well, you are 106." I laughed, "Me? I'm a looong way off retiring"

"Yeah but you'll have to stop for a while when we have kids," Bucky said casually.

I nearly spat out my drink. We had never spoken about it before, why was he saying it so calmly?!

"Kids?" I peeked over at him

"Yeah. 2 boys, 1 girl."

"Do I have a say in this?" I asked

"Course you do. But I overheard you talking to Nat a few weeks ago." he turned to me, "Don't worry I'm so ready to retire from super soldier and be super dad. I know you need to keep fighting"

I didn't know what to say. I mean, he was right, as usual. One of my worries about even thinking of kids was that I would have to stop being an Avenger, even for a short while. It was my calling.

"You'd do that?" I asked him with surprise

"Oh yeah." he reached forward and grabbed my hand, "Someone's got to keep the world safe"

I jumped onto him and kissed him deeply, showering him with my gratitude.

"After vacation." I nodded to him.

"You're serious?" his hands slid up and down my back while he held eye contact

I nodded more. "I'm so sure. Let's enjoy our final piece of tranquility. Then when we get home we can get started on our own little family"

He'd have dragged me onto an earlier flight the same night if he had the chance. But he agreed that this time, here, with me, was where he wanted to be.

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