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Life as a Bradshaw

Six years later...

"Hey Mom, where's dad?" Her's and Bradley's oldest son, Nick asked. "He should be home soon." Lindsey said with a smile at her five year old. "Oh Congratulations on being promoted Mommy." Their daughter Wendy said. "Oh yeah." Nick said with excitement. Lindsey smiled at her two little ones.

Lindsey was just promoted to Commander, Lindsey has been working hard to get where she is now while Bradley was also recently promoted to Commander. They both have been working their asses off to get where they are now.

After getting married six years ago, Lindsey found out she was expecting their son Nick. Which Bradley was thrilled, He is named after his Grandpa Goose. Then three years ago, they had their daughter Wendy. 


Lindsey heard the sound of Bradley's Bronco pulling into the driveway. "Dad's home!" Nick exclaimed as Wendy gasped and they both made their way to the front door to greet their father. Bradley smiled at the sight of his two children. He picked them both up and they kissed his cheeks. 

"Oh my kiddos." Bradley said and Lindsey smiled. "How was your day Commander?" Lindsey asked as she pressed a kiss to her husband's lips. "It went smoothly, but I missed seeing a certain Commander." Bradley said and Lindsey grinned. "Sorry but you and I knew, I had to get checked out by a doctor." Lindsey said.

"Dad, are you hungry?" Nick asked his father. "I'm starving." Bradley said. "How's your mother today, Lins?" Bradley asked. "Oh, same old same old. Just loves being a grandma. She's quite good at it." Lindsey said. "Like she was at a mother, look at you and your brothers." Bradley said. Lindsey smiled. "I have the best mommy in the world."  Lindsey said with a smile. 

"When can we see Mamaw Ace?" Nick asked. "Well you can tomorrow, I'm taking your mother out." Bradley said. "Oh yeah, Uncle Slider and Spade will be over along with your cousins Robert, Victoria, Aunt Millie and Uncle Jake." Lindsey said and they gasped.

"Wait wait, that means we'll see." Wendy said. "Ruby, Tillie, Max and Jaxon." Nick said as he got excited. Lindsey and Bradley chuckled at their children's excitement.

"Dad can I ask you something about Papaw Goose also Mom about our Papaw Iceman?" Nick asked. Lindsey looked over at her husband. "Well, you have his name, your named after him. I lost him when I was young but everyone around him loved him very much, even your mamaw Ace, they were best friends. Your Mamaw Ace, helped me and your Mamaw Carole stand strong after we lost him, you would've loved him just like he would've loved you and your sister." Bradley explained.

Lindsey hummed and looked at her children. "Your Papaw Iceman. Oh I miss him so much. He was one of the greatest pilots ever. Did you know him and your mamaw Ace made history together?" Lindsey asked them both. "How?" Nick and Wendy asked their mom. 

"When they went to Top Gun together. They were both winners, it was a tie, it was the first time in history." Lindsey said. "Wow!" Wendy exclaimed. "That's pretty cool."  Nick said. "Yeah, they were a team. One thing about everything, He loved your mamaw so much. He would've love you both so much." Lindsey said as she then sighed. Bradley grabbed her hand. "Life's unfair." Wendy said. "Wish we could've gotten to meet them both." Nick said as he and his sister pouted.

Lindsey sighed. "Life is unfair, but we can't control it. Your father and I wish they could've gotten to meet you both, but remember, they are always with you... No matter what." Lindsey said and they smiled at their mother.


Lindsey approached their daughter's door as she had put Nick down for bed. She was smiling as she watched Bradley read to their daughter. One thing about it, She is such a Daddy's girl. 

Bradley smiled as he noticed his daughter was fast asleep. He pulled the covers up more on her and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. "Sweet dream, sweetheart." He said as he got up and turned the lights out, he shut the door and looked over at Lindsey. "Nick?" He asked. 

"He's asleep as well, they played hard today." Lindsey said. "They are like us when we were younger." Bradley said. "Yeah, I wonder what it's going to be like with three kids." Lindsey said then Bradley froze and looked at his wife. "Wait.. wait." Bradley said as he looked at her.

"The reason why I'm sick Bradley, I'm pregnant." Lindsey said with a grin. "No way." Bradley said. "Wendy is going to be a big sister and Nick is going to have another sibling?" Bradley added. Lindsey nodded her head in excitement. "Oh my... goodness." He said as he picked her up and spun her around, She chuckled. 

"Oh my gosh, fucking finally." Bradley said and Lindsey chuckled. They looked at each other and smile. "We are about to have another baby together." Bradley said. "We are about to become a family of five, Bradshaw." Lindsey said.

"I love you so damn much." Bradley said. Lindsey grinned. "I love you too." Lindsey said as he then pressed his lips to hers. Then he picked her up, she giggled as he took them to their shared room. "What the hell are we doing Mr. Bradshaw?" She asked. "We are celebrating Mrs. Bradshaw." Bradley said and she giggled.

Life couldn't be anymore perfect...


Author's note

Oh my goodness, I can't believe Storm is over. The Ace saga is over, I loved them so much and sad to see this end. Thank you so much for your support on this book as well as Ace, it means the world!

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