(Bucky) The Dance Hall

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Request by: bvckybarnes107 - 1940s fluff

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Request by: bvckybarnes107 - 1940s fluff

I placed my white comb down on top of my dresser once I had completed the finishing touches.

"You look like a movie star," my little sister Lola told me while she sat on my bed. "You got all the good looks in this family" she pouted.

I giggled, "Yeah but you got the brains for sure. You're doing to be working up with those rocket guys before I'm even sure what I want to do with my life".

"No that's wrong" she corrected me, "those guys are going to be working FOR me"

I smiled with pride at her before turning my attention back to the mirror. I carefully brushed my lips with a cherry shade of lipstick to match my dress and heels.

"Those soldiers at the hall ain't gonna know what hit 'em" Lola chuckled as I twirled to show her my final look.

"Well I've only got my eye on one" I winked. I air-kissed her cheek to not ruin my makeup and headed for the door. "Dinner is on the stove for you. Don't stay up too late listening to that darn radio either"

"Worry about yourself!" Lola shoved me out of the door playfully.

The Dance Hall wasn't far from our home. Maybe about 10 minutes at most. Safe enough for me to walk there while it was still kind of light. I usually would hail a cab back if I stayed too late though.

I could hear the crowd and music more clearly as I got closer. The buzz was energetic tonight due to the 'Farewell' dance before our boys were shipped off to war.

"Y/N!" I hear someone shout. I turned and saw little Stevey Rogers waving me down. I returned a small wave before freezing in my path when I saw him again. Mr. James Barnes, or Bucky as we called him.

I had been harboring a crush on him since we were youngsters. I decided long ago he was the man I was going to marry and spend my life with. When we were 6 we were playing down an alleyway when some punk kid pulled my hair. Bucky didn't even hesitate to defend my honor and scare him away. I had never told him about my feelings for him out of fear of chasing him away. But they were going to war tomorrow so I had decided in advance that tonight would be the night that he finds out.

"Doll?" Bucky snapped me out of my memory. They were both now standing in front of me.

"Evening boys" I giggled, "Oh Stevey, my friend Elizabeth with be here soon for you. Can't have you ship off without a final dance can we?"

"No ma'am we can't" Steve laughed, "you coming in?" he pointed to the hall

"Do you mind if I talk to our beautiful lady here for a moment Steve?" Bucky asked. I brushed hard when he called me beautiful and had to tilt my head away so he didn't see.

Steve looked at us both, smiled, and walked away.

"Look at you in your uniform" I smiled while reaching up and fixing his collar, "Sargent Barnes eh?"

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