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A/N I'll edit later!

Josh dives into a melting snow bank. It's full of dirt and gas, but he ignores it. It's not the worst place he's had to hide in from the cops. He looks around and holds his breath. He hears sirens pass as cop cars begin searching the city for him.

He exhales then inhales deeply once he can't hear them anymore. Josh pants heavily and looks around. Fucking Canada.

He sits up and groans as the ice in the snow bank poke him. He sighs heavily and looks around before looking down at his outfit. He's wearing his prison uniform. There's no way he can roam the city wearing a goddamn prison uniform!

Josh looks around once more, scanning his environment for cops, before getting up and walking along a road until he finds a sidewalk. He takes off his main shirt and ties it around his waist, leaving on an undershirt. That way it doesn't look like he's a prisoner.

His skin soon starts turning red and goosebumps form on his skin. He shakes violently before finding a store with mannequins wearing winter jackets. Josh smiles and walks around the building. He spots the back door being propped open with a brick.

How lucky, he thinks to himself.

Josh sneaks in without being noticed. The back door takes him straight to the storage room. He smiles happily as the heaters warm him up. He's quick to strip from his prison uniform and find a pair of sweats that fit him, as well as a shirt. He steals a jacket, as well as a beanie and putting it on his head. He zips up his jacket and leaves the exact way he came in.

He chuckles to himself as he walks away from the building, laughing at how easy it was to get clothes already.

He looks around, trying to figure out what to do next. He then spots a payphone and walks over to it. He crouches down and finds a quarter, he smiles and puts it in the payphone.

He then types in a number.

"Hello?" The familiar voice picks up almost instantly.

"Gerard!" Josh has never been more relieved to hear Gerard's voice.

"Josh?! What the fuck happened to you?! Dallon said he saw you in the news! What in the fuck happened?!" Gerard nearly yells through the phone.

"We've been trying to contact you! What happened?!" Gerard questions, not happy that one of his workers got caught.

"I don't have time to explain, holy shit, I'm going to kill him," Josh growls out, wanting to end Jerome.

"Jesus Christ, who?" Gerard asks while sighing through the phone.

"Jerome, I don't remember his last name. He took Tyler, he's got Tyler," Josh starts panicking again, he looks around, not seeing anyone besides the people passing in cars.

"Holy fuck, Jerome," Gerard curses. Josh could already tell that's not a good sign.

Josh never should've trusted Jerome to begin with. If he wasn't so selfish he could be with Tyler right now. Josh can't decide what's best for Tyler, that's Tyler's job.

"I need money and a phone," Josh says, not having anything since all his stuff is still at the prison.

"I'll do what I can. Where are you?" Gerard asks. Josh hears him typing away at a computer through the phone.

"Fuck, I don't know! Somewhere in Toronto! Fuck, fuck, fuck," Josh suddenly punches the side of the payphone in an attempt to get rid of some of his rage. He instantly regrets it, his knuckles already start bruising.

"Well get me a fucking address and I'll get a guy to give you stuff," Gerard replies, still typing away at his computer.

"I need to save him Gee, fuck, he'll never forgive me, I don't know where he is," Josh leans against the payphone and rubs his temples.

"He has multiple locations, I'll be sure to send them to you with the rest of the stuff. We'll come get you, but for now, stay hidden," Gerard orders.

"Stay hidden?! The fuck you mean stay hidden?! I need to go find Tyler!" Josh shouts, not liking the idea of staying hidden.

"Do you wanna fucking do time for escaping too?! Do as I fucking tell you and go hide out at a motel. Call when you have the address," Gerard commands him.

"But Gerard-" before he can finish his sentence, Gerard hangs up the phone. Josh let's out a frustrated groan and hangs up the phone.

He starts walking around, searching for the shittiest motel he can find. It doesn't take long for him to find one. He walks inside and goes straight to the desk. "Hey, I'm here to check in," he lies. Josh is either going to have to steal a key or hopefully the lady will guess who he is.

The lady working smiles, "Johnathan Grey?" She asks, reading the name off the computer and not recognizing who Josh is.

"Yes! That's me, you can call me John," Josh gives her a fake smile.

"Alright! Here's your room key, room 118!" Josh takes the key and walks off. He walks up the stairs since the building doesn't have an elevator.

Even if it did, it probably wouldn't even be able to support 100 pounds. Josh finds his room and unlocks the door. He's quick to lock it and close the blinds. He peaks out of them before taking off his shoes and collapsing on the bed.

He groans in satisfaction. The motel bed feels way better than the one he slept on in prison. Josh turns towards the nightstand and grabs the phone. He dials the number to Gerard, once again he answers almost immediately.

"Shit, you already got a place?" Gerard asks, chuckling at Josh's predicament.

Josh just tells him the address to the motel and his room number before hanging up and letting his head hit the pillow.

His eyes shut slowly, he opens them quickly, trying to stay awake, but his eyes close and he finally allows sleep to take over his body.

Little Prisoner •Joshler•Where stories live. Discover now