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Danger Zone

"Dagger 1, up and ready at catapult one." Both Storm and Vadar announced.

"Dagger spare, standing by." Hangman announces.

"Dagger 4, up and ready."

"Dagger 3, up and ready."

"Dagger 2, up and ready."

"Bait, up and ready." Domino called out

Storm's engine roared, she signaled the crew as she was ready for take off. Then she took off and went off quick, flew up. She looked straight ahead moment then turned to look at the sky. "Hey Dad." Storm muttered as tear slipped down her eye.

"Dagger 2 away." The woman called out as Cyclone, Warlock , Maverick, Ace and Spade along with Hondo stared at the screen. Ace couldn't believe her daughter was leader and leading this mission. "Dagger 3 away." ... "Dagger 4 away." "Dagger 5, the bait..."

Storm looked straight ahead, her nerves were going through the roof at this moment but she knew they all got this. "Comanche, Dagger 1, standby check in?" Storm called out. She listened closely, "Copy, Daggers descending below radar." Storm responded as she began to descend her plane as the others followed. She looked back both directions then she looked forward again.

"Daggers now below radar, switching to E2 picture." Ace looked over at her friend who was worried. "Don't worry, They'll be fine, they got our spirits." Spade explained. "I know, I am proud of them, especially my Storm." Ace said.

"Here we go, enemy territory up ahead out sixty seconds, Dagger 1." Storm said. "The decision is yours." A woman the radio talked. "Copy." Storm said as she took a moment, she then looked at Rooster then ahead. "Up to you Storm." Vadar mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "Dagger attack." Storm responded.

"Tomahawks airborne." "No turning back now." Warlock commented.

"Alright Domino, it's your moment to shine." Storm called out. "Copy, stay safe." Domino said as she headed off into different direction. Storm took a shaky breath and then shook her head. "Daggers, assume final formation." Storm called out as she pulled ahead while Bob and Phoenix pulled in behind her, then Rooster got behind them as Payback and Fanboy got behind Rooster. "Holy shit this happening." Vadar muttered. "Daggers set proceeding to target, two minutes and thirty seconds... three... two... one.. mark." Storm called out. "Two mark." "Three mark." "Four mark."

Hondo looked at his pocket watch as Ace began to worry even more. She knows her daughter can do this but fear still lingered.

"Going in." Storm said. Storm and Vadar looked up and saw them. "First SAM sight overhead." Storm told everyone. "Looks like we are clear on radar, Storm." Phoenix said to her. "Let's not take it for granted." Storm responded. "More SAMS."

"We got two minutes to target." Bob called out. "Copy, we're a few seconds behind, Rooster we gotta move." Payback called out to Rooster. When Storm didn't hear Rooster respond, her heart dropped.

"30 seconds to tomahawk impact on enemy airstrip." Someone called out. "Dagger and commander, we are picking up two bandits." "Damn it." Storm muttered. "Where the hell they come from?" Cyclone asked. "They're heading away from us, they don't know we're here." Rooster thinks out loud. "Domino, what's your status, we just got a pick up for two bandits." Vadar called out.  "On way to their base, send me the coordinates so I can tail them." Domino called out. "Be cautious. Domino." Vadar said as she began to send the coordinates. "Copy." Domino responded. Domino took a shaky breath, she knew she had to get away from enemy base so she formed her own plan, she headed away from the base and went towards the others.

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