(Bucky) Stare

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"Come on Buck we never go to any of Tony's parties" I pleaded to him while applying the finishing touches to my makeup.

"That's because half of the people there only talk to me about my arm. And the other half look at you like a piece of meat" he grunted, still half-dressed, and sat on our bed.

"Sometimes you look at me like that" I teased him by throwing a cheeky look through my vanity mirror

"Honey I'm your boyfriend. I'm allowed to gaze at your beauty" he smirked back at my reflection. He threw himself backward on our bed and sighed, already feeling the defeat. "You're not going to take no for an answer are you?"

I turned and giggled at his protest before deciding I needed to step up my game. I slowly walked over to the bed, my heels clicking on the floor. I hiked up my dress and crawled up his legs until I was straddling over his hips.

I grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled him up slightly, "Listen here soldier" I assertively whispered, "You and I, we are going downstairs in about 10 minutes to attend Tony's party. We are going to make small talk, dance, and have a bit of goddamn fun for once. Whether I have to drag you there or not." I raised my eyebrows at him.

Bucky smirked immediately at my attempt at dominance. "10 minutes you say?" he reached his hands to rest on my waist and grip me.

I released his collar and placed my hands on top of his, pushing them back towards him. "Yes sir, 10 minutes for you to put on the rest of your suit and get yourself together."

I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before climbing off him. Bucky let out a low groan at my absence but proceeded to follow me in getting ready.

As I stood looking in the full-length mirror I smoothed out my dress and did the final touches to my hair. Bucky had got changed and walked behind me to kiss my neck. "You look breathtaking Doll" he whispered in my ear

"I know" I giggled and turned to walk away. But I was stopped as he tightly gripped my arm with his hand.

"And you know calling me sir gets you what you want"

"Again, I know" I smiled at his stern face and kissed him. "Come on we're going to be late. And I promise we don't have to stay long. Then you can tell me again how I'm being such a brat"

Bucky shook his head and smirked as we left our room to head for the elevator. He pushed his elbow out so I could link my arm to his, something we'd naturally done since we started dating. It felt old-fashioned but I loved it.

The party was as beautiful as expected, and grandiose in its decorations and guests. A few shield agents had taken up most of the bar space playing drinking games, the team sat together as usual, a few journalists were skulking around taking notes, and some higher executives were bragging about their summer homes.

I felt Bucky tense up as he looked around the room. I stroked his arm with mine to reassure him and took the lead on taking us over to the team.

"Wow look who showed up for once!" Nat laughed

"Yeah we thought we'd better make an appearance at this one to get Tony off our backs" I joked back.

Steve walked over to Bucky, "Buck hey, you gotta meet this vet I was talking to over here. He's got some great stories. Y/n can I steal him for a few moments?"

"Of course" I let go of his arm as Steve led him away

"Be real with me, how much did it take to get him here?" Nat asked me

"It took a bit of female persuasion, but I'm sure I'll pay for it later" I chuckled

"Yeah girl" Nat lifted her glass to toast me which reminded me to get a drink of my own.

"I'll be right back I'm heading to the bar. Need a refill?" I asked her

"Sure. It's an open bar so just grab us a bottle of champagne and 2 glasses"

"No problem". I headed to the bar and found a gap near the end as I patiently waited for my turn to be served.

"y/n? Right?" A male voice asked me. I turned to see a stranged leaning on the bar with a stupid flirting pout on his face

"Yeah, it is" I confirmed then turned my attention back to the bartender.

"Yeah, I've seen your work. Very impressive stuff." he continued, "I'm actually about to complete my shield training myself. Top of the class on the shooting range."

I rolled my eyes at his feeble attempt to impress me. "Cool yeah"

"I know you specialize in range right? Pretty hot on the sniper trigger"

"That's me yep" I kept my answers short and my head turned away to avoid his gaze. It wasn't getting through to him though as I felt him shuffle closer towards me.

"Maybe you can come to the range sometime and give me a masterclass?" he asked hopefully

I turned to him with a huff, "Don't you have an instructor for that?"

He placed his hand on my hip, "I'd much rather have you boss me around"

I breathed in so I could start breaking him down with words, but before I had finished inhaling his face had begun to contort with pain.

Bucky had gripped his wrist and tore it away from my hip. As he squeezed onto his wrist I swear I could hear the agent whimper slightly.

"Touch her again and I swear I will break every bone in your hand so badly that you will never even be able to hold a weapon again" he growled.

He threw his hand back to him and the agent shook his wrist before sliding away.

"Can't leave you alone for a minute can I?" Bucky chuckled

"Not that you ever want to anyway" I smiled back, "I thought Steve had swooped you away?"

"Yeah, Sam brought a few of the vets from the hall down. They're nice guys. Some of them have missing parts too so it's nice to be around a crowd who doesn't stare. I'm just getting drinks for them"

I proudly listened to Bucky talk, I loved hearing about his feelings and thoughts to me. He's usually so reserved when we go out but this seems like it was doing him some good.

We both got our drinks and kissed quickly before separating once again.

Throughout the night I looked over briefly at him laughing with the guys. I was happy other people were finally getting to see the real Bucky who I fell in love with.

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