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Maverick visits Ace and Iceman

Maverick sits in the chair, then he receives a text from Iceman. "I need to see you." Maverick sighed, texted back, "Not a good time." Then Iceman texted back "I'm not asking." 


As Maverick made his way over to the Kazansky's household. He thought back on memories.

Maverick and Goose was walking down the hallway, saw Ace standing in Spade's doorway, she looked aggravated.

"Spade, fucking hell, this isn't high school, this is Top Gun, stop trying to pull a Ferris Bueller and come the hell on before I find a replacement." Ace said sternly.

"AHH I'M UP, THE HELL YOU ARE!" Spade exclaimed at the woman which caused Maverick and Goose to laugh. Ace looked over and smiled. "I am spade's favorite."  Ace said with a grin. "Actually Anna is." Spade said.

"Lord hope so, she's your girlfriend." Ace said. "Let's have fun today gentleman." Ace said then she looked back at Maverick and Goose. "Goose and Maverick, have fun, don't cause to much Chaos Mav." Ace said.

"No promises." Maverick said which caused Ace to shake her head.


Maverick couldn't help but smile thinking back on that memory.

Ace opens the door to find Maverick standing there which brought an instant smile to her face. "Hello old friend." Ace said with a smile. "Hello Ace.' Maverick said as he pulled the woman into a hug.

Ace pulled away, Then Maverick saw Storm outside with the grand kids and her siblings. "She looks like you..." Maverick said but Ace interrupted "But she looks more like her father, has his eyes and his hair color..." Ace said then Maverick finished "But her mother's attitude." Maverick said and Ace rolled her eyes.

Maverick saw the photo of him, her and Ice. Ace sighed and Maverick knew something was wrong. "It's back...isn't it." Maverick said and Ace nodded. "There isn't much they can do.... it hurts for him to talk." Ace said, Maverick sense heartbreak in her voice. "Oh Diana, I'm sorry." He said as he pulled her into a hug. "Does Lindsey know?" Maverick asked and Ace nodded. "But you and I know she's staying strong for her dad." Ace said and Maverick nodded.

"She also said you and Goose's son hasn't solve your differences." Ace said. "I still can't believe they are a couple, I was surprised when I found out." Maverick said, Ace chuckled. "Iceman and Ace's daughter with Goose's son, who saw that coming but I saw how he looked at her, it's like how her father looked at me... Bradley is so good to Lindsey, makes her father and I happy because that's all we want for our children, is to be happy, beside us, he's Lindsey's world... only if Nick got to live to see it, personally he would be tickled.... I miss him." Ace said. "Me too.... How's Spade and your brother? Their daughters are great pilots." Maverick asked. 

"Spade is just living life to the fullest, being a father of five and crap ton of grandkids, then my brother, just being Ron, he just has Victoria, he visits every once in a while, it's crazy to think our children went to Top Gun together and back at it doing this mission." Ace said. 

Maverick and Ace looked at the door of Iceman's office. "You can go in there, I am going to talk to my daughter." Ace said as she patted Maverick's shoulder as she walked off into the yard.

Maverick approached the door, he heard Iceman coughing which pained him. He was looking at paperwork then Maverick shut the door. "Admiral." Maverick called out which caught Iceman's attention.

Maverick grabbed a chair and sat it near. "How's my wingman?" Maverick questioned him. Iceman smiled then turned towards his computer then typed out "I want to talk about work."

"Please... don't worry about me, What can I do for you?" Maverick asked him then Iceman pointed at the screen again.

Maverick was going to argue, he sighed. "All right, Well Rooster's still angry with me about what I did. I thought eventually He would understand why...Hoped he forgive me.... I mean your daughter did and understands but she still frustrated with the idea that I did it." Maverick explained to Iceman.

Then Iceman typed out. "There's still time." Maverick shook his head. "The mission is less then three weeks away... The kid's not ready."  Maverick said.

Iceman typed out. "Then teach him." "He doesn't want what I have to give." Maverick said then Iceman just waved his hand with annoyance. "Ice.. please. don't ask me to send someone else to die, please don't... don't ask me to send him... don't ask me to send Storm... send me." Maverick said. 

Iceman typed out, "It's time to let go." Maverick sighed.

"I don't know how." Maverick said to him. "I'm not a teacher Ice, I'm a fighter pilot... Naval aviator... it's not what I am....it's who I am. How do I teach that?" Maverick questions, Ace stepped into the office and shut the door behind her. "Even if I could teach it, It's not what Rooster wants. it's not what the Navy wants, that's why they canned me the last time. The only reason I'm here is because of you, Ace and Spade.. If I send him on this mission, he might not ever come home plus it will put your guy's daughter in the same position that his mother was in, I don't want that for her... and If I don't send him, he'll never forgive me, Don't think Storm would either since she didn't support the idea of when I pulled his papers.... either way, I could lose him forever." Maverick said as he then looked at the computer screen. Ace wiped tears off her face. She was still traumatized from the day they lost Goose, everything unfolded in front of her eyes.

"I know...I know." Maverick said as he took a breathe. Iceman got up out of his chair and so did Maverick. "The Navy...needs...Maverick, The kid..needs..Maverick..That's...why..Ace and I fought for you...along with Spade..That's why your still here." Iceman said. Ace messed with the necklace around her neck, she smiled as they hugged.

"Thank you Ice...for everything." Maverick said as Ace walked over towards them. "One last thing?" Iceman asked. Ace rose a brow at her husband and Maverick looked at him. "Whose the better pilot..you or me?" Iceman asked. "This is a nice moment...lets not ruin it." Maverick said as the three of them chuckled. Iceman pulled Maverick into another hug.

Maverick pulled away, Ace looked at her husband. "Your not suppose to be speaking love, but I agree." Ace said to Iceman. He kissed the top of her head. "Maverick?" Ace questioned. Maverick looked back at the couple. 

"Thank you, for always being there for Lindsey, I hope you and Bradley solve your differences soon." Ace said as Iceman agreed with her. Maverick nodded.

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