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Good Morning Aviators

Clothes from the night before was scattered every where. Lindsey's eyes fluttered opened, she looked over to Bradley who was sound asleep, laying on his stomach. They have been in a relationship for quite some time now and they started living together about a year ago.

She smiled and started rubbing circles on his on his bare back. He stirred in his sleep, then he saw Lindsey rubbing the circles on his back. "Keep it up, I won't get out of this bed Kazansky." Bradley mumbled. She giggled at her boyfriend. "We can't be late, I don't feel like pissing off the admirals on the first day, even though I am daughter of two admirals but still" Lindsey said. As she stopped and laid back down, Bradley groaned then pulled her close to her which caused her to giggle.

"Don't you ever get sick of me Bradshaw?" Lindsey asked. He looked at her, "Never." Bradley said to her. She smiled as he press his lips to her.


"Attention on Deck!" A woman yells as all the pilots stood as Admirals made their way in.

"Morning... welcome to your special training detachment be seated." Admiral Bates said as everyone did so. 

"I'm Admiral Bates... you're all Top Gun Graduates... the elite... the best of the best.... that was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth generation fighter has leveled the playing field.... Details a few  but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage success more then ever comes down to the man or woman in the box." Bates said. 

Hangman looked back at Phoenix. Phoenix sneaky gave him the finger. Domino shook her head.

"Half of you will make the cut, one of you will be name mission leader, the other half will remain in reserve." Bates said. Hangman looked back Rooster, Storm rose a brow. Vadar sneakily flicked him while Domino tap her leg. "Vadar." Domino quietly spatted.

"You instructor is a Top Gun graduate, with real world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master..." Vadar looked back and her eyes widen. She quickly turned around. "Warning would be nice, Uncle Ice." Vadar said. "Who is it?" Domino whispered. She looked back her eyes widened, then looked back Vadar. "Yep warning would've been nice." Domino said.

"... His exploits are legendary and he's consider to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced..." Storm shook her head. "So this is who Mom and Dad got to teach us... this isn't going to end up well." Storm mumbled. "...What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, Call sign Maverick." Bates finished before Maverick took his place. Storm looked over to see Rooster's jaw clenching. She grabbed his hand gave him assuring squeeze before looking forward as she continued hold onto it. He rubbed his thumb over hers.

"Good morning." He started off and everyone nodded. "The F-18 na contains everything they want you to know about your aircraft, I'm assuming you know the book inside and out." Maverick asked.

"Goodness Gracious, I hope so or we wouldn't be graduates now wouldn't we!" Vadar exclaimed excitedly but sarcastically. Domino looked wide eye at Vadar, while Storm along with many others bit their lips to prevent themselves from giggling at Vadar's outburst.

Admiral shook their heads. "Just like Slider." Hondo said.

"Damn right."


Maverick looked at Vadar, She grinned at him then looked away. Maverick tossed the book in the bin. Everyone had confused but shock looks on their faces. "You need to chill." Domino whispered to Vadar. "I am." Vadar whispered as she looked forward again.

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