(Seb) Drawings Pt2

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As requested by ... a few of you!

As I got home I put my things down and turned on my TV to switch my mind off. A few ads were in and a trailer came on for one of the new Marvel movies. I never really got into any of them so I was only giving it half of my attention before I sprang up from my seat. I reached for the remote and hit rewind and pause. And there he was. Sebastian. My blue-eyed muse.

I quickly scrambled for my phone, intending to text him straight away about it. But then I paused, thinking about the opportunity that had been presented to me for a bit of mischief.

Me: Hey Sebastian, it's y/n from the diner. The 'struggling, broke artist". Just wanted to check that I didn't get you into any trouble at work by being late.

No reply. I place my phone face down to ignore the lack of notifications coming through.

I ended up falling asleep in front of the TV with my snacks. What a catch. No wonder I haven't been able to hold down a relationship since my ex left.

Instinctively I looked at my phone to check the time and sat up straight when I read his name plastered on my screen.

Sebastian: Hey you. I'm sorry for not replying sooner, work has this 'no phone' rule in certain places. But don't worry, I didn't get in any trouble. How was the rest of your day?

The word 'work' made ne laugh to myself. He was being so secretive about what I already knew.

Me: Pretty uneventful. Just watching a couple of movies.

Sebastian: Anything good?

Me: yeah they're okay. There's this one actor I really like. I can't remember his name. But he does quite a few movies I enjoy, and he's pretty cute.

I was fucking with him and laughing at the idea of him trying to figure out if I meant him or not.
But it was far from the truth.

On the other side of the messages, Sebastian had started to panic slightly. His interaction with me had been one of the most natural, and normal that he had experienced since being cast in the MCU. There had been girls previously who had pretended not to know who he was, and it made it hard for him to trust those outside of his inner circle.

Sebastian: Oh yeah? Name a few movies I might know who he is.

I thought carefully about my response, not wanting to give myself away just yet.

Me: Devil All The Time, a couple of Spiderman movies

'shit' he thought 'she knows. Goddamnit'

Me: Tom something I don't know. He's pretty cute. But I'm not a big comic book fan - which is weird for an artist lol

Sebastian laughed to himself. He couldn't wait to tell Anthony this one.

Sebastian: Tom Holland? I think you're out of luck he's taken

Me: Shoot, better luck next time eh? 

He scrambled to find an excuse to meet up again without coming across as too forward or creepy.
While I was trying to find a way to bring up my new revelation.

Sebastian: Hey, so do you have any plans on Friday night? A couple of my friends are having this small get-together and a few of them work in art and design. Might be a good networking opportunity for you?

Me: That sounds great. But I'm actually helping to host a show at our gallery that weekend. My stuff has been chosen anonymously by the board too for a featured slot so I'm kind of excited about it.

Sebastian: wow that sounds great! From what I saw you definitely deserve a slot.

Over time the next few days, we had texted here and there about what we were doing and our days. He remained cryptic about his job though.

When Friday came I was a nervous wreck. I must have changed my outfit about 10 times so I looked good, and felt good, but blended in. I got a text that morning from Sebastian wishing me 'good luck'.

I headed out the door and arrived at the gallery. For the first 2 hours, I mingled with the crowd, looking at the artwork from the other artists.

The night quickly turned when I was eavesdropping on people's conversations about my work. Because the work was anonymous they had no idea it was mine, they were used to me being there as a host anyway.

"What does this even represent?"
"There's no emotion on any piece of this canvas"
"I guess they give anyone a slot on the wall these days"

I was so upset. This was my whole life. I drank the rest of the wine in my glass and planned to abandon the whole evening.

"I think it's brave". My ears pricked up at the positive coming through the noise. "They're clearly trying to capture the unordinary ordinary of the city"

I looked through the crowd to find the person who understood my point of view.

"Sebastian?!" I shouted a little too loud for the setting.

He stood there smiling at me in his black suit and tie.

"Hey, there she is" He walked up to me and kissed my cheek. I blushed so hard that even the dimly lit room couldn't hide it.

"I thought you had a party to go to?" I asked him

"Meh, I'll catch the next one. It's not every day you get chosen for your passion to be displayed"

"I kinda wish I hadn't" I shrugged while looking around at the crowd. "People don't seem to like it"

He looked at me sadly, "That isn't what art is about though is it? Hell, if every artist wanted to draw or paint stuff to please the masses then we'd live in a dull, drab world. And your work highlights that. It takes the lesser-seen ordinary day and makes it seem like the most amazing thing that happened all year"

I smile at him. It was so refreshing to hear someone finally understand my work. "Yeah, that's why I drew you that day at the diner." I confessed, "I saw a guy sitting at a counter, reading a pile of papers. And that could be anyone reading the most important thing about their day. A contract? Adoption papers? That's the thing it's all subjective."

He smiled at me proudly. And with a hint of enjoyment that he still was under the impression I still saw him as 'an ordinary guy' and not some famous actor.

"screw this I'm going to keep working on what makes me happy. I make enough money hosting these galleries anyway. My art can just be for me" I laughed

"and me!" he laughed, "I actually have a small confession to make"

I tried to look surprised as I thought he would instantly reveal his true career to me.

"I bought some of your work tonight" he admitted

"You what?!"

"Yeah the three over on the far wall. They're all downtown Brooklyn right?" he asked as I nodded.

"Seb?" I looked up to him and sighed "I actually have a confession too"

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