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It's been an honor

The three women looked at each other, then Maverick stepped in the room along with Ace and Spade. Storm hummed.

Storm had a restless night, she looked over at her fiance' and she was nervous. Hoping not only the mission goes well but everyone comes home safely.

"It's been an honor flying with you. Each of you represents the best of the best. Which this mission only few can go, this was a difficult choice to make but this decision was solely based off of who would not only be able to handle the mission but to get the mission done." Maverick explained. Storm took a breathe then sighed silently.

"Choose your two foxtrot teams." The Admiral starts, nobody moving a muscle. "Payback and Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob." Maverick starts. Phoenix and Bob looked at each other in response. Payback and Fanboy continued to look forward. "And wing men." Maverick looked at Rooster. "Rooster." "Now the mission leader and their back seater." Maverick looked at Storm and Vadar which caused the two women's brows to furrow in confusion. "Backseater?" Storm mumbled as Vadar was just as confused as Storm was "Storm and Vadar." Maverick said. "The bait." Then Maverick looked at Domino. "Domino" Maverick said as Domino's breath hitch as did Hangman's.

"The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that's required. Dismissed." Admiral said.


They decided time to target would be two minutes and thirty seconds, she was a little relieved but still worried. Storm and Vadar was walking to her plane while Domino was walking to hers, she saw Hangman, she was expecting the snarky comment coming but instead he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Give em' hell, you two!" He tells her. They noticed a hint of worry in his voice. "Believe me, We will, every one else will as well!" She exclaimed. Storm and Vadar walked off.

Domino pulled him into a hug. "You come home safely." Hangman said to her. "I will." Domino said. He kissed the top of her head. "We need to tell Storm and Vadar about us... because I'm tired of hiding this you know." Domino said. "I was going to ask you about that, but I waited when you were ready." Hangman said and Domino smiled at him. "I never took you to be like that." Domino said. "Well it's because I got you." He replied. She smiled at him

Vadar saw Bob, Storm nodded as Vadar then ran to Bob while Storm went to Rooster. Vadar ran into his arms, Phoenix stood there and smile. "You stay safe out there, both of you." Vadar said. "We will, you and Storm be careful." Bob said. "We will." Vadar said. Bob then kissed her cheek which made Vadar blushed. Phoenix chuckled. "I say Bob changed you Vadar." Phoenix said. Bob and Vadar looked at each other. "Not to much." Bob said. "Yeah but I'm lucky." Vadar said and Bob looked at her. "Oh no no, I'm the lucky one." He replied and she chuckled at him.

Storm held onto Rooster, "Mission leader huh, I saw that coming." Rooster said. "Yeah, well. Your my wingman." Storm said. "Yeah." Rooster replied. Storm saw Maverick and she hummed which Rooster listen. "We should go talk to Maverick, I mean he's right there." Storm mumbled. Rooster nodded.

"Maverick!' Both Storm and Rooster called out which he looked over at them. "I uh.." Rooster said then becoming speechless not knowing what to say, Storm had no words to say. Then they call everyone to their planes. "Three of us... we'll talk, when you two get back." Maverick said to the both of them. They both nodded. As they both started to walk away, "Bradley and Lindsey!" Maverick called out which caused them to both look back at him. "You two got this!" He called out and they nodded.

As they came up to Rooster's plane, Rooster pressed a kiss to Storm's knuckles. "Good luck Darling." He said to her. She smiled at him. "You too, My love." She said as they parted ways, she met up with Vadar. 

"Well, here we go Mission Leader." Vadar said. "Yeah, Domino, you stay safe." Storm said and she nodded. They walked to their planes, Saluted then hopped inside. Vadar took a deep breath, "Damn, this is different." Vadar said. "Yeah, but your father did that remember while my father... was in front." Storm said as she trailed off. Vadar sighed. "I miss him too, Storm but your going to make him proud you know." Vadar said. Storm smiled a bit. "Yeah." Storm replied. 

"Domino is bait..." Storm said. "Domino's got this, she making sure they don't go after us. She's got this Storm." Vadar said. "Maverick wouldn't have chosen her for bait if he didn't think she could do it." Vadar added. "That's true." Storm said


She sighed as she made sure everything was fine. "You alright Storm and Vadar?" Hondo asked them. They nodded. "Yeah, but stressed... I hope everything goes well." Storm replied. "They have you as leader... it will go well Storm, you got both your mother and father's spirit." He said to her.

He looked at Vadar, "How's your father handling this mission? I know Spade is anxious that his daughter is bait." Hondo asked. "He's handling it well besides Domino's got this, we got this." Vadar said. Hondo smiled at the woman, "I know you all got this." Hondo said. Then he looked at Storm.

"You're going to make Iceman proud." Hondo said and Storm looked over at him with a smile on her face. "Thanks Hondo, it means a lot." Storm said. He climbed down and Vadar to a breath as she made sure everything was ready to go.

"You got this Storm." She muttered to herself as she looked over everything one more time before closing the canopy and pulling up to the catapult. 

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