Good One Josh!

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A/N I was making a bday card for my friend, kinda got little and now there's a terribly drawn cake on the card. My bad
Tw???: kinda make fun of Canada in this- I'm Canadian- I didn't mean what I wrote- it's just as a joke

Josh wakes up with a pounding headache. He groans and squints as the sun blinds him. Josh sits up and looks around, he lying in the field from last night. Josh shivers and looks down at his hands, they're almost purple.

He spent the fucking night outside and he's still breathing. Josh slowly gets up, goosebumps forming on his skin. He shoves his hands into his pockets and begins slowly walking back to the buildings.

Josh limps a bit, he walks all the way back to the original stolen car. He's surprised when he finds out it's still there. Josh climbs into it and takes a moment to just breathe and go over what happened.

They took Tyler.


I slam my foot down on the petal and drive. They fucking got Tyler, that little shit was stolen from me and I'm going to steal him right back.

The only problem is I have no fucking clue where he could be. There has to be a police station somewhere around this shitty town but where the fuck would it be?

I pull my phone out my pocket, I glance down at it as I try to turn it on. Of course it's fucking dead, goddamn fucking Canada and their cold ass fucking country.

I take a sharp turn, it's shocking at how little traffic there is. I'd expect it to be busy but this is good for me, I can find Tyler.

Why am I so desperate to find him? He's an annoying useless piece of shit!

Well, that may have been a bit to harsh. Tyler's just- he's just annoying. It's not his fault, some people were just born annoying! I've been told I was born bad, who the fuck cares about me, no one, so who cares if I'm a shitty human?

Certainly not me, I don't give a fuck.

Fuck Canada, fuck the cold, fuck the fucking snow, fuck everything. If I hadn't gone into that fucking house and let Oswald or other fuckers get to Tyler's daddy I wouldn't be in this mess.

But why the fuck am I trying to find Tyler? I start to feel a weird feeling in my stomach, I'm nervous. Since when am I nervous? Why would I be nervous?


Tyler is why I'm nervous. What if they're hurting him? What if my poor baby is crying?

My poor baby?

Josh, he is not your fucking boyfriend!

"Fucking get over it," I tell myself. I drive around the city, trying to find a police station, suddenly one comes into view.

I park next to a no parking sign and get out of the car. I'm already in enough shit so why not cause more drama?

I walk into the station, a few people look at me before going back to whatever they're doing. I look around the station to see people handcuffed, sitting on chairs. I raise an eyebrow and start walking around, no one stops me.

As I get further to the back I see a familiar brown haired boy. My heart races, I quicken my pace. I was about to reach Tyler but a police officer steps in front of me.

"Excuse me sir, I don't think you're suppose to be back here," the officer says, crossing his arms over his check.

I take a step back, I smile a bit and let out a little chuckle. "Actually, officer," I glance down at the name tag, "Dent, I think I am suppose to be back here," I say. Tyler turns his head, his eyes go wide when he spots me.

I look over at him, I can't help but feel guilty. His eyes are all red, dark bags under them as well. His cheeks red from tear stains.

"And why is that?" Officer Dent asks. I look back at Tyler before glancing back at the police officer.

Without thinking I pull my fist back and punch him in the face. Tyler instantly shouts at me, "Josh! What the hell?!"

The officer stumbles back, I punch his again and he falls over. I hover over him, my fist colliding with his face multiple times. It's almost as if everything was happening in slow motion.

I go to grab his keys, for once I was praying- praying that these would unlock Tyler's handcuffs. I rush over to Ty and stick the key into his handcuffs and jiggle it around. Cops come running at me and grab me, I fight against them, trying to stay as close as I can to Tyler. They grab my arms tightly and pull me away.

"Tyler!" I shout, once again trying to break free as they carry me away from Tyler. I see Tyler start shaking and soon he starts crying.

I frown, I want to get to Tyler, I need to get to Tyler. He shouldn't be here, all because I fucking just had to kidnap him. Because I had to steal a car. I am such a fucking dumbass! God, why don't I ever think?! I fuck beat up some officer and now I'm probably going to jail. Tyler probably will rat me out and he'll get to go home and I'll never see him again.

The fuck have I gotten myself into?

"I'll be back!" I shout, hoping Tyler hears me.


Josh was locked up in a room for a few hours until a cop finally got to talk to him. The cop is pressing charges against the red head and Josh is probably going to be sent to jail.

Tyler on the other hand is going to be going the same place if he doesn't fess up about what he was doing, trying to steal a car with someone else, he won't reveal the person he was with.

Both are probably going to get locked up in prison, eating shitty food, probably witness a stabbing or two. Who knows what the fuck will happen, they're in deep shit, both of them.

Tyler is worried for Josh, he doesn't want to see Josh get locked up because of him. But Josh should be locked up, he's a bad man.

Josh is worried for Tyler, he doesn't want Tyler getting locked up either, the poor boy doesn't deserve this shit. Tyler deserves to be treated with respect, he deserves to be treated like royalty. Tyler's a precious boy, he deserves everything.

He's going to bust out of this place and he's sure as fuck taking Tyler with him.

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