I'm Sorry

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It's the next day and Josh is trying to find clothes for Tyler to borrow.

"Wear this, by the way I have an important job to do today so if you fucking fuck it up you will pay," Josh growls, Tyler frowns and looks down. Tyler couldn't believe Josh said the F words twice in a row...

"Now get changed, I'll be by the front door," Josh says. The man is suppose to be nice now, not rude. Tyler nods and shuts the door when Josh leaves. He stares at the outfit. All black and then red socks.

 All black and then red socks

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A/N I love this imagine

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A/N I love this imagine

He puts everything on as well as the black vans. Tyler looks down at his outfit. He likes it but rather wear brighter colours but maybe he could get use to wearing all black.

Tyler leaves the room and walks to the front door. Josh is holding a suitcase, a jacket in his hand as well.

"W-What's in there?" Tyler asks, Josh looks down at the suitcase.

"Clothes, we're getting you a passport, it's time to leave come on," Josh opens the door and Tyler walks out with the mean man behind him.

"What about my clothes?" Tyler frowns, he doesn't want to leave his pjs and socks here, he wants to bring them!

Josh was about to say something rude but he stops himself thinking about what Gerard said and he lets out a sigh.

"I'll buy you a new pair when we arrive," Josh says as he climbs into the car, Tyler getting in on the other.

"Yay! Thank you," he thanks. Josh nods his head and starts driving. Tyler kicks his feet back and forth occasionally hitting the seat.

He quietly hums along to the song on the radio. For being kidnapped and having his daddy killed he seems fine.

Maybe he hasn't processed everything that's happening, maybe he thinks he's dreaming and it'll all be over soon.

We'll he's wrong. Jack is dead and he'll never see him again.

Josh looks over at the little who is looking out the window at the unfamiliar neighbourhood.

"Look at doggie!" Tyler says excitedly while pointing out the window at a man walking his husky.

Josh looks and he can't help but smile a bit. Josh never smiles unless it's evil or he's making a joke but otherwise-

"I have a dog you know," Josh speaks up. Tyler looks over at Josh with his big brown eyes and gasps.

"Really?!" Welp there's no going back now, it's time to have a conversation.

"Yep, his name is Jim, he's a golden retriever, I taught him to attack anyone who attacks me," Tyler's excitement soon fades away.

"Oh uh, don't attack me then you're fine, he's very loveable," Josh says, trying to make the boy feel better. Stupid fucking Gerard making him do shit like this.

Who cares that Josh has a dog? It's just a dog. Well obviously Josh loves the dog but he believes no one gives a shit.

Josh gladly wouldn't follow Gee's orders but last time he didn't he almost lost a finger.

"I love golden retrievers! W-Why wasn't he at the house?" Tyler asks the older male.

"Oh that wasn't my house, that my my friends," Tyler's eyebrows knit together.

"Den is dat not your clothes?" Josh opens his mouth before closing it.

"Some are some aren't," huh? Some are some aren't? Okay, okay, whatever man.

Tyler nods his head and looks back out the window. Why does he need a passport?

"Uhm, why do I need a passport?" Tyler asks, his voice just above a whisper.

"It's doesn't matter," Josh retorts. Tyler flinches and looks down at his feet. He stares at the red socks and starts giggling.

The giggling goes on and on.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Josh thinks to himself. Tyler squeals a little and kicks his feet.

Shut up, shut up, shut up! Josh is practically yelling at himself.

The kicking and giggling does not stop. Josh grips the steering wheel, he speeds up and takes a sharp turn.

Tyler lets out a scream, he grips onto the seat for dear life, his eyes closed tightly. Josh does a full on circle and starts driving normally back in the direction they were going in.

"J-Josh! What- what the heck!" Tyler whines, tears forming in the littles eyes.

"That's what you fucking get for not shutting up! You're so fucking loud I swear to god, I want to rip out my own eardrums!" Josh shouts at Tyler. The little sniffles.

"S-Sorry sir..." tears trickle down Tyler's cheeks, he tries to keep it in bit at this point there's no stopping him.

He lets out a loud sob and covers his face with his hand. Josh groans and hits his face on the steering wheel. It's almost as if Tyler's cries are getting louder and louder...

"Shut the hell up!" Josh yells, causing Tyler to cry more.

Josh looks over at Tyler, the little whimpers and tries to stop crying but nothing works. The red head stare gets scarier by the second.

Tyler whines loudly and Josh slams his hand over Tyler's mouth.

"Mmmmph!" Tyler tries screaming but nothing works, he points at the road and Josh looks, he's about to get hit by a truck.

Josh puts both hands on the wheel and swerves around the truck. Both males let out a terrified scream as the car goes off the road and flips over into a ditch.

The two sit there upside down, the windshield broken, glass stuck in the boys faces. Tyler's screaming for help, his tears mix with the blood from his cheeks.

Josh weakly unbuckles himself and unbuckles Tyler and they crawl out of the car. Josh stands up while Tyler sits there on the grass in shock.

The red head pants, his heart beating quickly. They both stare at the car and Josh turns around glaring daggers at Tyler.

"You little shit!" Josh snaps, he starts approaching Tyler.

"I-I'm sorry!"

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