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Tyler receives his passport and kindly thanks the lady, he apologizes over and over again for Josh's behaviour telling her "he's not a bad guy".

He looks around the city trying to think about how he's going to get to the airport since he has no money meaning no taxi or bus.

If he walks be won't make it in time... Tyler thinks how he's suppose to get money before he gets an idea.

Tyler walks around the city for at least an hour finding vending machines and taking the coins people dropped under the big machine or change no one took. He managed to get five dollars and fifty five cents.


He smiles and runs outside hoping his flight isn't going to take off soon, he doesn't even know where he is- wait... what if the airport is close?

Welp at least he kinda had fun. He also managed to get some free chips.

Tyler shakes it off and finds the nearest bus pick up thingy. He sits down on the bench and his knee bounces up and down, his head looking back and forth at people scared one of them is going to try to talk to him or even mug him.

The bus arrives and he pays the driver, asking stuff about the airport before taking a seat next to some shady looking stranger who had a strong scent of smoke which killed Tyler's nose.

Minutes pass and he arrives at the airport and rushes out of the bus, quietly thanking the driver.

He thanks the lord when he notices the lines aren't long to get pass the people who look at your ticket or whatever.

A/N I honestly forget how airports work

Tyler gets in line and soon hands a man his passport as well as the ticket. He nods his head and asks about Tyler's luggage, he explains that his friend took it for him so he wouldn't be late.

Tyler's get through and rushes to security, he empties the spare change into the little box thingy before walking through when they say. He's clean.

This is easier then be thought. Well, not for long.

The brunette looks around having no clue where to go. Now that he's through security everything else is much harder to find.

He looks around and finds a security guard hoping he would know where Tyler should go. Ty awkwardly approaches him.

"E-Excuse me, d-do you know w-where this is?" Tyler asks while showing the man his ticket and where he's suppose to go.

"Yes, follow me and I'll take you there," the man says kindly, smiling at Tyler. A smile is what the boy really needed at the moment, he feels better already.

"Thank you," Tyler thanks while walking behind the security guard. They arrive at Tyler's spot and he explains what they'll say and where he'll go.

"Thank you so much sir!" Tyler once again thanks the man who just smiles and nods his head.

The brunette collapses in a chair and looks around for the red haired bully but he's no where to be seen. Maybe he's mugging someone... stupid Joshua.

An hour passes and soon a loud voice is speaking.

"The flight to Toronto is boarding!" The lose voice says as well as other information before repeating it in a different language.

Tyler gets up and gets in line. It slowly moves and soon it's his turn. Once again he shows someone his ticket and passport before being allowed to board the plane.

"Thank you have a good flight!"

"Thanks, you too!" Instant regret. What if they aren't going on the plane?

Tyler walks through the cool hall thingy that attaches to the plane, he walks onto the plane and giggles a bit. He's always loved planes but not riding them, he's only been on them a few times and it kinda gives him anxiety.

He finds his seat and sits down. Window seat, amazing.

Tyler waits a bit, staring out the window, he watches planes land and take off before he hears a familiar voice.

"Are you fucking serious?" Josh grumbles.

Tyler smiles and kicks his feet back and forth excitedly but stops when he notices Josh isn't happy to see him at all.

"D-Don't do that ever again!" Tyler says to Josh. He groans and takes his seat next to Tyler.

"How the hell did you even get here?!" Josh asks the younger boy.

"I-I found the t-ticket you dropped and I-I gathered a bunch of money to g-get a-a bus ride and h-here we are now," Tyler explains. Josh rubs his temples and sighs angrily.

"I-I didn't wanna report you to the cops... or be homeless... so I followed you, b-but I promise I won't be annoying, I-I'll uh, uh, I'll try to be big for you Joshie!" Tyler says while sitting back and looking out the window.

"... I don't have a problem with you being little," Josh whispers. Tyler raises an eyebrow and hums in response not wanting to argue with Josh.

He said he won't be annoying so he's not going to talk as much, he won't be whiny, he won't cry, he won't... be himself.

Josh sits there quietly and taps his knee feeling bored. Now he wants to talk to Tyler! What is going on with him these days?!

"I hate you," Josh says, Tyler nods his head.

"You're a baby," he nods again.

"Your boyfriends dead," Tyler opens his mouth before closing it and resting his head on the window.

"I really don't like you," Josh says but Tyler just ignores him.

"Talk to me!" Josh whines and Tyler turns to face him.

"But you don't want me to talk!" Tyler retorts.

"Shut up!"


"Tyler stop it!"

"Okay!" Tyler says while putting his hands in the air to gesture Josh's dramatic response.

Josh crosses his arms. He can't believe Tyler got here and if now actually tagging along. If he leaves Tyler he'll just find him again.

What's he suppose to do now?

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