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A/N howdy 😳 still alive bitches. Also, I'm trying to put myself on an updating schedule. This is long over due and I'm not going to rush the ending, I'm going to finish this book the way I intended too. Updates will be somewhat frequent, thank u for waiting for me throughout my little hiatus *shivers*

Also TW!: tyty has panic attack, I'll put stars when it starts and ends! Skip if ur uncomfy. He does cry throughout the whole chapter tho

Tyler wakes up, his head pounding severely, making him want to throw up. He sits up and groans, trying to look around but realizing it's pitch black. He places a hand on his head and winces, noticing he has an open wound. Fear settles inside the boy and he backs into the wall. It's cold and made of cement.

The floor is also made of cement, his bare legs are against them. Tyler shivers and wraps his arms around himself, he then notices he's not wearing any clothes besides his underwear.

No, he thinks to himself. He tries to remember previous events, but all he can remember is waiting outside in the cold for Josh to come and escape with him and Jerome.

Tyler rushes to stand, he tries to run but falls flat on his face. He groans in pain and his head gets worse. On his ankle, there is a handcuff attached to a chain, the chain leads to the wall. Tyler feels around and notices it's attached to a pole.

"No, no, no, no, not again," Tyler mumbles out. His heart beats even faster. He sits up and fumbles with the handcuffs, trying to open them to free his ankle.

Eventually he gives up and let's out a defeated huff. Tyler backs against the wall again and inhales deeply, smelling a disgusting rotting smell. It hurts his nose and makes him more dizzy. As he exhales, tears stream down his face. He sobs quietly, reliving when Josh kidnapped him.


Where is Josh?


"Josh?" Tyler calls out, he nearly chokes on his own sob. "Josh? J-Jish? Please Josh," Tyler cries loudly and starts hyperventilating uncontrollably. The putrid air enters his lungs.

"J-Josh!" He cries out, hoping he hears a response. Tyler wipes his tears and starts crawling around as far as he can without the chain stopping him.

He feels around, trying to find Josh, but instead, he touches something cold. He feels around more and screams. It's a body.

He backs away again and curls up into a ball in the corner of the room, trying to warm himself up.

"J-Josh, please," he chokes on his sobs. His breathing gets worse. His hands shake and his mind becomes foggy.

Tyler's chest tightens, he gasps for air but gets none. "Please! Josh, help!" He coughs violently and his tears begin to burn his eyes.

He rubs them, trying to clear them. Where is Josh? Tyler let's out a loud scream of frustration before laying on the cold ground, trying not to pass out.


Tyler closes his eyes. In and out. In and out. Breathe Tyler, just breathe.

He counts his breathing, in for four and out for four. That's what his daddy taught him. Tyler remains on the floor, not wanting to search for anything else in that room. Where is he? Was that Josh's body? Don't think like that Tyler.

Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing a figure that blocks the light. "J-Josh?" Tyler whispers out. As the person gets closer, the light gets brighter. Tyler sees the familiar ginger haired male.

"Jerome! H-Help, g-get me out!" Tyler's never been so thankful to see him before until now. Tyler sits up and shields his body, not wanting Jerome to look at him, even if it's just underwear.

The ginger smiles, Tyler could fully see him now. As Jerome flashes his crazy grin, Tyler realizes that Jerome isn't here to save him.

"Awh! TyTy, you poor, sweet innocent baby boy," Jerome crouches down and places a hand on Tyler's cheek, stroking his cheek and clearing up his tears.

"Who do you think put you in here? Hmm? The boogie man?" Jerome stands up and places his hand on the wall. Tyler hears a click and the lights turn on.

There on his left, is a dead body, stripped to their underwear and blood leaking from their body, practically all dry. A part of him is glad that it isn't Josh, but he knows he should feel bad for the victim instead of focusing on Josh.

Tyler screams again in fear. Jerome laughs loudly and screams, mocking Tyler. "Relax TyGuy! Just be good or you'll end up like my little friend here," Jerome approaches the body and lifts the head by the hair.

Tyler gags and closes his eyes. Jerome continues laughing and drops the head, making a splat sound. Tyler grimaces and keeps his mouth shut.

"Now that you know I'm serious," Jerome dusts his hands off on his pants. "I want you to tell me everything you know about Gerard and his little gang," Jerome sits down in front of Tyler and crosses his legs. He rests his elbows on his thighs and let's his head rest on the palm of his hands.

He stares at Tyler like a child, waiting to hear their parent tell them a bedtime story. Tyler gulps and looks at the maniac. "N-No, I don't know anything, please, let me go, I'll do anything," Tyler begs, getting on his knees in front of Jerome.

"Wrong answer," Jerome suddenly backhands Tyler, making him yelp and let out a whine. He grabs his cheek, trying to sooth the stinging sensation in his cheek. "Now tell me what you know," Jerome growls out. He grabs Tyler's jaw and turns his head, making the brunette look at him.

"Tell me!" He shouts. Tyler cries more and avoids eye contact. Jerome groans and pushes Tyler away. "You're useless. I guess I'll have to leave you alone for longer down here till you tell me what I want to know," Jerome stands up and turns off the light. The only light that enters the room is from the door, just like before.

"N-No, please no! I don't know-know anything I swear! J-Josh kidnapped me and-and I've been with him ever since! Please, I'm sorry," Tyler explains, trying to convince Jerome he knows nothing about Josh and Gerard. He's a victim, not a crime lord.

"Don't give me that bullshit. I see the way you look at him. I see the way he looks at you," Jerome walks to the door. "Call me when you're ready," he slams the door shut as he walks out, leaving Tyler in the dark again.

The little once again screams in frustration. He's alone. He's all alone. He doesn't have anyone to save him. He doesn't have anyone with him.

Not his daddy, not Josh.

No one.

He's all alone.

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