(Bucky) Training Together

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Between missions, Steve and Tony had us all on pretty strict training schedules.
Since I became an Avenger I have learned a bit of everyone's skills. Nat taught me how to shoot guns, Clint showed me how to fire arrows, Peter taught me how to climb, etc.

The only person who I hadn't trained with, nor seen in the gym was Bucky. When I asked Steve about it he told me that he mostly trains alone and late in the night. Something to do with his sleep patterns, nightmares, and PTSD.

I was desperate to learn from absolutely everyone so I made a little plan to train twice a day, morning and night. That way no one else could interfere and I could talk to Bucky. I just had to find a way in.

I finished up my workout for the day and went to grab some food. I saw Sam in the kitchen while Bucky was sitting with Steve at the table.

"Lookin' good y/n" Sam whistled at me with a smirk on his face.

Bucky had confided in them both when I first arrived in the tower that he thought I was attractive, and they hadn't stopped messing with him about it since.

"Everybody looks good when they have to look at your face all day Sam" I joked back, seeing Bucky let slip a small chuckle to himself from listening in.

"Y/N" Steve shouted across to me, "Do you have plans later?"

"Not really. Why?" I asked

"A few of us are heading up to the new Italian place that opened up down the street" Steve explained. "Do you want to join us?"

When I had looked online there was so much on the menu that sounded delicious, but I couldn't waste the opportunity of everyone being gone. I knew Bucky wouldn't be going either, he rarely joined us on group outings aside from missions.

"No thanks," I shrugged.

"How about if I take you tomorrow night?" Sam teased, throwing his arm over my shoulder

"You asking me on a date Wilson?" I asked him grinning at his attempt

"Hell yeah, what guy wouldn't ask you out?" He walked us over towards the others. "Steve, would you date a pretty little thing like y/n?"

Steve looked at me and saw me holding back a diss after the 'pretty little' comment.

"She is a lovely lady Sam, yes. I'd be honored if she chose me as her date". Steve replied. I smiled at him and his safe response. Ever the gentleman.

"Buck, what about you?" Sam held back a laugh. Bucky stared at him with a glare to show he wasn't going to let him get away with this.

"It's ok Bucky you don't have to listen to this pigeon" I giggled, throwing his arm off my shoulder finally and walking away. "Oh and by the way Sam. If you call me a 'pretty little thing' ever again, then the next time we're training together I'll make sure you land on your ass ... Then your face"

As I walked down the hall I heard running behind me. When I turned I saw Sam rush by me with Bucky closely following him. He flashed me a stunning smile as he slowed down to a halt.

"Hey, I don't know if this will help or not but I would have said yes," Bucky told me.

I smiled at the floor, "Yeah I figured as much. Oh hey listen, do you mind if I train with you later tonight? I feel like you have some fighting tactics that I could do with."

"um..." he paused, quickly weighing up the pros and cons. "... It's just that...well, Training is such a personal and therapeutic thing for me".

Half true. He also didn't know how to be alone with me, and his feelings for me, for that amount of time.

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