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This is her Legacy

Storm walked in the classroom, everyone looked back at her. "You... are fucking crazy." Vadar said as she hugged her cousin. "But she prove that this... Maverick's way is possible and safe for us." Domino said. 

"I had to do something... my mom, we just had to bury my father, I didn't want it to be her daughter, niece... god daughter... I had to." Storm said.

"But your mother ripped Cyclone's ass up." Coyote said and Storm's eyes widen. "She did what?" Storm questioned as her voice rose. "Yeah, she was anger, about the decision he made on Maverick." Bob said. Storm chuckled a bit. "Yeah, protective mode, she was like that at Top Gun, the door slam..." Storm said. "That time a couple of asshats took her clothes, uncle Ice and dad said she wasn't scared of none of them." Vadar said.

"But she had endure bullshit like that... because she was a woman, but she opened a path for us women, for that I'm grateful." Domino said. Storm looked at Rooster, he rose a brow at the woman, she walked over and sat next to him. "You scared me you know." Rooster said. "Roost, you have to understand, she mixed with Kerner and Kazansky bloodline, she gets that part from her mother." Vadar said. 

"We will talk later." Storm said and Rooster nodded.


Ace and Maverick stood inside of Cyclone's office. "Just like old times." Ace muttered to Maverick which made him crack a smile.

"I don't know why you two are smiling stupidly, your daughter did a stupid stunt with our friend right there." Spade spatted. Ace looked over, "Excuse me, I think My daughter and Maverick proved that his way is possible for this mission, for fuck stake Spade, I want my daughter to come home, you want the same thing for Millie and I sure as hell know Ron would want the same for Victoria damn it." Ace spatted back.


"You along Iceman and Ace's daughter have put me a difficult position captain." Cyclone said. Ace bit the inside of her cheek and Spade sighed. "On the one hand, you and Storm have demonstrated that this mission can be flown, perhaps the only way it can be survived. On the other hand, you two did it by stealing two multi million dollar military aircrafts and flying them in such a manner that may never be airworthy again." Cyclone explained.

"Iceman is no longer here, Ace and Spade can't protect you forever... I have everything I need to have you court-martial and dishonorably discharged, Storm won't pay the piper for this." Cyclone said. Ace shook her head knowing that he was right on that one.

"So, What do I do? Risk the lives of my pilots and perhaps the success of this mission or risk my career by appointing Storm as mission team leader and you would choose her team?" Cyclone asked as he looked back at Maverick.

Ace and Spade looked at Maverick. "Sir..." Maverick started. "Mav." Spade said then Maverick looked over at Ace, Warlock and Spade. "I think the admiral's asking a rhetorical question captain." Ace said Maverick nodded.


Lindsey sat on the couch waiting for Bradley to come back with Dinner since the pair decided to stay in tonight. Lindsey stared at the photo of her father and mother when they went to Top Gun together, She hummed. "You doing alright?" She heard Bradley behind her. 

"Well.... missing my dad, I guess I am feeling the pain you have been feeling for years now." Lindsey said. Bradley sighed as he set the dinner on the counter and pulled her into a hug. "I know I keep saying it like a broken record, I am sorry darling, I know how much you loved him, I respected him so much." Bradley said as he held onto Lindsey.

Then he thought back on the conversation that he had with her parents, the conversation where he asked her parents for a blessing, a blessing to marry Lindsey.

"Hey darling, go sit on the couch, I go to go get something out of our room." Bradley said, Lindsey nodded as she headed to the couch, then he ran into their room. He looked for the velvet box which contained the ring.

Lindsey sat on the couch and pondered. Then Bradley ran back out into the living room and Lindsey noticed he looked nervous about something. "Bradley love, you alright?" She asked. Bradley took deep breathe and looked at her. "Yeah, just something I wanted to do." Bradley said as he sat down beside her and held onto her hands. Lindsey continued to look at him. "I keep thinking back to the last time I talked to your parents together."  Bradley said. Lindsey looked at him confused. "Since when did you talk to my parents alone?" Lindsey asked.

"Well, that day I went out while you went to hang out with Victoria and Millie, I had something important to ask the both of them." Bradley said. Lindsey smiled a bit, "Oh I see." Lindsey said. "Yeah, it was something I was glad I did." Bradley said. "What was that?" Lindsey asked. "Asking for their blessing." Bradley said which made Lindsey's heart to flutter. "You mean?" Lindsey questioned then Bradley smiled. 

"I was going to wait to do this but where do I begin, Lindsey since I remember, I have always been in love with you. I love your smile, laugh, and spirit. We have been through everything together, the good and the bad. I can't imagine spending my life with someone else other then you. I want you to be the woman who I call my forever soulmate, the woman who I call my wife, the woman who I call the mother of our children... most importantly the woman I get to grow old with... Lindsey Kazansky would you do me the honor, marry me?" Bradley said as he was on one knee and opened the velvet box to reveal the gorgeous ring.

Lindsey smiled as tears streamed down her face. "Bradley Bradshaw, I would love to marry you." She said. Bradley smiled and slid the ring onto her finger. She pulled him into a kiss. He pulled the away and smile at her.

"I know, you would've love to have your father walked you down the aisle, he's always going to be with us, no matter what... maybe you can ask Maverick if you want." Bradley suggested. Lindsey looked at him. "You mean?" Lindsey said. "I will make amends with Maverick." Bradley said and She smiled. "It was going to be him or Spade but I think it makes sense to have Maverick be the one to walk me down, It's about time you two made up." Lindsey said. "Indeed it is." Bradley said.

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