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The Possible

Storm walked towards Maverick. "Should we be in class right now?" Storm questioned as she approached the man. "Well about that... Cyclone grounded me." Maverick said which caused Storm's eyes to widen then she shook her head. "No, not this close to the mission also, do they know my mother?" Storm questioned. "They're set on it." Maverick said. She sighed.

"Well, you got me here for a reason, Maverick. What's the plan?" Storm questioned. "Well we are running the course." Maverick said and her eyes widen. "One thing my father was right on, you are dangerous but yet my mother adores you." Storm said. "But yet you are great mixture of both." Maverick said. "I hope so." Storm said with a smile.

"Your job is the target, my job is to help guide you. Don't worry, you got this." Maverick said and Storm nodded.


Ace walked down the halls, she looked around. "Good god, it's been awhile since I was here." Ace said as she looked at the walls. She saw a photo of her with her late husband. She smiled. "Oh honey, I miss you." She said as her voice cracks.

"Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor and as of today there are new mission parameters. Time to target is now Four minutes. You'll be entering the valley level at reduced speed, not to exceed 420 knots." Cyclone said to everyone. Everyone looked at each other, Vadar looked at the empty seat beside Rooster where her cousin should be. "Where the hell are you Storm?" Vadar muttered.

"Sir, won't we be giving their planes time to intercept." Bob asked. Ace approached the door, she waited outside the door. "Well lieutenant you have a fighting chance against enemy aircraft. What are the odds of surviving a head on collusion with a mountain. You'll be attacking the target from a higher altitude level with a north wall. It's gonna be little harder to keep your laser on target but you will avoid the high g climb out." Cyclone said. "Out here sitting ducks for the enemy's missiles." Fanboy said,

Ace bit the inside of her cheek. Then without thinking she slammed open the door, which caught everyone's attention. Cyclone made eye contact with Her. "Mrs. Kazansky." Cyclone said. "That's Admiral Ace to you." Ace spatted. "Oh boy, here we go." Hondo muttered as he kept his eyes on the woman.

Vadar looked at her aunt, She knew her aunt was angry. Vadar looked over at Domino and sighed.

"I know I just lost my husband, Storm lost her father, but why am I hearing that you are changing the mission last minute not to mention you grounded Captain Mitchell." Ace said. Before Cyclone could answer, she beat him to it.

"It wasn't just Iceman that called on him for this mission, It was also Myself and Admiral Spade, my reasoning, I believe he could teach these pilots including storm to survive.I have known him since we went to Top Gun together, I knew he could do the job, My question is why are you sending these pilots to die?" Ace questioned. "I already lost my husband, I can't lose my daughter." Ace added Cyclone stared at her then he looked at Vadar and noticed Storm was missing.

"Where's your daughter at?" Cyclone said. Ace furrowed her brows then looked back at her niece and noticed her daughter was in fact. "Vadar?" Cyclone asked. "I saw her earlier this morning... you have to understand, she's going on this mission but she just lost her father." Vadar said. "Domino?" Cyclone said. "I talked to her, but haven't see her." She replied. "Oh shit.." Ace said.

Before Cyclone could question, two F-18s appeared on the screen which caught everyone's attention. "Oh my goodness." Ace muttered. "Who the hell is that?" Cyclone questioned.

"Maverick and Storm to range control, entering point alpha, confirm green range." Maverick said. "What the hell Storm!" Domino called out. Ace raise her hand to quiet down Domino. "She's doing this for her dad." Ace muttered. Rooster grabbed onto her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze before letting go, "Mrs. Kanzansky, please sit." Rooster said. "I am fine, Rooster. Thank you for offering... Goodness gracious you are like your father it's not even funny." Ace told him, which caused him to smile a bit.

"Uh Maverick and Storm, range control, uh green range is confirmed... I don't see an event scheduled for the both of you." Storm smiled a bit. "Well, we are going anyways." Storm said. "Nice." Phoenix muttered.

"Setting time to target, Two minutes and fifteen seconds." Maverick called out. "2:15 that's impossible." Payback said. "He's Maverick, he'll make it possible." Ace turned to see Spade, she smiled at her former WSO. "Welcome pain in the ass." Ace said. Spade rolled his eyes as he stood beside her. Domino smiled at her father and friend.

"File attack point, Maverick and Storm Inbound." Maverick said. "You okay there Storm?" Maverick asked her. "Just thinking about my dad." Storm said as her voice cracked, Ace sighed. "I know you miss him kid, I do too, your making him and your mother proud." Maverick said. Storm smiled. "Let's do this Maverick." Storm said. Maverick nodded then pulled the plane down and she followed.

The time started and Ace sighed nervously.

They all watched them go through the course. "Alright back there?" Maverick asked the woman once more. "Ask me once more, I'm fine." Storm snapped. Maverick shook his head as they came up to Minute and thirty seconds on the timer.

Vadar looked at the screen. "You got this cous." She said. Spade looked over at his best friend. "She's trouble like you." Spade said. "You don't say, your daughter is confident like you." Ace said which caused him to smile. "I got that confident thanks to you." Spade said. "Oh yeah." Ace said. Spade glared at her and she chuckled silently.

"Thank goodness, that I didn't have my source of nutrition this morning, because geez." Storm said as she followed Maverick.

Then it hit thirty seconds on the time, everyone was tensed at this time. "Popping, in three, two one!" Maverick called out as he did then she followed. She gasped as they made the dive, then she focused on getting an aim on the target.

Ace stared at the screen. "You got this Storm." Ace muttered.

Storm eyes widen as she got insight, she made lock on the target. "Bombs away!" She called out then her and Maverick pulled up.

She groaned as she felt the force hitting her, she kept an eye on the target, then she got a direct hit, with sixteen seconds to spare. "Bullseye, holy shit!" Fanboy exclaimed as he jumped out of his seat. "Damn, way go storm." Coyote said. "Yes!" Vadar exclaimed as she and Domino cheered for Storm and Maverick.

"10 gs, that's alot." Spade muttered. "But they got this." Ace said.

"Damn." Hangman all could say. Everyone looked to Spade. "Hey! I knew that sound like you." Payback said. Spade shook hands with him. Ace eyes widen. "Spade, shy Ferris, wow." Ace said. "Shy Ferris?" Fanboy asked. "When we went to Top Gun together, he was shy... very shy... I had to boost some confidence into him, many others had a hand, look at you buddy, look how far you have come." Ace said as she playfully hit his shoulder."Dad, you were shy?" Domino questioned. "Yep, he sure was, like i said I helped boost his confidence and..." Ace said. "Now Don't you start Kazansky." Spade said. "That's my last name, don't wear it out." Ace said sarcastically and everyone chuckled at the duo."But thank you for that." Spade said which caused her to smile.

Maverick and Storm took off their masks. "You good up there, Maverick?" Storm asked. "Yeah... you did good kid." Maverick said. "No shit there." Storm said. "Yep, good mixture of Iceman and Ace." Maverick muttered which caused her to chuckle at him.

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