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Millie Darling....

Millie pulled up the hard deck. "Can't believe I'm actually doing this... Victoria is going to flip a can." She said to herself as she got out her car and walked inside the Hard Deck. 

She looked around and she saw him with Javy at the pool table. She took a breathe before she walked over. He looked up at her. "Millie, Darling, what brings you by here tonight?" Jake asked. "We need to talk... alone." Millie said as she looked at Javy then back at him.

Jake looked at the woman for a moment. "Yeah, Javy, I'll be back." Jake said, then He followed Millie outside and they sat down on the patio.

"Ferris, this isn't like you." Jake said and she looked up at him. "Yeah... I just have things that been on my mind for awhile, if I don't get them out.... I'm going to lose my mind." Millie said. Then she stared at him for moment, "Yes, I'm about to let this all out with you Seresin, don't get a big head." Millie said, sternly. "I won't, why aren't you letting this out with Kazansky and Kerner?" He asked.

"Oh believe me, they will be either shocked or lose their marbles if I told them this, it was best to tell you this." Millie admitted. "Not even with your parents?" Jake asked and she shook her head. "Gee I must be special then." Jake said. "Don't get cocky now." Millie said sternly to the blonde. 

Jake made eye contact with the woman which made her heart fluttered. "Millie darling, what is it?" Jake asked her. Then Millie thought of an idea, in that moment, something Lindsey would do. "Have you ever been in love?" She asked which caught the blonde off guard.

"Well... yeah." He answered her. "Really." Millie said and He nodded. "Interesting." She said. "Why have you?" He asked her. "I have... well I am."  Millie admitted. "Now what I can't understand is why Lindsey and Victoria don't know who this fella is." Jake said.

"If they find out who he is, like I said, they will lost their marbles, they don't like the guy as it is because of his cocky attitude but personally, I can't help it... I love it... but I would tame his ass down." Millie said then shock hit Jake. 

She looked and saw he had a look of shock, plastered on his face. "Jake?" She questioned.

"Wait, wait... the guy you are talking about is me?" Jake questioned. "Yeah...." Millie said trailing off as nerves began to hit her. "I'm the guy you are in love with?" He asked and she nodded. "Damn... I thought I was going to have problems admitting or worse, that you didn't feel the same." Jake said which shock Millie. "Wait... you have feelings... for me?" Millie questioned him.

"Yeah, but like I said, I was afraid to admit." Jake said. "Since when did Hangman get afraid.... but why?" Millie questioned him. "Have you seen your father?" Jake questioned the woman with a look. "Shy Spade, please, my father would never hurt a fly unless... you give him a reason to." Millie said. "Shy spade?" He question. "According to Ace, she said that father was very shy when before and during top gun until he met my mother." Millie said. Silence filled between the two of them.

"How's Lindsey doing?" Jake asked. Millie sighed. "She's scared.... scared that's she going to lose her father plus with this mission on her belt, she's stress Jake." Millie explained. Jake shook his head. "Iceman is great man, Lindsey, is like her mother but I see him in her, she bold just like him... I been hard on her." Jake said. "More like an ass there Bagman." Millie said and Jake gave her look before he sighed. "Your not wrong." He admitted. 

"Maybe since we are something..." Millie said then he jumped. "Wait wait... you were being serious?" Jake questioned. "Well Duh..." Millie said. "Millie darling..." Jake said. "Jake, I'm being serious, that's means if you are my boyfriend please treat Lindsey more better then you have." Millie said. "Well what about Victoria?" He questioned her. Millie rose a brow, "Don't know what to tell you about Victoria Kerner, you have a lot of ass kissing to do Seresin." Millie said.

"Yeah your right..." Jake said. "I know I'm right Sweetheart." Millie said. "Don't get cocky now." Jake said. "Oh look whose talking?" Millie questioned with a brow rose. "Yeah, yeah." Jake said and she giggled. "Seriously Millie, how's your parents going to react to us?" Jake said and Millie hummed. She grabbed onto his hand. 

"Jake.... you have nothing to worry about, my father is going to act protective because I'm his little girl, I will always be his little girl, he's been like that, but my parents are going to love you.... I promise." Millie said and Jake smiled at the woman. "Also you shouldn't have brought up Rooster's dad, don't let my father know about that, he loved Rooster's dad... who wouldn't have, I wish I gotten to meet him, Lindsey wasn't wrong, her mother was left traumatized after that happened.... still is." Millie said as she sighed. She heard many stories about Goose thanks to her father, but when her father told her what unfolded that day, her heart shattered. 

"The thing is... that wasn't Ace's fault." Jake said. Millie looked at him, "She feels like it is, she was trying to warn them but... the radio went out.... my father can still hear her screams when she sobbed and freaked out... he watched her go through so much after that unfolded but at the end of the day, Ace came out strong." Millie explained. Jake sighed. "Lindsey means it, she's doesn't want to see that to any of us, I know her mother is the same way." Millie added.

The couple looked at the waves, Jake smiled then looked at Millie. "I think I became the lucky one tonight." Jake said. Millie rose a brow at him. "Why's that?" She questioned him. "I am now dating Millie Ferris that's why." Jake said and she smiled. "Let's go back inside, I gotta see you whip some asses in there at a game of pool." Jake said and she grinned. "What a great Idea." Millie said with a smile.

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