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We've been through everything.

"Like what the fuck do I do!" Victoria exclaimed at her cousin. "Victoria, I don't know, tell him." Lindsey said. "Easy for you to say, Robert and I are different."  Victoria said. "So different." Millie mumbled. 

"Millie!" Lindsey spatted. "What, you know it's true." Millie held up her hands in defense. 

Victoria looked at her cousin, "How's Uncle Ice doing?" she asked. "He's doing fine... but to be honest, it's been rough watching my Father be in all that pain... I can't help take it away." Lindsey said as she shook her head. Both Millie and Victoria sighed. 

"I know Aunt Ace, she's strong." Victoria said. "She worships the ground he walks on." Millie said. "The couple of Top Gun that year." Victoria said. "My mom loves my father so much, she's going to be so lost if something happens.... but the only thing is to only hope, I hope my father beats this again." Lindsey said.

"Well you go spend chicken boy, I am going to talk to Floyd, what you going to do Mills?" Victoria asked. "Well, I might go down to Hard Deck, just go somewhere, you two have fun." Millie said.

"That's not like you." Victoria said. "Yeah, but might as well do something, I can't stay cooped up inside all the time." Millie said. "Have fun you two, Victoria you got this."  Lindsey said with a smile. "Always staying hopeful Kazansky." Victoria said with a smile. "It's all you can do, Floyd would be lucky to have you." Lindsey said. "Totally." Millie said.

"Also would you please stop calling my boyfriend Chicken boy." Lindsey said. "What? it's is doing that his call sign is literal bird." Victoria said. "His father was Goose." Lindsey said. "Goose is Iconic but Rooster, I can use the nickname Chicken boy... anyways have fun." Victoria said as she and Millie walked out. She chuckled at the two.

"Goodness gracious." Lindsey said. "Would you politely tell your cousin to stop calling me that?" Bradley questioned. "Bradley.. you know I..." Lindsey said as she stopped mid sentence as Bradley stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "....can't... can't control Victoria hon." Lindsey said. Bradley chuckled. "Eyes up here, Darling." Bradley said. Lindsey bit the inside of her cheek. "Don't think about it, we have a dinner reservation to be on time for..." Bradley said. "Yeah.. well... screw that." Lindsey said as she shoved Bradley into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.


After a great dinner, they were riding down the room. Lindsey hummed then looked over at her boyfriend. "Dinner was great." She said as she grabbed his hand and held onto it. "It was... how are you doing?" Bradley said. She knew what he was referring to. "Fine, but I am afraid." She said. Then looked over at him, "To lose him." She added. He squeezed her hand softly.

She knew Bradley knew the pain, he lost his mother a few years ago but his father at young age that no child should have to ever go through.

"I know you love your father so much." Bradley said. "I know you loved yours, it sucks that you lost him at young age, I would have love to met him, but I feel like I know him thanks to your mother and my mother.... Maverick." She said. Bradley sighed.

"I wish he never did what he did, you two were close.... do you ever see that happening again... maybe?" She questioned her boyfriend. "Maybe... but he shouldn't have done what he did." Bradley said. "I know ... but in ways, I think a lot has to do with your dad. my mother believed that.... My mother... you know, she told me, she was very protective of you and your mother especially more after your father passed." Lindsey said. "Really?" Bradley questioned sounding surprised. "Yes... wait you never knew that?" Lindsey questioned him. "No but I have always love your mother, To be fair, everyone is practically jealous of me on that." Bradley said and Lindsey giggled.

"At the end of the day... we have been through so much together Roost, I can't imagine doing that with someone else." She said as He stopped the car at the red light, he looked over at her. He kissed her and pulled away. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." 

Then the light turned green and he pulled off.

As he was driving them home, he thought back what he did earlier that day.


Bradley walked up to the door of the Kazansky's and he took a breath then knocked on the door. The door opened there stood Diana. "Oh Bradley, what a pleasant surprise... where's Lindsey?" She asked. "That's the thing, she doesn't know I'm here... Can I talk to you and Iceman?" Bradley asked. This made Diana's heart flutter. "Of course, please come in?" She said as she stepped aside to let him in.

Iceman looked at the Bradshaw, Diana shook her head at him. "Don't speak sweetheart." Diana said. Bradley sighed. "I wanted to do this but I couldn't have Lindsey with me." Bradley said. "What is it?" Diana asked. 

Bradley pulled out the ring, "I was wondering if I could have your blessing to marry Lindsey?" Bradley asked as he set the box in Diana's hand. She looked at him. "Your daughter is lights up my world, she is my world. Besides I know I will have the best in laws." Bradley said. Diana opened the box, there sat a ring, a pearl ring with diamonds surrounding it. A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Of course." Tom said. "You do, besides, you always been family, but you will become our son in law." Diana said. Bradley pulled her into a hug. Bradley looked at Iceman. 

"Please... take care of my little girl." Tom said. Bradley smiled a bit. "I promise, sir."


He looked over at her, "I am going to make her my wife." He thought to himself.

"I am the luckiest guy in the world."

He hoped... her dad would live to see it... live to walk her down the isle.... his first grandchild from them...

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