(Seb) Audition

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'Shit shit shit' I thought as I ran into the building. The receptionist already looking me up and down with judgment.

"Hello hi yes I'm y/n, I'm here for an audition" I fumbled

"Third floor, first door on your right" she pointed behind her with a pen.

"Thank you" I smiled as I ran past her.

I headed up the stairs and stopped right before the door to catch my breath. As I opened the door I saw a room full of people reading notes and quickly took a seat on an empty chair.

I pulled out my notebook to reread my audition script one last time.

A second door opened and a well dressed man looked down at his clipboard. "Samantha?" He shouted.

A girl across from me stood up and entered the second room. I could see her nerves from here. None of us knew what we were auditioning for, but I recognised a few from my agency. Our firm, and a few others had received an open invitation for castings a few days ago. It simply read to 'prepare something real'.

One by one girls were called in and left shortly after. Some looking very pleased with themselves and others cursing under their breath.

Eventually I was the last girl called, which frustrated me as I'd been rushing so much to get here on time.

When I entered the second room I noticed a panel sat in the corner of 3 men and 1 woman. I smiled politely at them and stood on the X in the centre.

"Miss y/n?" The woman asked me

"Yes hello" I did a little wave that I immediately regretted.

"Tell us, what experience of acting do you have?" She asked me

"Well honestly not a lot. I've been in a few TV pilots but nothing that made it to air. Mostly local theatre productions" I explained

The woman leaned over and whispered to her colleague which unsettled me a bit. I took a breath and decided to be bold. Go big or go home right?

"But sometimes I think a fresh face is a good thing" I spoke confidently. The man on the far end of the panel sat forward and smirked at me. "Yes, having major big name actors draws fans and funding to productions, but fresh faces give a chance to be unique. Audiences won't know their tells or their range. They'll experience the story as a story, and won't paint characters as bias stereotypes. For example, if you see a certain actor in a movie they usually play the same 'type' of role. I don't have a type yet."

They made a few notes and then looked back at me.

"That's an interesting point" the man smiled at me more. "Do you have a piece prepared?"

I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Wait." The same man suddenly said, "I want to try something".

The others looked confused but intrigued where this was going. He stood up and walked towards me.

"My name's Sebastian " He introduced himself and reached out to me. I shook his hand and nodded back. "Ever done improv?"

I shook my head. "But the call was for real so lay it on me" I smiled

He winked at me and turned back to the panel, "ready?" He asked them. They sat forward.

He placed his hand on the dip of my waist and the other on my cheek.

"You're amazing, d'you know that?" He spoke softly while he brushed his thumb over me. I quickly worked out that he was an actor too by his change in demeanour.

The fact that he was gorgeous also made it super easy to go along with whatever the hell this was.

'Real. They want real.' I told myself

I looked away from Sebastian and pushed him away harshly. "No! You don't get to say that! Not after everything."

Sebastian seemed stunned by the scene change, like he was expecting me to just turn this into immediate romance.

"But baby I..." He muttered

"You think you can just come back and touch me the way you used to? Or talk to me like you did?" I fake cried just to add a little more to the scene

"She meant nothing!" Sebastian said firmly to me, stepping closer.

I pretended to grab a knife off a counter and pointed it at him. "Take one more step and I swear to god you'll see what nothing really looks like!" My voice shook with anger.

Sebastian put his hands up defensively "Okay okay fine. Just put the knife down..." He continued to walk towards me.

"I mean it!" I forced my body to shake and my words to rasp.

Sebastian leaped forward and we began this act of fighting over the knife. I had no idea where this would go so I decided to do what I know will end a scene. Die.

I jumped a little and gasped. Holding my stomach as I stumbled back. I pretended to cough blood as I fell to my knees.

Sebastian caught on and quickly ran his hands in his hair with variations of "no no no" coming out. He knelt beside me as I fell to the ground and looked him in the eyes.

"I...I..." I stuttered. I grabbed his collar and pulled his close, "I hope you remember this imagine for the rest of your life" I smirked and I proceeded to fake die.

The panel were silent right up until that point. They clapped and stood up. Right on cue Sebastian offered me a hand to stand up and I smiled around at the room.

"We'll be in touch for sure" the woman nodded at me.

I looked at Sebastian who was smiling widely at me as I left the room. I lingered at the door to hear them say how that was the best audition of the day so I was on cloud 9.

As I headed down the stairs I heard footsteps behind me and saw Sebastian catching up.

"Hey, that was a great audition" He told me

"Thanks." I replied, "hopefully they'll give me a callback"

"Well I shouldn't say but some of the other girls today don't have a hope in hell. But they're thinking of straight giving you the part" He revealed

"Oh my god, really? After that?" I was stunned, "but that was like a 5 minute scene?"

"Yeah but it wasn't just the scene. It's everything about you. Your presence in the room, your adaptability. Hell, I was sold at that whole 'fresh face's speech"

I looked a little embarrassed, "honestly I was trying to save my ass"

"Well you did great." He reassured me. "I'm the male lead in the movie too so we'll be seeing a lot of each other WHEN you get the part" He smiled.

"If" I reminded him

"Not if I have any say in it, which I totally do by the way" He laughed "here, take my number. If I can't convince them to hire an actress like you then I can at least get you set up with a few more auditions"

He scribbled his number on my notebook. "Thanks." I shyly told him, "and good luck, you know, if I don't get the part"

I walked outside and down the street to head home, still processing what a crazy afternoon I just had. Sebastian watched me walk away thinking the exact same thing.

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