Stockholm Syndrome?

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It's around supper time and the two are sitting in their usual spots, neither of them wanting to eat the disgusting prison food, but at the same time they're starving.

Tyler is staring intensely at the table, Josh thinks he's questioning all his life choices or just finally realizing that the dudes in prison. "Whatcha thinking bout Tyler?" Josh asks. Tyler shrugs his shoulders and sighs heavily.

He looks around and looks back at Josh. "I'm resisting the urge to be little," he whines out. It's been hard for him to stay big in this place, the people here make him want to shrink down and be a little baby, hide behind Josh and cry, but he can't do that here. No one can do that here.

Josh frowns a bit, little Tyler can annoy him big time but he's also adorable in littlespace. Then again, Tyler's always adorable. He's just one of those humans who just happen to be really cute.

"I mean... I don't know what to tell you," Josh says sadly. If Tyler's little he'd have to be quiet so people won't pay attention to him.

The boy lets out a huff and bangs his head on the table, whining loudly. "Hey, don't hit your head baby," Josh's eyes widen when he realizes he called Tyler baby.

Tyler himself is shock, his cheeks are flushed red. It wouldn't be the first time he's called Tyler something that made him blush. When Josh calls Ty nicknames his heart just melts, it beats faster, he feels all fuzzy on the inside and he can feel his cheeks heat up. He likes the feeling and want to curl up into a little ball of happiness when Josh says something like that but he can't since Josh would probably hardcore judge him.

Tyler shrugs it off and smiles a lot. Josh makes Tyler feel so many emotions, happiness, sadness, anger, numb, everything. He's never met anyone who he hates yet likes so much. Josh is different, he's unique. He's an asshole but he's improving big time.

"I dunno what to do," Tyler whines out quietly, he rests his head on the table. He starts tapping his foot against the floor, it makes a tapping like sound.

It goes on for a bit and is finally starting to get on Josh's nerves. All he hears is tapping.

Tap, tap, tap, tap.


Tyler raises his heels in the air before tapping down and raising the front of his foot to tap, he alternates from front to back, tapping loudly.

Next, his fingers, he starts tapping his fingers against the table. Luckily for Josh, Tyler has short nails so it isn't that loud. The red head inhaled deeply and tries to ignore it.

Tap, tap, tap tap, TaP TaP TAp tAp TaPapPap.

It goes on and on until Josh slams his fist on the table. "Please- shut the fuck up!" Josh shouts. Instead of Tyler getting sad he starts giggling, somewhat proud of himself since he was able to tick Josh off.

Josh smiles a bit but pretend to be mad. "You think this is funny?" Josh asks, trying to keep a serious look on his face. Tyler giggles more, laughing at Josh's poor attempt.

"I'll show you what's funny-" Josh was about to start tickling Tyler but Jerome walks over, whistling to himself before sitting down across from the two.

Josh glares at him, Tyler is lost in his own world, giggling. He grabs Josh's hand and starts playing with his fingers. Josh has rough hands yet they're soft. It works.

"So, you two in yet?" Jerome asks, desperate to know if he gets to lead them out of here. Josh rolls his eyes. "Fuck off, we don't know yet," he replies angrily, wanting to just spend time with Tyler.

"Better make up your mind soon or else you'll be stuck here for a while," he gets up and walks away. Josh just scoffs and rambles to himself about how stupid this Jerome guy is.

He's not sure if he can trust this note. A friend. Gerard? It's possible he didn't write his name for certain reasons. But what if it's not Jerome. Being in the crime world Josh lives in isn't easy. You try to work your way to the top of the underworld, it doesn't matter if you have a big gang, you slowly build it up. You have to make sure you're not working with complete idiots.

"What do you think about the note Tyler?" Josh asks. The little shrugs and keeps his focus on the boys fingers. Josh chuckles, "okay fine then, leave me to think about it," Josh jokes.

They sit there and hang out together until it's dark and they have to go to sleep. Tyler and Josh part ways as they head to their cells.

Josh falls asleep rather quickly. It's hard to fall asleep in a place like this. The beds are cold and hard, some people snore and it's loud as fuck. Poor Tyler has to deal with people fucking.

Tyler lies down and lets out a sigh. He shuts his eyes. "Psst!" Someone whispers. Tyler opens his eyes and sits up looking around, not sure if someone's talking to him.

"Yeah, you!" The voice says. Tyler looks straight, to see someone sitting up as well. He raises an eyebrow and stares at him. "Hello?"

"Hey," the person says. Tyler looks around again, not sure what this guy wants. He waits until the guy says something again.

"What are you in for?" They ask. Tyler rolls his eyes, glad the guy can't see it since they're in the dark.

"Helped steal a car, you?" Tyler replies. The guy chuckles and gets up, he walks over to the bars and leans against them.

"Robbed three banks in one day," the guy admits. Tyler raises his eyebrows and makes a straight line with his lips. At least this guy isn't a killer.

"Don't take this the wrong way but, why are you talking to me?" Tyler asks. The person lets out a heavy sigh.

"You and your boyfriend seem close," he replies, sounding a bit sad. Tyler blushes and shakes his head no.

"W-We aren't dating, him and I... aren't exactly that close," the guy laughs when he hears Tyler say those words. Others from other cells laugh as well.

He frowns and looks down at his lap. He starts fiddling with his fingers and twirling his thumbs. "Then what's got you two so close?"

"W-We're friends... I guess."

"You guess?"

"W-Well you see... he kinda kidnapped me. But it's okay! I-I, I like him, a lot," Tyler says. The guys laugh even louder.

"What kind of emotions you got for him?" A new guy asks.

"I-I really like Josh. More than a friend..." Tyler admits. He'd never admit it aloud to Josh in fear Josh would try to stab him or something.

"Sounds like Stockholm syndrome to me," the guy says again. Tyler's eyes widen and he shakes his head no.

"No! It's not like that at all!" Tyler says.

"It's just like that. How does he treat you? First day you two came in you were at each others throats, now you two are all lovey dovey," the guy says. Tyler stays quiet.

"Just- hush! It's none of your guys business," Tyler grumbles out. The guys snicker in response.

"Just be careful who you're dealing with kid."

"Shut up."

After that nothing is heard. Tyler lies down again and stares up at the ceiling, not actually being able to see it.

It's not like that is it? He has become very fond of Josh, even though he's a total asshole, he has developed feelings for him.

Oh god.

What if it's true?!

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