Baby's upset

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Tyler tosses and turns in his sleep, Jack's still on his mind, the fact that just in general he was probably going to get killed scares the shit out of the little.

Either way something like this could've happened to Jack. Even maybe Tyler, who knows what would've went down if Josh didn't get to them first.

"Mm..." Tyler lets out a little whine, he frowns and turns onto his side. Tyler lets out more whines, he kicks his feet under the blanket.

"Tyler, stop fucking moving," Josh grumbles angrily. Tyler stays still and continues making little whiny sounds which is starting to really get on Josh's nerves.

Fucking shut up already, Josh thinks to himself.

"What's wrong?" Josh asks, wondering why his baby's upset, he is beginning to learn that yelling at Tyler isn't always the answer.

"D-Daddy..." he whispers quietly as tears start to roll down Tyler's cheeks. "I-I want daddy back," Tyler whimpers softly.

Josh lets out a sigh and sits up, he stretches a bit before looking at Tyler, only seeing a dark outline of him.

"Sit up," Josh commands. Tyler does as he's told and sits up. Josh gently pulls the little into his lap, Josh hugs Tyler tightly and rubs his back. Tyler wraps his legs around Josh body and hugs back.

Tyler's shocked at how comforting Josh can actually be, he wishes his kidnapper was always like this...

Josh pulls away from the hug and holds Tyler's chin between his thumb and index finger. He looks into Tyler's eyes, he wouldn't see them really but he knows where those big beautiful brown eyes are.

"You aren't going to be seeing daddy anytime soon okay? You'll see him again one day but now isn't the time. For now I'll be watching you like I have been for these past few days or whatever, you just have to be strong, I know you can do it Tyler. You're just in a little uh, you're in a little pickle at the moment but those pickles get solved don't they Tyler? Yes, yes they do," Josh reassures Tyler. It's true, Tyler is in a pickle but eventually he'll get out of it.

"O-Otay," Tyler lets out a sob. Josh wipes the littles tears with his thumbs, he smiles sadly at the boy.

"Is that why the baby's upset?" Josh asks, confirming there's nothing else on Tyler's mind.



"D-Dats it," Tyler says, luckily it's dark so Josh can't see he's blushing.

"What was with the N then?" Josh asks with a smirk. Tyler opens his mouth before closing it, he looks down at his lap nervously.

"I'll tell you a secret if you tell me what's on your mind sweetheart," Tyler's cheeks are burning at this point.

"Cans ou g-go first?" Tyler stutters out. Josh nods before leaning over to Tyler's ear and whispering in his ear.

"You're the cutest person I've ever met Tyler, you may annoy me a shit tone but I can't always stay mad at you," pfft, if Joshua wanted to he could stay mad at Tyler for the rest of his life.

"T-Tank ou," Tyler thanks, he starts to calm down a bit more and stops crying. He sniffles once or twice.

Tyler smiles, shivers go down his back from Josh's hot breath against his ear. "It's your turn," Josh says while pulling away.

The little leans over to Josh's ear now, he hesitates before whispering, "ou are very pwetty, Joshie, I-I," Tyler goes quiet not wanting to finish his sentence.

"You what?"

"I-I wike kissing ou but, but it wrong! Cause ou killed Jack..." Tyler mumbles, Josh lets out a little laugh and shakes his head.

"It's not funny! Ou killed him! I-I hate you, I hope ou-" Josh puts his lips into Tyler's, their lips move together slowly.

Tyler whines into the kiss, he didn't get to finish what he was saying! How dare Josh think he can just kiss Tyler! Then again Tyler isn't stopping him.

Josh begins to get up a bit, he puts Tyler onto his back and straddles over him. Tyler keeps his legs around Josh's waist, he puts his arms around the red heads neck and pulls him closer.

Josh slides his tongue across Tyler's bottom lip asking for entrance, Tyler gladly parts his lips. Their tongues meet and dance together. Tyler can't help but let out a little moan. Josh smiles into the kiss, Josh puts his hands on each side of Tyler's face and deepens the kiss.

Tyler would lift his head and push into the kiss, wanting to somehow get closer to Josh. God how he loves kissing his kidnapper.

He knows it's wrong but it feels so right.

Josh starts kissing down Tyler's jawline down to his neck, "hey Ty," Josh purrs out.

"M-mhm?" Tyler hums in response, moaning once and a while as Josh kisses his neck softly.

"Do you care if I give you a hickey?" Josh asks, Tyler shakes his head no right away. He actually wants Josh to give him a hickey. Josh starts sucking gently on Tyler's skin, the boy lets out all sorts of noises, Josh loved hearing the boy.

He nibbles a bit on Tyler's sensitive skin, goosebumps form on his skin and all he feels is tingles. Tingles is something he gets a lot around Josh, the boy could just look at him sometimes and the tingly feeling would appear.

Josh sucks on Tyler's skin again but harsher. Tyler's heart beats against his chest. Josh puts one hickey on Tyler's neck before going back to his lips and kissing Ty.

Now it's Tyler's turn to pull away, Tyler kisses Josh's neck, he suddenly had a strong urge to to give Josh a hickey. Josh gave him one, he should give one back!

Tyler attaches his pretty pink lips to Josh's neck and starts sucking harshly on the skin. Josh lets out a groan. Tyler couldn't believe his ears. Once Tyler's done making a hickey he can't help but make another... and another, and another.

He litters Josh's neck with kisses and soon hickeys.

Josh's neck is literally destroyed with hickeys.


Tyler lets out a yawn and opens his eyes, he raises an eyebrow when he notices Josh isn't in the bed.

Josh walks out of the bathroom, his eyes wide.

"How many are on my neck?!" Josh asks in disbelief. Tyler can't help but giggle a little. He sits up on his knees and makes grabby hands at Josh.

Josh storms over with his arms crossed and glares at Tyler. "No I am not picking you up! Look what you did to my-" Tyler stands up on the bed, he leans down and attaches his lips to the side of Josh's neck. "Oh, that's nice," he moans quietly.

Goddamn Tyler.

A/N yeah lots of kissing and hickeys ya'll also I just wanna say this book will have a lot of kissing and stuff while Tyler is in little space, I know a lot of people don't rlly support it but some stuff may happen so that's just a heads up, plz don't @ me for it...

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