The Higher I Get, The Lower I Sink

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Tw: this whole chapter is kinda just one big sad warning, suicidal stuff, arguments, making out u get it.

Tyler and Josh aren't rlly acting themselves in this, kinda heartbreaking.
~A Week Later~
Josh ended up going to prison for beating up a police officer, he sure as hell won't be there for long. It was either pay a fine and do some community service or go to jail for a month.

A goddamn month, what the hell. In Josh's opinion he should've been in there for at least three weeks or less! Then again Josh is- well he's Josh.

Tyler on the other hand is stuck in their for five months. He's not sure if that's considered a long time in jail or not, they may have been a bit easy on him but for Tyler five months is a long time.

A little boy like Tyler shouldn't be locked up in this hell hole. Poor Tyler is already convincing himself not to eat anything because he's pretty sure he'll throw up the food later.

The smell of the prison is even worse, it's the smell of sweat, weed, vomit and shit. You'd be lucky to get a stuffy nose to block out the terrible smells.

Their outfits are plain orange jumpsuits with a white shirt underneath. Tyler hated it.

Josh doesn't care if he's locked up in this shit hole, he only cares that he can get Tyler out. He's worried someone will mess with Tyler because the boy has no thug on em at all, the brunette knows nothing about fighting and defending himself so how the fuck is he going to survive here?

A loud bell like buzzer sound goes off, all the prison doors open, everyone gets out and either walks outside into the cold or stay in some room full of chairs and tables. Some had cards and chess on them.

Josh looks around, he taps his foot against the ground, he tries his best to appear tough but a worriedly look is spread on his face.

His eyes scan over the room at least ten times before actually spotting the boy he was looking for. Josh runs over to Tyler and hugs him from behind tightly.

Tyler tenses up, he doesn't know who's hugging him. Josh wouldn't hug him. Tyler turns around once the stranger lets go.

Oh, it was Josh.

Josh places a hand on Tyler's chin, he gently holds it and tilts his head to the left and then to the right. There are little scratches on the boys face.

"What happened to your face?" Josh asks softly. Tyler shoves him away and crosses his arms, turning around so he doesn't have to face Joshua.

"After you ran off and left me all alone, I fell and basically ate a bunch of ice that happened to be broken and cut my face," Tyler explains, clearly annoyed at Josh's action.

"Tyler, I'm sorry, I'll get us out of here, I swear," Josh promises. Tyler rolls his eyes, he can't help but let tears roll down his cheeks.

Josh notices Tyler's crying once the boys shoulders start to rise and fall over and over again.

"Tyler-" Josh reaches out to place a hand on Tyler's shoulder but the boy turns around and grabs Josh's wrist.

"Why are you so nice all of a sudden?! You are the reason we're in here!" Tyler shouts, tears streaming down his cheeks. It catches some people's attention.

"I trusted you! I trusted you Josh! I trusted you so fucking much! I was starting to believe I was safe with you, until you held a knife to my throat, before we got caught! Before you snapped at me for wanting to be your boyfriend!" Tyler yells at him. Josh goes quiet, he couldn't think after that last sentence Tyler said.

Little Prisoner •Joshler•Where stories live. Discover now