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A Floyd with a Kerner

"You got this Victoria... Damn it." Victoria exclaimed as she hit her searing wheel of her car. "What could go wrong?" She questioned herself. "Would you want to be with someone like me.... for the love kripsy creme, I am Slider's daughter. Hope he can handle that." She muttered as she stepped out of her car and made her way to the front door.

She took a breathe. Knocked onto the door, she heard footsteps inside which made her heart leaped out of her chest. Then the door opened then Robert stared at the Kerner woman with shock.

"Well are you just going to stand there and stared or am I able to come in?" Victoria asked with a brow rose. "Well.. yes please come in." Robert said moved out of the way for Victoria. She smiled at him and stepped inside. 

Then her mouth dropped at the game he was playing... "Your... playing Resident Evil." She said as she looked at him. "I wanted to started playing them..." Robert said. "Are you serious, this is my favorite game series, I see you are playing Resident evil 7, how far are you on the game?" She said as she sat down on the couch which he sat down beside her. "Well I am up to the point with getting Mia and Zoey back." Robert said. "Geez, that boss fight made me want to scream... I can see how you do, then if you need help, I'll be happy to help." Victoria said which made him smiled.


"OH MY GOODNESS, JUST GO DOWN ALREADY!" Victoria exclaimed which made Robert laughed which made her heart flutter. "Chill there." Robert said. Then Jack finally went down, "YES!!" She exclaimed. "Finally." Robert said as she paused the game. She looked at him. "There's a reason your over here, isn't it?" Robert asked and Victoria hummed nervously. "Uhh yeah..." Victoria said.

"Come on..." Robert said and Victoria looked at him. "You are like one of the shyest people whose going on this mission.... Yeah, I just don't know how to say it." Victoria said. "Victoria..." Robert said. 

"Robert, I don't have great history with dating... my history, I have only dated one guy, the second he found out I was Ron Kerner's daughter, Slider, he ran the other way, all guys do that. Now I am afraid if I tell you... Robert Floyd I have a damn crush on you... you are going to be the same.... holy shit." Victoria said as she covered her mouth and Robert's eyes widen. That was the moment where Victoria was scared....scared that she messed up big time.

"I better go." Victoria said. As she got up to leave, Robert grabbed her arm. "Seat back down Victoria." Robert said sternly. She gulped and sat back down. "Before you say it... yes, I have a crush on you... is that you wanted to hear?" Victoria questioned. Robert stayed quiet which made her heart drop.

"Victoria Kerner who happens to be the daughter of Slider, Iceman's Rio... Likes someone like me, I thought I was in royal pickle of admitting my feelings to you." Robert admitted and Victoria's mouth dropped.

"Bob..." Victoria said as she covered her mouth. "I am being serious Victoria." Robert said. She hummed then looked at him. "Lindsey and Millie cheered me on to do this tonight you know." Victoria said and Robert smiled. "Adore those two." Robert said. "They adore you." Victoria said with a smile and he smiled back.

"How long Victoria?" Robert asked. Victoria smiled a bit. "That first night... we all met up at the Hard Deck... you were just over there eating away on your peanuts, I was just heart struck even thought I was getting pissed off with Bagman but still very heart strucked." Victoria said. Robert smiled. "I thought I didn't have a chance because of..." Robert said trailing off. "My dad? Oh no no no.... he's protective but you shouldn't have a problem, you see, My father raised me... by himself, so I don't blame him for being very protective over me." Victoria explained then sighed. "You never met your mother?" Robert asked. "My mother didn't want me... she signed all rights over to my dad... I heard she's a mom... to four boys... and a daughter, I could give a shit less... I am just nothing to her." Victoria said as a tear slipped and she wiped it away.

"You are something to your dad, Millie, Lindsey... Me." Robert said and she looked over at him. "Yeah, you are something to me.... I know, you are Slider's daughter but that doesn't mean anything." Robert said. Victoria smiled. "I had nothing to worry about... I'll admit Floyd. I was scared, but I'm excited for this journey with you." Victoria said as she smiled shyly at him. 

Robert shook his head. "Never took Victoria Kerner to be so shy." Robert said and Victoria chuckled a bit. "I couldn't help it." Victoria said. "But yeah, I am too... are we?" Robert questioned. "A couple? Yeah... but if you want to keep it hidden, we can." Victoria said.

"Yeah, you can tell..." Robert trailed and Victoria smiled. "They won't say a peep Floyd." Victoria assures him. "I know they won't." Robert said. "So...you want to play so more Resident evil?" Robert then asked. Victoria grinned. "A badass couple kicking some mutated asses... sure... but have you heard of Until Dawn or how about assassins creed?" Victoria asked as she grabbed the controller.

"Until Dawn I have, I have played majority of the assassins creed games... I love Black Flag, I love Unity and Syndicate... Makes me want to visit London and Paris."Robert said which made Victoria grinned, "No way! I love those two games... maybe just maybe we could visit those two places someday together." Victoria said as she looked at him.

"Now that's a trip I'm looking forward in the future." Robert said and she smiled. "Now, let's play." Robert said and Victoria chuckled as she threw her head back. "Wow, you really want to play?" She questioned him. "Yes... we got others to play... come on." Robert said and Victoria chuckled. She handed him the controller.

"It's actually your turn." Victoria said shyly. Robert smiled and paused the game.

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