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The plane takes off and Tyler grips the seat tightly and shuts his eyes. Oh come on Tyler! You can manage being in a car crash but not being in an airplane?! Tyler thinks to himself.

He can't help but let out a quiet whine as his ears begin to pop. Tyler covers his ears, he knows that won't do anything but why not try?

Josh on the other hand is doing just fine. Besides the fact he really wants to talk to Tyler but he keeps ignoring him and when he does talk Josh gets mad... everything's just confusing for him at the moment, maybe he'll figure it out soon.

The redhead looks over to see Tyler with his eyes shut tightly and hands over his ears. Tyler's breathing is rather fast, Josh could tell the little isn't having a pleasant take off.

Josh hesitates before putting a hand on Tyler's thigh as a sign that everything's okay. It doesn't help so Josh slowly moves his hand in a circle. He doesn't know what to do to help and he can't help but think that what he's doing is rather sexual. He shrugs it off and soon enough Tyler relaxes.

The plane stops going up and everyone hears a ding signalling it's okay to start moving. Josh takes his hand away from the little, Tyler lets out a whine and pouts, he lowers his hands.

"What?" Josh asks with a smirk. Tyler blushes and rests his head against the window before letting out a few more whines.

"Can't help you if you don't talk," Josh states. Tyler's cheeks heat up even more and he crosses his arms.

Josh chuckles before putting his hand back on Tyler's thigh, the brunette smiles happily but Josh removes his hand which causes Tyler to pout again.

"Ah I see what's going on, you want me to keep my hand on your lap," Josh coos. Tyler nods his head slowly.


Tyler shuts his eyes and tries to fall asleep.


Tw: matUre SeXuaL StUfF

Tyler groans a bit and opens his eyes, he's feeling rather older than younger. He could tell he probably fell asleep for fifteen minutes.

Suddenly he feels a tingly sensation in his lower belly. Tyler blushes and looks down to see Josh's hand touching his area.

Ty's eyes travel up to Josh's face, he's asleep. The brunette gets more tingles as Josh's hand twitches in his sleep. Tyler whines a bit at the feeling, he gently moves Josh's hand away.

He sighs in relief but then his mind starts racing. The tingly feeling is still there and it's almost as if it's getting worse.

But it also gets worse when Josh's hand is there-

Tyler squeezes his thighs together in hope that'll do something but it does nothing. The little squirms around in his seat, not understanding what's going on. He's felt this before but it was long ago.

It gets more uncomfortable when he sees the tent in his pants. Tyler looks around before looking at Josh.

He shakes Josh gently until he wakes up.

"Huh? Are we here? Yowee wowee," Josh grumbles. Tyler shakes his head no and shakes Josh harder.

"Calm down, what's the- holy shit, I thought you'd be small," Josh says as he notices the problem Tyler has.

"Stop it! I don't know what to do!" Tyler whisper shouts. Josh raises an eyebrow.

"What you want me to help you, with your... problem?" Josh asks rather slowly. Tyler didn't know what he really meant by that but nodded his head.

"Yea TyTy, you're cute and everything but I don't believe this is a good time," Josh has fucked someone on an airplane before and would do it again but something about Tyler just makes him want to keep things slow.

Wait, Josh thinks of him that way? Josh's mind starts racing. He really thought of Tyler like that. No, he can't, he hates Tyler, Tyler is annoying, he always whines and he got them in a car crash- fuck he still likes Tyler.

"J-Joshie I don't know w-what to do!" Tyler whispers impatiently.

"Why do you want my help?!" Tyler's full on red now. If someone saw him they'd probably think he's dying and needs medical help or something.

"I-I dunno, you know like everything but how to be good so I thought you'd know what to do with the stupid feeling!" Josh doesn't know if he should feel offended or not but he's going to act like he's not.

"Tyler you're just going to have to sit through it okay? It'll go away eventually," Josh tells the little. He pouts and takes off his sweater while placing it in his lap.

Tyler shuts up and leans his head against the window, Josh looks at Tyler smiling a bit. Tyler has such beautiful hair, his brown eyes, his face, everything about him is pretty cute.

Josh face palms, no he can't be falling for some guy he kidnapped! Stay mean, you will not go soft over some... little! Josh tells himself.

Suddenly he's just itching to talk to Tyler. But does Tyler want to talk to him. Oh god what's happening? Since when is he scared and think like this?

"So how'd it even happen?" Josh asks, Tyler looks Josh in the eye before having his eyes travel down to Josh's hand.

"Y-Your hand, when y-you fell asleep, y-your hand s-slipping and and you know..." Tyler says shyly while sitting up properly and groaning.

"Ah, whoops," Josh says with a smirk. Tyler rolls his eyes and crosses his arms sassily.

"Calm down, jeez kid," Josh jokes.

"I'm not a kid!" Tyler argues.

"Prove it."

"I'm a big boy! M-m big Joshie!" Oh god josh is making him feel little again.

"That baby talk sure convinces me," Tyler whines loudly.

"Shh, you don't want people to hear you do you?" Josh says while smirking. Tyler opens his mouth before closing it.

"I hate you," Tyler says, Josh nods his head

"You're a bully," he nods again.

"You killed my boyfriend," Josh opens his mouth before closing it and resting his head on his palm.

"I really don't like you," Tyler says but Josh just ignores him.

"Talk to me!" Tyler whines and Josh turns to face him.

"Nuh uh baby boy, you're being grumpy," Josh says. Tyler's stomach gets more tingles as Josh calls him baby boy.

"Shut up!"

"See! Also very rude of you mister whatever your last name is, I can't remember it," Josh says.

"Josh stop it!"

"Okay!" Josh says while putting his hands in the air to gesture Tyler's dramatic response.

Tyler crosses his arms. He can't believe he got here and if now actually tagging along. If he leaves Josh will just find him again? Would he come back for him?

That conversation was like a repeat of earlier!

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