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It's the next day, the time is currently 7:05 AM and Tyler is still awake. He couldn't sleep ever since he got back from the bar. Josh called him his boyfriend.

Like whaaaaaat?

Tyler likes the idea but at the same he doesn't. All he can think about is his original thoughts, he killed Jack, Josh is a big bully, he does illegal stuff and Tyler doesn't want that in his life.

But at the same time... if this was his new lifestyle... Josh would protect him, he's also been very nice to Tyler lately. Maybe Josh is going soft for Tyler?

After the incident happened they did stay at the bar but Josh refused to let go of Tyler and then he got hella drunk so Tyler's not sure if he'll actually remember anything from last night. Tyler somehow didn't crash the car on the way back to the hotel which is good at least but josh kept mumbles, "gimme a kissss TyTyyy," which was kind of weird but he let it happen.

Tyler sits up in bed, Josh probably won't get up for a while. Tyler gets out of bed and walks up to the window, he stares out at the world. Cars drove by the building, he could see people walking, Tyler sees some dogs as well. He likes dogs.

The brunette looks back at Josh who still (obviously) lies there motionless. Tyler watches his chest rise and fall, Josh looks calm for once. Josh's hair is messy at the moment and Tyler thinks it looks pretty cute.

He walks away from the window, boyfriend huh? No, he can't frickin do that to Jack!

Jack's dead.

Josh said he'll see him one day.

Both of their names start with J.

Jack's adorable.

Josh is hot and adorable at the same time.

Jack is nice.

Josh is kind of a bitch.

Jack takes care of Tyler.

Josh... beats people up for Tyler.

Jack wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

Josh hasn't killed Tyler yet.

Tyler continues comparing the two males in his head. Clearly Jack is the better partner but... STOP WITH THE BUTS!

Tyler looks at Josh again, he stares at him again. Josh doesn't actually care for him does he?

Well hopefully today Tyler will get his answer. Today Ty will be extremely touchy, he'll ask Josh to do things for him, but nicely of course because Tyler will not be a big bully like Joshua!

A tiny smile appears on his face, Tyler lies down on the bed next to Josh. Maybe Josh isn't as bad as he thinks he is.


Tyler wakes up to the sound of running water. He sits up and rubs his eyes. Josh isn't on the bed so he's probably showering. The brunette lets out a little yawn and looks at the clock, 2:13. Jeez, he slept in quite a bit. Then again he did end up going to bed around seven so it makes sense. Tyler crawls to the end of the bed and curls up in a ball, he just lies there until he hears the water stop.

Ty lifts his head when he sees the door open to reveal Josh, the only thing wet is his hair. Josh is wearing a white shirt with black jeans. The amount of black jeans Josh owns...

A/N yes. He dried himself.

"Hey Tyler," Josh says, he looks dead inside.

Tyler doesn't reply, he just sits up and puts his thumb in his mouth. A little smile appears on Josh's face. The little looks up at Josh with tired eyes.

"Did you just wake up?" Josh asks while shoving his dirty clothes into his suitcase.

Tyler nods his head and gets off the bed, he crawls over to Josh and rests his head on Josh's leg.

"J'shie?" Tyler mumbles.

"What's up little one," Tyler blushes when Josh addresses him as little one.

"'ast night, ou says, ou says m our boyfren," Tyler says, it's more muffled thanks to his thumb between his lips.

Josh raises his eyebrow. "I don't think that happened," Josh says.

Tyler takes his thumb out of his mouth and makes grabby hands at Josh. The red haired male rolls his eyes and picks Tyler up. The little wraps his legs around Josh's waist, his arms around Josh's neck.

"Ou did! Yous... yous says I am yours," Tyler says, memories from last night fill his head.

"Well it means nothing Tyler, nothing at all, I was drunk, we all say stupid shit when we're drunk," Josh argues. He places Tyler on the bed and walks back to his suitcase, Josh crouches down and starts digging through his bag.

Tyler crosses his arms and sits crisscross. He glares at Josh angrily. Nothing?! No sir, Tyler is something to you!

"Fuck you," Tyler blurts out.

Josh looks over and Tyler, "the fuck you say?"

"Fuck. You." Tyler repeats. He's rather proud of himself

Josh grabs something from his bag, he holds it behind his back and approaches Tyler quickly. The little doesn't move an inch. Don't let him think you're afraid, Tyler thinks to himself.

Josh grabs the back of Tyler's neck, he holds a little pocket knife up to the boys neck. That's what was hidden behind his back.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you," Josh presses the sharp part against Tyler's neck.

Tyler remains silent, tears threatening to fall any second. Josh lowers the knife and stares into Tyler's eyes, he sees the fear. Josh runs his hand up Tyler's neck to his hair. Tyler gulps, Josh places both of his hands on the side of Tyler's head.

"I fucking can't stay mad at you anymore. What the actual fuck," Josh complains. He places a soft kiss on Tyler's forehead.

"Now Tyler. Don't you ever fucking say that again," Josh says while patting the boys cheek and walking back to the suitcase.

Tyler sits there not daring to say a word or to move. Tyler sits there, he's frozen.

Josh ain't changing for shit.

A/N anyone got any Joshler one shot ideas?

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