Hippity Hoppity You Are Now My Property

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A/N love the title ngl

"Tyler, we need to celebrate," Josh says while putting on his shoes.

"What? Celebrate what?" Tyler asks while getting off the bed and walking over to Josh.

"Nothing, I just want an excuse to go to a bar, come on, you're coming with me," Josh says while handing Tyler's shoes to him.

Jack always made sure Tyler didn't drink any alcohol, he was told it's bad for his body and makes people act differently so Tyler never drank anything with the substance.

"But... I don't wanna go," Tyler says quietly.

"Do you know how to drive?" Josh asks, Tyler shrugs a bit and sticks his hand out, shaking it a bit to show he sorta knows how too.

"There we go, problem solved, you can drive my drunk ass home. Tomorrow we gotta go do more illegal shit," Josh says. Tyler puts on his shoes and lets out a sigh.

Looks like they're going to a bar...


Tyler and Josh enter the bar using their passports as ID. Stupids. They could easily lose their passports in the bar.

When they enter Tyler already felt uncomfortable. There's lots of people basically screaming over the loud music to hear each other, some are grinding against each other in the corner, others are making out intensely. Tyler just wants to go back to the hotel.

They head straight to the bar and take a seat, Josh orders a few shots while Tyler just ordered a water.

Tyler sips his water and looks around, he starts feeling uncomfortable when he notices a bunch of guys staring at him. Tyler looks down at his outfit, he's wearing a pair of Josh's skinny jeans which is ass looks great in and a dark blue sweater over a white shirt. Josh on the other hand was looking like a total savage.

He's wearing black jeans with a tight black shirt, a leather jacket as well. When did he get the jacket? Who fucking knows what that guy packed.

Tyler scoots the stool closer to Josh's, Josh notices and raises an eyebrow but ignores it and lets the boy stay close.


"Tyyyler!" Josh yells over the loud music. Tyler giggles a bit. Josh is silly when he's drunk.

"You are one cute baby, look at youuuu!" Josh ruffles Tyler's hair before hugging him tightly.

"You so cute and tiny, little man," Josh giggles more and kisses Tyler cheeks. He continues whispering compliments about Tyler but the little couldn't hear since the music is so loud.

"Josh, I'm gonna use the bathroom!" Tyler calls out, over the loud music. Josh nods his head and lets Tyler disappear.

Tw: rape attempt

Tyler walks into the bathroom, he does his business and washes his hands. As Tyler's drying them a man walks into the bathroom, he's about two inches taller than Tyler and pretty muscular.

"Hey pretty boy," the male says while blocking the exit. Tyler blushes a bit at the nickname.

"H-Hello, can y-you please move?" Tyler asks, his heart starts beating against his best. The guy snickers a bit.

"What's in it for me?" He asks with a smirk. Tyler shrugs his shoulders not wanting to talk.

"Come on pretty boy, what's a little boy like you doing here all alone?" The weirdo male asks.

"I-I'm not alone n-now S-sir please move," Tyler begs. He can't help but slowly fall into little space.

"Where are they then hm?" He takes a step closer to Tyler, Tyler takes a step back.

"H-He's o-out there," Tyler points to the door, at this point he's shaking.

The stranger places his hands firmly on Tyler's hips, the little bursts into tears and starts squirming around.

"L-Let go!" Tyler cries out loudly. The man shoved Tyler against the wall, he turns him around and grabs Tyler's ass, he presses himself against the little.

The little lets out loud cries and tries breaking free but it doesn't work.

"Josh!" Tyler shouts. Suddenly his pants are being yanked down.

"No! Let go!" Tyler screams as loud as he can, he guy groans and covers his ears for a bit, when Tyler doesn't stop he covered Tyler's mouth.

Tyler bites down on his finger, the man lets out a loud scream and Tyler tries to run but trips on his pants.

The stranger glares at Tyler, he stomps over to him and Tyler backs into a corner, he curls up in a ball.

The man was about to grab Tyler but the door flies open revealing a familiar red head.

"What the fuck!" Josh shouts loudly. Without hesitation he punches the man. His fist collides into the bad mans nose.

Josh begins beating the shit out of him.

"Don't you ever fucking touch him again! He's mine! He's fucking mine! That's my boy you fucking touch, he doesn't belong to you!" Josh says as he starts kicking the guy in the gut over and over again.

"You fucking see these?!" Josh shouts while grabbing the guys hair and staring into his neck, he gestures to the hickeys. "My boyfriend fucking gave them to me! He won't fucking ever mark you bitch! He's mine!" Josh shouts once more before slamming his head into the tile floor.

A/N ya'll safe

Josh grabs Tyler's hand and helps him stand. The red haired male pulls Tyler's pants up, he hugs Tyler tightly.

"Mine." He says rather aggressively. It sends shivers down his back.

"Hippity hoppity you are now my property," Josh says while booping Tyler's nose and slamming his lips onto Tyler's.

Hippity hoppity you are now my property? For some reason Tyler liked that idea...

Josh pulls back and kisses Tyler's forehead. He lets himself look Tyler up and down, Tyler blushes a lot. "You're cute when you blush," Josh grins while running a thumb across Tyler's rosy cheeks.

Josh looks around and notices some guys looking at Tyler. Josh wraps an arm around Tyler's waist protectively and leads him back to where they were sitting.

Josh leans over to Tyler a bit and starts kissing his neck softly. Tyler then realizes how protective Josh is.

Holy shit, does Josh actually consider Tyler his?

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