"We're In."

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It's the next day and Tyler can't stop thinking about what all of those guys said. Stockholm syndrome. Where you can fall for the person who kidnapped you.

No, it can't be true! He likes Josh for- for Josh. A murderer, a robber, a criminal.


Tyler walks over to his usual spot at the table with a small bowl of food. He hasn't eaten in a while and he figures breakfast can't really go wrong, can it?

He sighs heavily and starts eating the food. It doesn't have a lot of flavour, it's porridge. Tyler slowly eats it, the taste getting worse as he eats. Tyler places his spoon in the bowl and looks around for Josh. He has to admit, he's a bit scared to see Josh but he rather be with him than alone. Tyler turns around to see if Josh is coming behind him, since he's not there he turns back to his food.

Sat in front of Tyler is Jerome. He startles the brunette at first, scaring him with his sudden appearance.

"Sorry to scare ya bud, now where's Josh?" Jerome asks, folding his hands on top of the table and staring at Tyler.

"Not sure," he mumbles quietly and starts poking at the porridge in his bowl. Jerome rolls his eyes and crosses his legs under the table.

"Guess I'll ask you-"

"I'm not going anywhere without Josh so don't ask me," Tyler speaks up. Jerome smirks and nods his head.

"So you can talk in full sentences," The ginger teases, earning an eye roll from Tyler. Jerome giggles quietly and waits for Josh to come over to them.

They wait a few minutes until Josh appears. He sits down next to Tyler and gives Jerome an annoyed look. Bitch won't leave them alone.

"So Josh! You in?"

"Fuck off."

"Times a tikin'!" Jerome says while tapping his wrist, as if there was a watch there.

"Why should we even trust you?" Josh growls out. A wide smile spreads across the face of Jerome.

"Because I work with Gerard, therefor, I work with you," Jerome says, his voice quiet so no one else hears him, only tyler and Josh. Josh's eyebrows knit together. No fucking way this creep fucking knows Gerard, no way he works with Gerard.

Gee doesn't seem like the type to work with a creep such as this guy. They're in Canada, Gerard doesn't even know the two are in jail, hell, he has no clue where Josh went. Josh hasn't been able to call or text him, no one knows what's wrong. Gerard isn't the type to spy on others without a good reason and Josh knows he wouldn't be keeping a close eye on him thanks to Tyler.

"I don't believe you."

"You can choose to believe me or choose not too. It's your lose, not mine, I'll be escaping while you two are stuck in this hellhole," Jerome says as he gets up, about to walk away.

"If you worked with Gee, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Jerome stops in his tracks and spins around on his wheel.

He sticks out his arm and gestures to everybody in the room, he points to the security and the cameras. "You'll have to trust me on this one," with that, he walks away.

Josh glares at him. He doesn't like this guy one bit. He's weird, he doesn't seem trustworthy. Thoughts invite themselves into his head, unsure of trusting this guy. How are they even suppose to escape if they do go through with it.

Everything seems all risky.

Trust him or don't...

"What was he talking to you about?" Josh asks, wanting to know if Tyler was in any danger or anything.

"Just wondering where you were and if I was in on the whole escaping thing..." Tyler mumbles, starting to eat his porridge again.

Jerome sure as hell can't be trusted. Dude literally sounds like a psychopath when he laughs. He has that odd evil laugh and his smile also looks insane. But hey, looks don't matter or anything but when it comes to Jerome... he seems a bit shady.

"Josh, can I ask you something?" Tyler asks, breaking Josh from his thoughts.

"Yeah? What's up?" Josh looks at Tyler, a hint of worry in his eyes.

"D-Do... do you believe in Stockholm syndrome?..." Tyler asks, his voice fading out as he finishes asking his question.

He looks down nervously at his hands and starts fiddling with his fingers.

"I don't fucking know. I guess, why?" Josh asks, curious about why Tyler's asking.

"S-Some people think I have it," his voice is just above a whisper. Josh raises his eyebrows in shock. He's never thought about it.

He knows Tyler has some sort of feelings towards him, Tyler drops heavy clues. Now that Josh thinks about it, maybe... just maybe, Tyler has it.

The boys always wanting Josh to love him or treat him right, he didn't even rat out Josh when he was safe with the cops. He stayed true to Josh.

Well fuck.

"Would it count... if, if you felt the same back?"

"If I loved you? I don't know Tyler... I mean, maybe. Who fucking knows. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter, just ignore them Ty, you're fine," Josh grumbles, knowing Tyler's probably not going to be fine.

Tyler's delicate, he needs someone to love, someone to care for him. He needs someone better than Josh. Someone who isn't an ass to him. Tyler deserves better. He has to do something about it. He needs a plan.

Josh knows what he has to do.

He gets up and walks away from Tyler, the direction Jerome went in. He spots the ginger playing a card game with a bunch of other prisoners. A joker card, placed in his pocket, next to a fork.

"Jerome," Josh speaks up and crosses his arms. The ginger smirks and looks up at the man.


"We're in." Jerome's eyes widen, not believing Josh would actually accept the offer.

"Oo! Goodie! Here ya go," he takes the card out of his pocket. On the back of it a bunch of information is scribbled onto it.

Where to meet and what time, even though Jerome's told them before. "Don't be late," Jerome goes back to his card game with other criminals.

Josh walks back to Tyler, sliding the card into his pocket. He sits down next to the brunette. "Where'd you go?"

"We're escaping here with Jerome," Josh replies. Tyler shakes his head no.

"You're not serious right?! How can we trust him? We don't know him and you didn't seem to happy to see him," Tyler points out. Josh shrugs his shoulders and crosses his arms on top of the table.

"I don't care," he growls out.

"But he could be dangerous! What if he kidnaps us?!" Tyler asks, clearly not a big fan of trusting this stranger.

"I don't care! Then I wouldn't be responsible for you, now shut up!" Josh snaps angrily.

"We're in Tyler." Josh gets up and walks away.

A/N do y'all trust Jerome or nah?

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