(Bucky) The Bar

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Request by Lou_Laufeyson-Barnes

"Come on y/n, just one drink to celebrate," Jenna said to me, putting in her earrings.

"I don't know," I shrugged, placing my book down, "my clients lay down some heavy stuff on me today so I'm not exactly in a going out kind of mood."

"But I need to celebrate!" Jenna tried to persuade me. She had just been offered a new promotion at the job that she had worked so hard for. I felt bad that I was declining the offer, but when you spend all day listening to other people's problems it can really get to you.

"Just go and enjoy yourself" I continued, "You always make friends when you go out anyway".

"But you're my BEST friend". She crawled up to me and literally got on her knees to beg. "Pleeeaasseee".

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Fine" I gave in, "but I'm only staying for one, I'm not dancing OR dressing up"

"Yeah, that's fine!" She agreed knowing that my offer was better than nothing.

We got changed together. Jenna had moved in around 2 years ago to be my roommate and we clicked instantly. She was like the sister I never had. Even though we were very different people. She was an extroverted hairdresser who always looked like she stepped out of a magazine, and I was an introverted bookworm who worked as a therapist. Yet we still found comfort in each other's personalities.

We took a cab down to a bar she knew downtown, Rounds. There wasn't a line to get in but one security guy on the door, who she of course knew. "Hi, Paul!" She waved at him. We couldn't go anywhere without her bumping into someone, even grocery shopping.

"My my Jenna you get more fabulous each time I see you" he flirted, "who is your friend?"

"Oh this is y/n" she introduced me and I did a little wave. "She's my roommate. You lettin' us in?"

"Of course, have a good night ladies, and be safe" he opened the door for us to go in. As we entered the bass of the music hit us and the chatter of people filled my sense. I had no idea it would be so busy on a weekday.

Jenna grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bar. She waved over a cute bartender, "Two shots of tequila!" She ordered

"Jenna!" I protested, "I said one drink"

"They're for me silly" she laughed and turned back to the bartender, "and two long island ice teas". He nodded and walked away to make them. Jenna scanned the room. "Lot of cute guys in here eh?"

"I guess" I shrugged. I had never really been focused on dating. My life so far had been poured into my education and now my work. Jenna had brought a few guys back to the apartment but I never liked the idea of a one-night stand.

"Oh come on y/n" she nudged my arm, "you haven't had a guy over since we moved in together"

"I'm just busy" I excused. The bartender passed us our drinks and we took a sip, and Jenna took her shots. She pointed out a tall, blonde guy on the dancefloor.

"That's my guy for the night" she giggled, "can you watch my stuff if you're not dancing?" She asked, already setting her things down

"Sure" I agreed as she danced over to him. No surprise he immediately clocked her and began to dance and flirt back. She always got her pick.

I turned back around to face the bar and sighed. I was broken from my thoughts by a tall guy coming up next to me.

"hey" he introduced himself, "I'm Tom"

"Hi," I shortly said, not really wanting to engage with him.

"Your friend over there kind of stole my friend so I thought I'd come and steal hers" he smugly laughed like he was so proud of his joke. I politely smiled back, "So, what's your name?"

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