(Seb) Visiting

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Sebastian and I had met on set during the latest Avengers movie. It was classic love at first site, secret dating, public announcement, engagement, marriage etc fairytale. It was amazing.

The only thing now was I was on maternity leave with our first baby. He was so happy when he found out that he was going to be a Dad. I remember laying everything out for him when he got home and the tears of joy that came out when he picked me up and spun me around.

But of course that meant no next movie for me. As magical as CGI is it couldn't hide my 7month baby bump, and the acting/fighting/stunts were pretty hardcore.

So while Sebastian and everyone was on location for the next few week I sat at home. I was meant to be 'resting', but that very quickly turned into 'nesting'.

Seb promised he'd be back in time for the birth, the team even scheduled filming his scenes around it which was awesome. But I couldn't wait for him to set up the nursery.

Each day I was up painting, building furniture, hanging shelves etc. All until our little girl had her pastel pink room perfect.

But now that was done what else? I've always been so 'on the go' that I needed a new project.

I tried to call Seb but his phone went straight to voicemail - probably filming. But my damn hormones decided this was going to make me cry. A lot.

I looked at the set location and smirked. 2 hours? I could drive that easily and be back in his arms by the night. The thought caused my stomach to receive small kicks. Even she seemed to want to go.

I giggled and packed a few things into the car. As well as bringing some baby stuff just incase.

"Now listen", I said to my bump as I got in the car, "just because your stuff is coming doesn't mean you get to show up this early okay? It's a very extreme precaution"

I stopped by a gas station to fill up and grab some road trip snacks before driving on the highway.

I listened to mine and Seb's playlist, singing along to our songs the whole time, our baby kicking/dancing the whole time along with me.

A few times Seb's number appeared on my dash from an incoming call but I didn't answer. He'd know I was driving in an instant and I wanted to surprise him.

I pulled over once more at another gas station to pee, God damn pregnancy, and decided to text him so he didn't worry.

'Hey baby. Sorry I was fast asleep when you called. I've been relaxing so much since you've been gone. And maybe eaten all of your cashews ... but the baby wanted it so not my fault. Love you, hope you're having fun out there!'

Perfect. And a great way to break the truth about his favourite snack.

'Eat whatever you girls need. I'm glad you're finally resting too. I miss you and I love you too. Filming isn't the same without you cheering me on from behind the camera'

'We're cheering you on from the couch I promise.'

I smiled widely as I jumped back in the car and continued on my quest.

As I pulled up to set the security stopped me.

"Do you have a pass miss?" He asked me as I rolled down the window

I chuckled, "damn Ron I know I've gained a few pounds but not recognising me?"

Ron laughed too when he saw me. We always used the same security team on the closed sets to minimise spoilers leaking. "Mrs Stan my apologies. I didn't think you were filming this time?"

"I'm not. Still on maternity leave." I said as I stroked my bump

"And congratulations" He smiled

"I'm here to surprise Seb. Is he here?" I asked.

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