Saving Tyler

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A/N eeee hello! A friend of mine recently got super into twenty one pilots and now I'm getting back into it and it's motivating me to write!

Also TW for murder, guns, blood, violence, etc... stay say! It's throughout the chapter so if you're uncomfy please skip!

Tyler lays on the cold cement ground, groaning. His stomach rumbles and the injury on his head seems to be giving him a headache at every given moment. Tyler's given up, he's accepted the fact nobody is coming for him and he's going to die in a dark basement, next to a now rotting dead body.

His breathings heavy, goosebumps cover his skin in an attempt to warm his small, skinny frame. He closes his eyes, hoping sleep will take over. He doesn't know what time it is, he doesn't know what day it is either. All he knows is that he's going to die. His breathing steadies and he tries to think happy thoughts as he drifts off to sleep.


Shattering glass is heard from upstairs. Tyler jolts up and his eyes scan over the pitch black room. He then hears muffled yelling and screaming from upstairs.

The brunettes heart beats heavily against his chest and he shuffles into the corner, his eyes fixed on the door. Footsteps upstairs echo and Tyler hears gunshots.

This is it, I'm going to die. They're going to kill me.

The door swings open and Tyler sees a familiar figure, Jerome, who's also holding a gun. Tyler doesn't dare speak a word, he stares up at Jerome with big teary eyes. He slams the door shut and storms over to Tyler, barley being able to see him.

"You fucking bitch, how did he get here?!" He yells at Tyler. The brunette looks up at the outline of Jerome, confused. He's not sure who he even is.

He doesn't answer, resulting in Jerome grabbing his hair and yanking up. Tyler hisses out in pain. "Tell me!" He screams in Tyler's face. "Do you have a chip?! Did they use you as fucking bait?!" Jerome looks at the door at it swings open.

Tyler looks towards the door, almost blinded by the light. He squints and nearly screams when he sees him.

Josh is standing there, blood splattered all over himself and his gun pointing straight at Jerome. "Josh!" Immediately tears roll down Tyler's cheeks. All fear vanishes and he finds his mind shrinks for the first time in awhile.

Josh is here, Joshie is going to save me.

Josh is able to turn on the lights and keep his aim on Jerome. The ginger aggressively shoves Tyler back onto the ground and stands up, pointing his gun at Josh.

"I swear to fucking god, what did you do to him?" Josh asks, not daring to look away from Jerome. He's going to kill that bastard.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Jerome spits. He's not phased by Josh's aggression.

"Oh fuck off. Give him to me and you'll get to keep your life," Josh offers, giving Jerome a deal for his life. Jerome starts laughing like a maniac but keeps his aim on Josh.

"You're a funny man Josh! No wonder Tyler likes you so much," Jerome pinches Tyler's cheek, causing him to flinch back and whine.

Josh tries not to look at Tyler. He knows he'll break if he takes a look at his little in terrible condition, all because of him. He'll deal with it once he's done with Jerome.

"I'm not going to say it again. Give me Tyler," Josh extends his hand, waiting for Jerome to release Tyler from the chain.

The gingers laughing dies down and he giggles. He lowers his weapon and digs around in his pocket, pulling out a key. "Fine, if that's what you want," Jerome says, defeated and giving in easily.

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