Josh's Decision

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A/N, few chapters left friends. Boy has it been a journey. I hope u all enjoy the last few chapters coming up and this one <3

-Milo, xoxo

When Tyler wakes up, he's greeted by a warm bed. The covers are pulled up to his shoulders and his head is resting comfortably on a pillow. He blinks the sleep out of his eyes and sees Gerard and Josh talking.

"What was I supposed to do? What if I didn't get there in time?!" Josh whisper shouts at Gerard, careful not to wake up Tyler. Gerard places a hand on his hip, giving Josh an unimpressed look.

Tyler looks around the room and identifies it as a hotel. This one is much nicer than the one Josh and him were staying at that one time. The best feels softer, but it may also be because he was laying on cement for God knows how long.

"If he wanted Tyler dead he would've killed him a long time ago!" Gerard raises his voice, causing Tyler to whimper and curl his legs into his chest in an effort to comfort himself.

Both of their heads whip around. Gerard bites his bottom lip as a way to keep himself quiet from saying anything else about the situation in front of Tyler. He sighs and his arm drops back down to his side.

"We'll put a pin in this, I'll be next door," Gerard says while walking towards the hotel room door while glaring at Josh.

"Bye Tyler, glad to have you back buddy," Gerard leaves and walks to his room.

Josh gulps and stares at Tyler, not sure what the proper approach should be. Luckily Tyler takes initiative and jumps out of bed. He doesn't even notice the pyjamas that coat his body. He runs to Josh and jumps, wrapping his legs around his waist and wrapping his arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"I didn't think you'd come," Tyler says with a broken voice. Josh wraps his arms around Tyler and rubs his back. He inhales deeply, smelling Tyler's filth but also being able to smell his familiar scent.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Josh whispers softly. He walks over to the bed and sits down with Tyler on his lap. The brunette doesn't budge, he stays stuck to Josh and doesn't want to let go.

"I should've have agreed with him to escape, I'm so sorry Tyler... I shouldn't have..." Josh rests his head against his shoulder as he trails off. He failed Tyler, he's surprised that he's even hugging him right now.

He feels Tyler's heavy heartbeat against his chest and the brunette soon breaks down into tears again. He cries softly and Josh runs a hand through his hair.

"I know... I know... this is all my fault. I'm so sorry. All of it was on me, I'm sorry," Josh hugs him tighter.

Tyler finds comfort in Josh's embrace. It's nice to be apologized too rather than scolded for a change. Josh continues to ramble on, repeating I'm sorry over and over again. Tyler just nods his head, accepting the apology. He was never mad at Josh. Yes, he was upset and even felt a little betrayed, but he wasn't mad at Josh. Part of him hates himself for that. Josh put him into this mess, yet he can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy as they share a hug.

He's safe now and he knows Josh isn't going anywhere.

"God, I'm such an idiot. What am I doing here Tyler? Why did I choose this life? I'm a mess and I ruin everything," Josh says sadly. Tears start to roll down his cheeks too.

Tyler pulls away from the hug and places his hands on Josh's cheeks. He wipes the tears away with his thumbs. "You saved me," Tyler whispers softly, making Josh cry more.

The red haired man pulls Tyler back into the hug, resting one hand on the back of Tyler's head. "My boy, my precious boy," Josh tries not to choke on a sob. He doesn't remember the last time he cried, let alone crying this hard.

He's never cared so much for a person before, or had someone care so much about him. The feeling is so unfamiliar yet so warm and welcoming. Josh wants to live like this forever. He doesn't want to run around doing crime, he doesn't want to hurt people, he doesn't want conflict. He wants Tyler. He wants him to be safe, to be warm and fed. He wants to take care of him the way he should've from the start.

"I'm done Tyler. I'm done with this, all of this. No more crime, I can't have anything like this happening to you ever again," he pulls away from Tyler and cups his cheeks.

"Do you hear me? I'm going to take you home. It's up to you if you want me to come but I am done with the crime. I can't risk this ever again. I'll tell Gerard I'm out," Josh tells Tyler his decision, not wanting to think more about it. "I wasn't happy until I met you. I was never happy. I thought I had to do this, I thought taking lives was the only choice I had. I didn't believe I was capable of these emotions."

"Tyler, I love you."

Josh speaks the three words he never believed in. Loving somebody. It wasn't possible for him at the time, it didn't make sense how someone could love another. But now he gets it. He's found his reason to live, he's found love.

The brunette somehow wells up with even more tears. He crashes his lips into Josh's, sharing a salty, passionate kiss with him. Josh's hands move down to Tyler's shoulders and Tyler's move up to Josh's cheeks. They pull away from each other, looking into each other's eyes with blurred vision from their tears.

"I love you too," Tyler says it back, filling Josh with a sense of joy he's never felt before.

He hugs Tyler again, knowing damn well he doesn't deserve the love from this pure boy. He'll never be able to take the pain away, but he can sure try.

"Come on, should we get you cleaned up now?" Josh asks while pulling away from the hug again. Tyler smiles and nods his head. His whole body feels greasy and gross.

He gets off Josh and the two make their way into the bathroom for a shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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