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It's the day we leave for Winterfell. I'm all packed and the carriages are ready for us. I suggested Mara to come along with us. Just to have her by my side.

  "We'll be there for a week or less" mother says as we get ready to get on the carriage. "Mother I want you to know there is nothing to worry about. We do this every month. It's just the Lannisters. Nothing will happen." I say . "Your right....Now let's get going we wanna look nice for the feast tonight right."she smiles at me and I smile back.


"We're halfway there!" William says looking out the carriage window. "Sit down William, now." Mother says. "Do you think I should wear the broach tonight." Admiring it I say. "I think you should." Father insisted. "When we get there will we be having that meeting with the council?"

I stare at issac with a serious face. He always has to bring up meetings knowing I can't attend. "I'd like to be a part of these secret meetings eventually if I'm to be Queen, Father.." I say interrupting anybody before they speak. The carriage goes silent. "And you will Helena but you are still young. You must wait until your told to rule." Mother says. "There are Queens in the north that are like 6 years younger than-"

"Because their dead parents fought for their childs protection during the war 6 months ago! Your time will come, you can wait." Mother says raising her voice at me. "We're here!" William shouts.

What a bitch. I'm not asking to be queen I'm only asking to be involved. I sit back and roll my eyes and turn towards the window.

I step out the carriage in my long white fur coat and broach on. There they were, the Stark family, and Jon Snow behind them.. I walk up behind my father, mother and issac with William behind me. Greeting all of them with King, Queen or your grace. I finally got to Robb and he kissed my hands. Then when I got to Sansa, Arya and Bren we hugged. Rickon stop me before I hugged him and kissed my hand.

"Very sweet of you Rickon, thank you" I chuckled and move on. I looked back at Jon Snow and he was looking at me. I wish I could go greet him but I didn't want people to give me a questioned look.

Me and Sansa walked around the castle gossiping like we always do, talking about what happened since last time we've seen each other. "I have a secret." I say. She looks at me waiting for me to tell her like I was about to tell her the plans to a war. "Well spill what is it?" Sansa says. "You can't tell anybody keep it between us."

"Issac has gotten one of my suitors pregnant" I say. Sansa stops walking and stares at me. "Mara? Helena do your father and mother know" she says. We both stop walking for a second. "No.. but he plans to tell them soon."

"It better be soon, her bump will start to show and word will go around the castle and sooner or later people will find out." She says and we both keep walking. "I know, but what if they send him away along side with her. And we both adore Mara. She won't deserve it. And my opinion already doesn't matter to my mother nor father."

"Do not hope for the worst okay, I'm sure everything will be alright." Sansa says grabbing my hands. I agreed and we continue walking.


      Later on Mara was doing my hair, and makeup getting ready for tonight dinner gathering. "I'm worried, Helena." Mara speaks.

I grab her hand.  "Mara you have nothing to worry about okay. Here, I want you to join me at the dinner feast okay. You'll get close to the family." I get up and have her take my seat and start to do her hair. She grabs my hand. "Are you sure your not making a mistake..."

"Im sure, okay." I said. "I'm going to make you look very beautiful." She looked up at me in the mirror and smiled.


As my family plus Mara, walked through the doors. Long tables full of delightful food. Almost everybody in the castle at a table talking. Music playing, some people dancing. I look over at William, "this is why I love coming here."

"They have a lot of food to!" William says. I laugh and keep walking. I look ahead, Robb stark catches my eye. I smile at him and focus again.

We sit down at a long table for our family. Unexpectedly William starts poking me. "Stop it" I say. He starts giggling. "Mother tell William to stop." I say. "William sit up straight now." She says.

Ned stark taps his cup and starts a toast.
"Thank you everyone for coming to tonight's feast. Especially the Certies family...We are still recovering from the war but we won! Those traitors are dead. I'm very thankful for everybody coming, thankful for my family and the Cerites. Enjoy the food.." Everybody starts clapping and start to eat. I look over at Mara and Issac. They're smiling and talking. Williams enjoying his food. And mother and father are getting along better than the last dinner.

I looked up across the room, girls giggling with Robb Stark. I rolled my eyes. And kept eating my dinner. William speaks to me. "Your not the only one mother and father is keeping secrets from. That war that ended months ago, may not still be ended."

"The hell do you know about secretes and war." I say. "Everything. Helena it's obvious, just cause one war ends doesn't mean there's nothing going on. For all I care there could be another coming." Williams says.

"Don't say that, eat the rest of your food." Even though I believed William. I knew something was going on. All those meetings. I looked over at my mother and father talking to the Starks. What could be going on? What is about to happen?

"My lady, could we talk." Some man says behind me. I didn't know who he was but I needed somebody to talk to desperately instead of William. "Go talk to Arya" I whisper to William.

"Please, sit down entertain me." I say.
He chuckles and takes a seat beside me. "Your to become Queen soon if I'm correct. I am traveling south. And I think you should join me and we'll rule together." He says. "Are you asking to-" he interrupts me, "No- no.. well not yet. You want a break from your family, come with me.." he says. Before I even speak my mother comes.

"Lord Bevery, my daughter will not be going with you to the south." "Queen Devora, I'm sorry I did not mean to-" he says getting up and leaving. "You want to socialize with them not scare them mother." I chuckled. "Oh please you didn't want him anyway." She laughs. And we go on with our night.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now