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He told me not to think, you three

Storm opened her eyes, the last words she heard before the crash. "THE CANOPY STORM!" which sent her into a panic. "Vadar." She called out. Then she saw her cousin laying in the snow, her heart dropped, she quickly got herself untangled and ran over to Vadar. "No no no, please be okay." Storm said as she then felt for a pulse. She was in relief when she picked up one.

"Thank goodness." Storm said as she got Vadar untangled. Vadar opened her eyes and saw her cousin. "Damn, that was a doozy." Vadar said. Storm chuckled a bit. "Glad you are alright." Storm said as she finished getting her untangled then her breath hitched when she saw the enemy's helicopter in the distance. "You good to run?" Storm asked. "Duck run? yeah why?" Vadar asked. "Because if we don't, we are about to blown to pieces." Storm said. Vadar's eyes widen then she got up quickly as she had Storm's arm. They began to shooting at them. They both hid behind a tree as the bullets flew. "Holy shit." Vadar groaned. "You really run like a duck." Storm said. "Now's not the time for that."Vadar spatted. Then the helicopter turned around and faced them. Before they knew it, the helicopter ended up in flames.

Then both Storm and Vadar sees Rooster's and Domino's planes, who then got hit by SAM's. "Dagger Two and Five come in." Hangman's heart dropped. Spade shook his head as he took a breath, he knew Millie knew what she was doing but he was scared.

Storm panic for a moment until she saw parachutes. "Holy shit." She muttered and ran that direction. "Please let them be fine, Please let them be fine." She muttered as she ran. "Pick up the pace!' Storm exclaimed. "I'm trying my best Storm!" Vadar spatted as they ran through the forest.

They ran until she found him getting out of his parachute as well as Domino. "Bradley!" She yelled as she gotten closer. "Lindsey! Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, are you?" She asked as she gotten closer. "Yeah." Rooster said to her. "Good." She said as she then pushed him on the ground. "What the hell!" She exclaimed. Domino and Vadar looked at each other. "Yep... saw this coming and also what the hell Domino!" Vadar exclaimed as Domino threw her hands up in the air.

"Lindsey, what the hell?" He says angrily as they both threw their helmets onto the ground. "What are you doing out here?" She questioned him angrily. "What am I doing here?" He questioned her back. "Vadar and I didn't take that missile so you two could be down here with us, you two should be back on the carrier by now!" Storm shouted. She was in his face even thought she was much shorter then him.

"Domino and I saved your lives!" He yells then getting on her level. "I saved your life so did Vadar! That's the whole point, whet the hell were you thinking!" She exclaimed as she backed away. "Serious Roost!" Vadar exclaimed "Maverick told me not to think, you three!" He exclaimed back. She nodded knowing that he was correct on that. He throws his arms up as she took a moment to catch her breath then they made eye contact. Storm couldn't but pull him into a hug, he held onto her. "Oh my mother must be worried sick." Storm said. "She was one of the reasons I came to save you, Lindsey, I can't watch your mother lose another person she loves even when I love that same person." Bradley explained. She pulled away and looked her boyfriend. She smiled and pressed her lips onto his then pulled away. Then Bradley looked at her cousin and pointed at her.

"And you! Scared everyone when you shouted about the canopy, You good Vadar?" Bradley asked her. "Yeah, I was freaked out in the moment, I didn't mean to scare anyone but it was acting up." Vadar said. "Glad you are okay, both of you." Domino said.

"Now Storm, how are we getting out of this Darling?" He asked her. She bit the inside of her cheek then something came to mind, "Follow me." She said as she got her helmet off the ground then took off running.


"You're not serious?" Bradley questioned the woman. He looked through the binoculars, "You gotta be kidding me. An F-14?" Bradley said as he looked ahead. "My Dad, Mom, Uncle Spade and Slider even Maverick shot down MIGS in one of those." Lindsey commented. "You don't even know if those bag asses can fly." He said to her. She looked at him, "Well... let's find out then." She said as she got up making her way to the runway as Vadar and Domino followed. "Lindsey!" Bradley whisper shouts after her, "Okay.." He said to himself as he got up and followed them.

They start walking through their runway, Storm was nervous going through there. "There's guys up there, Lindsey" Rooster points out to her. "Yep..." She responded. "Then there's more over there." Rooster points out the other direction. "Alright... Let's start running then shall we, love." Storm responds. "Yeah... run." "Pick up the duck girl." Domino said to Vadar. "Would you all quit making fun of my run, damn it." Vadar spatted as the four of them approached the planes.

Storm looked over everything, she sighed. "They both need gas." Storm said then the four of them got to work on connecting to the hoses to get plane started. "I got the flying, you can be WSO." Storm said as she and Vadar was getting ready to board to make sure everything working fine. "You got this?" She said as she pointed out the hoses. "Yeah but you sure you got the flying down." He asked her and she chuckled. "I am a Kazansky, I got this love." She assures him and he smiles at her. "You got this Vadar?" Storm asked. "You know it!" She exclaimed. Storm smiled as she sat down in the plane, looked at the thing in front of her. "How in the world did they fly this?" She questioned herself. "How's everything looking Lindsey?" Rooster asked her.

"Everything looking alright Vadar?" Domino called out. "Yeah, just shock. How in world did Aunt Ace and them, fly in things like this." Vadar said as she looked over everything, but she knew she got this. She learned from the best, Uncle Iceman.

She looked at everything, she sighed at relief when she saw Gas and things were increasing and almost full. "Everything looking good, you can start unconnecting the hoses, let's get home." Storm said to him as she started getting the plane started up. As soon got the hoses off, he climb in behind her, he looked at what was in front of him. "I know this thing is prehistoric but you'll figure it out." Storm said to him and he nods at her. "Holy crap, my dad did this huh?" Domino said as she looked over everything. "I think your forgetting my dad, did the same thing your father did, Well in this instance, I am flying this bad sack." Vadar said.

She and Vadar pulls the planes out then looks ahead. "Holy shit... they really destroyed this thing." Storm muttered as she looked at the crumbled runway. "Damn." Both Vadar and Domino said at the same time. "Both runway are cratered. How are we going to get these museum pieces in the air?" He questioned him. She thought for moment, then shook her head. She looked over at Vadar, who nodded as they pressed the buttons to bring the wings out. Rooster looked out and noticed the wings, "Why are the wings coming out, Lindsey?" He questioned her. She smiled a bit. "Because.." She answered. "Domino, calm you ass back there." Vadar commanded.

"Lindsey, this is a taxiway, not a runway. This is a very short taxiway." Rooster says to her. "I agree with Bradshaw here." Domino said. Both Storm and Vadar smiled a bit. "I know, just hang on." She tells him as she starts to accelerate. "Holy Shit!" Both Rooster and Domino exclaimed as she and Vadar took off quick. "Here we go!" She exclaimed "Holy shit!" Rooster exclaimed as they barely make it over the bridge then losing their front wheels in the process. "Well that went well, let's fly these fossils and get home." Storm tells Rooster, he smiles at her.

Storm | B. BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now