(Bucky) Sabotage

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Bucky had been kicking himself all week for not feeling brave enough to ask me out on a date.

Burning building? Sure
Room full of cyber soldiers? No problem
Frigging aliens? Come at me!

But opening up about his own feelings and being vulnerable, well that was a whole different type of battle.

So when he heard the news that I had a date on Saturday night he was furious with himself. Caught in the conflict of wanting me to be happy, but with him.

He'd seen me talk to Nat and Wanda all week about what to wear and how to style my hair. He huffed, thinking how anything would look stunning on me as long as I wore my smile.

On Saturday Bucky was training his frustration out in the gym with Tony and Sam to avoid looking at the clock and counting down until my date.

"Dude you've got to let her try and be happy" Sam said, playing safe while being supportive.

Tony was more direct in his approach. "You've had plenty of time Barnes. And she's an incredible woman. Someone was bound to take a shot if you didn't"

Bucky gave him an annoyed side glance and put his weights down. "But what if she didn't know rhat she had another option?"

"She also could have asked you out Buck" Sam pointed out

"No forget that. You've been too 'nice guy friend' for her" Tony interrupted, "and now you're just upset that you could have done more"

"He's right" Bucky nodded in annoyance as he sat down to drink some water

"Look, if this date doesn't work out THEN make some kind of move. But right now she's up there getting ready and looking good for him" Sam crouched next to Bucky.

"And you can still change that" Tony suggested

"No, that's not what I was saying Stark" Sam stood to look at him

"Yeah but that's what I am saying. It's just a date Sam don't be so serious here"

"You remember how women you toss aside?" Sam asked as his raised one of his eyebrows

"Touche. But. That doesn't mean that'll be the case here. " Tony pushed past Sam, "Listen here Barnes. Imagine this going well. Imagine this is the guy she falls for and marries, has kids with, grows old with. Can you handle that? Because that shit is gonna hurt 10x more than this right now"

Bucky looked down as he shook his head, not wanting to even hear those possibilities.

"If I stop the date then I look like the bad guy" Bucky put to them

"Who said anything about stopping it?" Tony smirked. Sam shook his head, already not agreeing with whatever scheme was coming.

After I had finished getting ready I headed downstairs. I had told my date to wait outside in his car, but when I came into the main lounge I saw him having a drink with the guys.

I rolled my eyes, "oh god that can't be good" I joked

Tony laughed, "Nothing to worry about sweetie, just telling him a few embarrassing stories"

"Like when you ran so fast on a mission you fell face first into the snow" Sam laughed

"Or that time the trainee agent was working in his sword skills and cut a chunk of hair off you" Tony continued

"And what about you?" I asked Bucky.

He hadn't taken his eyes off me since I walked in the room. Was my outfit too revealing or my make up too heavy or something? I know he wouldn't call me out infront of company because he's a gentleman, so I made a mental note to ask him later.

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