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I Ain't Worried

Lindsey looked at the man beside her, who was still sound asleep, she kissed the top of his head. Her phone went off, her brows furrowed. "Who the hell is texting this early in the morning." Lindsey muttered as she turned over and grabbed her phone.

The text was from Maverick. "What does it say?" Bradley asked which spook Lindsey. "It says to we are meeting up at the beach close to the Hard Deck, no training today, just an exercise, meeting around nine." Lindsey replied. "What time is it?" Bradley asked. "Five, why?" Lindsey questioned as she set her phone down. "Well..." Bradley said as he pulled Lindsey closer to him which caught her off guard. "I have a few hours with you." Bradley said. She smiled and pressed her lips to his.


Storm and Rooster walked to the others, "Look who finally decided to show up!" Vadar exclaimed. "Shut it Kerner... we are on time." Storm said. "I know, I was kidding with you two." Vadar said. "I wonder what we are doing today, we aren't training, so why did we get call to the beach for?" Domino questioned, then they saw Maverick walking towards them.

"Any of you played Dog Fight Football before?" Maverick asked them as he walked up to them chucking one of the balls at Storm and the other at Hangman. Everybody looked at each other with confusion. "Well, you'll start today." He finished. Everybody picked their teams.


"AND HUT!" Someone shouted as the whistle blew and both balls are thrown from the two teams's legs. Domino passed the ball to Storm before Hangman tackled her. Storm quickly checked to see if anyone was free and nobody was. "RUN STORM RUN!" She heard Spade shout.  She quickly ran, Payback and Rooster went after her, but Vadar and Bob stopped them. She makes it over the line and throws the ball to the ground. "LETS GO!" Storm shouts as she does a victory dance and everyone chuckles. She heads back over to her team, everyone high fives her.

Rooster comes up to her, "What am I going to do with you." Rooster said. "I don't know, but you love me and you know it." Storm said to him which caused him to smile. "That's enough lovebirds!" She heard Spade shouted. "Spade, what a surprise to see you here besides you aren't a part of this, want to!" Storm shouted. "Nope!" He replied, The couple giggled and went back to their teams. "Alright everybody, LET'S GO!" Storm shout as the began another round.


At this point of time, everyone has lost count. Everyone was just having a blast at this point. Storm and Rooster was competing at this point, everyone thought is was amusing. "Come on my niece! Don't go easy on pretty boy!" Slider shouted who stood beside Spade which caught everyone off guard. "Dad!" Vadar exclaimed. "We'll talk later, you got asses to kick!" Slider exclaimed back. Storm smirked at Rooster. "Just give up already." Rooster said to her as they kept eye contact with each other. "Bring it!" She exclaimed as she took off running in the opposite direction which Rooster took off after her. She slowed down a bit thinking she was safe but she was mistaken when Rooster picked her up and spinned her around. "ROOSTER! PUT ME DOWN!" She exclaimed as he was laughing while spinning her around. "Don't think I want to." He replied. She chuckled. "But on second thought, we could do this all day." Storm said. He put her down, Then they made eye contact with each other. He smiled at her. They walked back to everyone.

Maverick came up on the beach to Slider and Spade. "This is quite a reunion." Maverick said. "Indeed it is." Spade said. "I wanted to see my daughter and niece as well as Domino." Slider said.

Storm, Vadar and Domino looked among each other and smiled. Then they got ready to take on, "HUT!" Vadar yelled, Storm toss the ball to Vadar before Rooster tackled her. "What the hell." Vadar said as shock hit her face. "What the hell, run!" Domino exclaimed. Vadar ran, "You know I run weird.... BOB!" She exclaimed as she tossed the ball to Bob he caught it and took off running.

Storm looked at Rooster who had a grin on his face. "Are you proud of yourself Bradshaw?" Storm asked with a brow rose. "Indeed." He said. She giggled and press her lips to his. "WAY A GO BOB!" Vadar exclaimed. Storm looked at Rooster then smile. "Well would you look at that, my team kicked your team's asses." Storm said. "Well would you like a treat." Rooster said. "I would." Storm said, smirking.

Spade smiled at the couple. "They are perfect for each other it's like...." "Ace and Iceman... Indeed." Slider said finishing Spade's sentence. Then Vadar walked up and pulled her dad into a hug. "What brings you by?" Vadar asked. "Certainly not to see my daughter run like a duck." Slider said and she glared at her father. "I was kidding... I wanted to see you and see how training for this mission's going." Slider said. Vadar smiled. "Going well, it's just overwhelming, Storm has a lot on her plate right now, in between this mission and uncle Ice sick and his condition getting worst... She's strong that's for sure." Vadar said. "Like her mother." Spade said.

Spade remembered the aftermath of Goose's death to this day, how bad it took a toll on Ace but she was strong and pull through strong.

"You gotta be strong in situations like, it's all you can do along with being hopeful." Spade said. "One thing I fear.... is one of us not making it home." Vadar said as she looked at her dad. "Dad, I don't want to put you through that, getting that call and you'll be all alone." Vadar said. Slider shook his head. "I know I won't, because you will make it home... all of you will make it home." Slider said. "Besides you gotta great teacher." Slider said. Vadar looked at Maverick then smirked.

"Except Old man here got his ass kicked by Storm, Domino and I." Vadar said. Slider looked at Maverick with shock. "Vadar, stop calling me old man." Maverick said to her. "And my daughter kicked your ass, damn Maverick."  Slider said. "Yes... but they are good, of course it was expected" Maverick said. 

"Who would ever thought, three girls I watched grow up, would become pilots and kick my ass in a exercise... about earlier Vadar... you will come home.... you all will."

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