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I'm lost, Uncle Mav

Lindsey stared into the mirror, at this point she couldn't cry anymore. She sighed, "I can't believe it... my dad is gone." Lindsey muttered. She looked over her uniform one more time then her mom walked in with hers on. 

"You ready sweetheart?" Diana asked her daughter. Lindsey bit her lip and hugged her mom. "I know... I wasn't ready to let him go, but remember he's always going to be with us." Diana said which caused Lindsey to smile a bit. "I know, to be fair. Nobody was ready for this..." Lindsey said.


Lindsey stared at the ground her father was about to be put in. Victoria and Millie stood there with tears in there eyes. Bradley kept an eye on Lindsey, is heart was breaking every moment watching her.

Then Ace was handed a flag as she choked up a sob, Lindsey bit her lip trying to prevent herself from sobbing. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Kazansky."  

Lindsey's eyes wonder to Maverick who stood at the end of her father's casket. He pulled off his wings then slammed into her father's casket then saluted.


As Maverick walked up to Penny's steps. He thought back on the events that happened earlier.

"I am just going to say politely, Admiral Ace isn't going to be please with you grounding, If you thought Iceman had a temper, I think you need rethink things through on that one." Maverick said as he then left the room. 

Cyclone thought then looked at Warlock. "You don't think he's serious?" Cyclone asked. "Hmm but he's not wrong about her temper, Storm can have that same temper." Warlock said.

As he approached, he saw Lindsey beside Penny. Maverick froze as he and Iceman's daughter made eye contact. "Lindsey." Maverick said. "Uncle Mav." Lindsey said. Then she pulled him into a hug, he held onto her. "I'm so lost, uncle Mav." Lindsey said. Maverick patted her back, "I know, me too sweetheart." Maverick said.

"Maverick.... for my father, you and Roost... Please make up." Lindsey told him. He just nodded. "Well, I'm going to get home so I can let you two love birds talk." Lindsey said. Before Maverick could question the woman. "Don't deny what you two have going on... I can see it... Happy for you uncle Mav." Lindsey said with a slight smile. He smiled back at her. Lindsey got into her car and drove off.

"She may not be my daughter by blood but I am proud to be her godfather." Maverick said and Penny smiled. "How's Diana?" Penny asked. "Good but won't be when she hears the news." Maverick said. "I heard." Penny said.


Lindsey walked into the house. "Bradley!" Lindsey called out. "Upstairs!" He called out. She sighed as she took off her hat. Then she walked up the stairs then saw Bradley sitting on the bed. "Hey." She said as she started to take off her uniform. "Hey, how you doing right now?" Bradley asked. "I'm lost Roost." She said as her voice cracked which broke him, he pulled her into a hug and she sobbed into his chest.

Bradley rubbed circles on her back, "I... I can't believe he's gone." She choked out. "I know, how's your mom?" He asked. Lindsey looked up at him. "She's heartbroken, this is first time anyone seen mom heartbroken since..." "My dad." Bradley finished and she hummed in response.

"Maverick is taking rough... even though him and my dad butted heads during Top Gun, they became really close after, then he became my God Father.... I hope you two get along." Lindsey said. Bradley sighed. "I can try." Bradley said and Lindsey looked over at him. "That would be great not only for me, but for my mom." Lindsey said. "I can do this for Ace." Bradley said and Lindsey smiled. "Tell me when you haven't done anything for my mom, you adore her." Lindsey said. "Who wouldn't! I'm a lucky person who will get her as a mother in law in the future." Bradley said. Lindsey giggled. "I do have the best mom." Lindsey said. 

Lindsey hummed once more. "Well I'm going to take a shower." Lindsey said. "Well don't mind me." Bradley said as he picked her up and she giggled as he carried her to the bathroom and he shut the door behind them.


Maverick sat in his car thinking what he should do next. He told Ace what happened but hasn't responded. Then his phone rang, it was Victoria. He hummed as he picked it up, "Victoria." Maverick said. "Wow, this is how fossil greet people now a days." Victoria said. Maverick stayed silent. "Oh... sorry, how are you handing everything?" Victoria asked. 

"Well hard, but I should be asking you that kid, he was your uncle." Maverick said. "Well, not well... Dad is devastated. Lindsey is struggling then Aunt Diana, well she lost and heartbroken, this... this was so sudden." Victoria said as she sighed. 

Then Maverick thought.. "You are with lieutenant Floyd, aren't you?" Maverick said. Victoria froze. "How did you?" She questioned. "Victoria, I have know you, Millie and Lindsey your all life.... but I'm happy for you." Maverick said. Victoria smiled. "Thanks... anyways, I better let you go.... see you tomorrow." Victoria said. "See ya." Maverick said then he hung up then phone. Then it hit him... "Storm." He said.


Lindsey laid there silently, while Bradley was snoring away. Then the door knocked softly, Lindsey hummed, then she grabbed Bradley's shirt and pair of shorts then ran down the stairs.

She opened the door to find Maverick. "Uncle Mav.... what brings you by?" Lindsey asked. "Is... is Rooster up?" Maverick asked. "No, he's sound asleep, but I'll tell him you stopped by." Lindsey said. "Actually I came by to ask you something." Maverick said.

"Oh really, ask away." Lindsey said. "Do you think, you can meet me by the planes tomorrow, don't ask any questions, I can answer them in the morning." Maverick said. "Sounds good. Maybe you and Roost can do something after class tomorrow, I can convince him." Lindsey said. Maverick smiled. "You are like your mother on that." Maverick said and Lindsey smiled back at him. "See you first thing." Lindsey said. "Sleep well Kid." Maverick said. "You too Uncle Mav." Lindsey said. He smiled at her.

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