I'm Coming

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"About fucking time," Josh growls out as he walks to his door after hearing a few knocks. It's been three days and he's been stuck at the motel. He's surprised the real guy who rented out the hotel room never appeared, he got no complaint or anything. They've been keeping him there with no problem.

Josh opens the door, there lays a briefcase. He sticks his head out of the door and looks around, seeing nobody. He shrugs his shoulders and takes the briefcase.

He closes the motelroom door and locks it before turning on the lights and shutting the blinds completely. He places the briefcase on the bed and opens it.

There laid a phone, charger, cash, debit card, fake ID and a folder. On top of the folder is a gun with some ammo next to it. He grabs the folder from under the gun and opens it, it reveals multiple houses and a map with red circles that circle the houses Jerome owns. Each house has its own write up, it includes the address and details of murders and kidnappings committed there.

Gerard absolutely stacked him with goods and information.

Josh sighs and sits on the bed, looking through them. He gets up and spreads all the houses onto the bed. After he grabs the phone and opens it. It opens straight to a list of contacts, all people from the gang he's in. Josh smiles and sends a quick message to Gerard.

Josh: got the stuff

He turns off his new phone and starts looking at all the addresses. He looks through them, some were in Canada, others were scattered in America, he even has one in Mexico.

It's been a few days since Tyler was taken, he could be anywhere now. Hell, Tyler could even be dead. The thought makes Josh want to throw up. He finds himself clenching his fist. He inhales deeply. "It's okay, I'm coming Tyler," he grabs the picture of a house in Mississauga.

He starts reading about it. That would definitely be closest to Toronto. But would Jerome take Tyler to that house? Would he have gone farther? Josh groans in frustration. He'll have to just search every single house till he finds Tyler.

Hopefully he finds him before it's to late. Maybe it already is to late.

Josh frowns. He really fucked up this time. He usually fucks up with Tyler, but now he really fucked up.

Josh then hears his phone go off with a notification, he's quick to open it

Gerard: we have reason to believe Jerome is at the house in Mississauga, most of his gang is there now, Dallon's been tracking them

Josh can't help but gasp and let out a yes, since Tyler is close to him. He grabs the papers about the address and reads about it. After he's done he puts the rest back in the folder and shuts it. He takes a picture of the house, address and information.

Josh: I'm going first thing tomorrow

Gerard: no you're fucking not

Josh: it's already been days, Tyler could be dead by now

Gerard: wait for us to get there

Josh: I got him into this fucking mess, it's my job to get him out

Gerard: I don't care whose fucking fault it is, it's dangerous and Jerome's been trying to get dirt on us for years

Josh: Fine.

He turns off his phone, ignoring the beeping as Gerard keeps texting him. He shuts the briefcase and hides it under the bed. He turns out the lights and tries to fall asleep, knowing he's going to wake up bright and early to find his little, despite what he said to Gerard.

Hours pass and Josh naturally wakes up at 7 in the morning. He groans and reads the time. He manages to get out of bed, he doesn't bother showering or anything. He's been wearing the same clothes for days.

He puts on his coat and shoes before grabbing the briefcase. He packs everything he can into it before leaving. Josh doesn't bother to check out, knowing that whoever's room he stayed in will get the bill, not him.

He steps outside, nearly freezing instantly. He grips the handle on the briefcase tightly before walking out onto the sidewalk. He calls for a taxi, it doesn't take long for it to arrive. He gets inside and gives the driver the address.

The driver nods and enters in the address, then he starts driving. Josh's heart beats heavily against his chest. He hasn't been this nervous in so long.

It was normal for him to sneak into houses, even other gang members houses, but this is different. He's on a mission to save someone.

Someone who he kidnapped.

He killed Tyler's boyfriend. He kidnapped Tyler. He yelled at him. He convinced Tyler to love and trust him. He got him kidnapped. He ruined Tyler.

The brunettes life was fine without him. Yet that one life, that one fucking life Josh took, fucked up even more lives. A part of Josh believes Tyler's better off with Jerome. Maybe the crazy ginger took Tyler as his own, yet the possibility is very slim.

The car ride is silent, yet Josh can't help but yell at himself inside his head. He's been nothing but a dick towards Tyler. Lying to him, manipulating him. He hates how much he loves Tyler. He has to finally admit to himself that he's madly in love with Tyler. He already knows Tyler has feelings back, but are they real feelings?

Real feelings isn't Stockholm Syndrome. Normal people fall in love in normal ways. They didn't. They should've.

But they shouldn't have.

Josh shouldn't have gone to Tyler's house that one night. He shouldn't have killed Tyler's boyfriend. Seeing Tyler sad breaks his heart. He broke Tyler's world.

He's a monster.

I'm a monster, Josh thinks to himself. He continues staring out the window till they arrive in a sketchy neighbourhood. Josh pays the driver before stepping out with his briefcase and standing in front of the house.

The paint is chipped, the windows are covered in boards that are hammered shut. The place looks like a trap house.

He stares up at it, knowing that this house could contain all that he needs, or it'll be a dead end.

"I'm coming Tyler."

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