(Bucky) Stalker

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Request by: bvckybarnes107 - Stalker

Being an Avenger made a few things a certainty. Two of those things included the press and the fans. I never really minded either.

Taking a selfie with a few people walking down the street or signing an autograph or two never bothered me. And the press tours were more political anyway, keeping the public on our side and keeping investors happy.

It was usually the same handful of us who represented the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Bruce, Sam and me. Fury described us as 'easier to take' than the others.

Nat usually spoke her mind, which the PR team never liked. Wanda and Vision were private and often caused fear with how powerful they are. And Bucky never really liked to be social.

We had just finished a mission that spilled over into the city. Bucky and I had been the face of the rescue operation for the members of the public caught in the crossfire. So they decided this time he had to be there.

"Barnes I'm sorry but it's nonnegotiable" Fury sternly told Bucky

"Bullshit I'm not some media puppet who is going to smile and pretend to be all warm and friendly" Bucky huffed. "y/n has it handled she does this shit all the time"

"Honestly I really do" I joined in. Fury shot me an angry look that quickly made me go back to being an observer.

"Look the board wants you there." Fury explained, "Those civilians saw you today. The REAL you. Not The Winter Soldier."

"He's right Buck" Steve joined in, "you know we've been restricting your missions by distance for that reason. They're not scared of you anymore"

"Well, they should be!" Bucky slammed his hand on the desk making me jump.

"Hey," I leaned close to him. We'd become close the past few months since I had joined the team. He quickly trusted me and became comfortable talking openly about his mind. "You're more scared of you than anyone else."

I flashed him a comforting smile and he nodded at me. "Fine. But I'll only answer ONE question"

"Deal" Fury agreed. "Press conference is in an hour people go clean up. God damn rubble all up in my carpet come on"

As we all left to our rooms to prep for the conference I invited Bucky to my room. He never needed to do much to look handsome anyway.

As I got changed he looked away out of respect and began rambling to avoid awkwardness.

"So how do these things go anyway?" He asked facing the wall.

I laughed at how he looked but continued to change. "Well, Tony normally gives some prewritten administrative speech about what happened and what we did. Then the journalists ask a bunch of questions about 'why couldn't you do this' or 'what about the taxpayers?'. Then they open up a few fan questions. It's normally the same guys in the back but they ask some hilarious things"

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