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After riding all night, I arrived in the morning. I woke up and heard people. I slowly stood up wincing from the pain in my leg. I realized where I was. I was in Winterfell. The man helped me out of the wagon.
"I don't have much.." I dug into my pocket look for my last gold coins. I took 4 gold coins out and handed it to him.
"Here kind sir. For returning me to a safe home." I said handing the coins to him.
"My goodness. This could buy me a new wagon or another horse. Maybe a ride across the ocean. Thank you so much your grace." He said.
I smiled and he rode away on his horse.

"Your Grace!" 3 ladies ran after me. They grabbed my arm gently.
The people around me stared. Some gasped as they realized who I was. The ladies helped me into the castle, I was all dirty and there was dry mud all over my face.
"Don't worry your grace we're going to patch your wounds and clean you up." One of them said.
I couldn't speak I lost to much blood in my leg and felt like I was going to pass out.
When I arrived at a bath that was already ready for me the ladies ripped off my clothes and helped me into the bath. I winced and wailed when the hot water touched my leg.
"This won't take long your Grace don't worry." the lady said. Some tears ran down my face a little.
"He's dead." I cried.
"Robb is dead. Caitlyn is dead." I sobbed.
The ladies were in shock. They stopped whatever they were doing for a second and I just kept sobbing. They continued and one of the ladies ran their hands through my hair and rubbed gently on my head.
      "Don't cry your grace it's okay." She said. I sniffled a little and tried to stop crying. Another lady gave me some water.
      I sighed. "Thank you."


      After I was all washed up and my wound was bandaged I went outside. Some guard were their and soldiers. Nobody was currently in charge of Winterfell. Only that Theon Greyjoy was and was captured and taken to another castle.
      "Everybody gather around." I yelled to people standing in the courtyard. Some people came outside and gathered. And some soldiers and guards.
      "I'm not here to take over or be in charge! I would never do that. Robb Stark and Caitlyn Stark are dead! They were murdered by Lord Walder Fray." I yelled out loud.
      Everybody gasped and looked around at each other.
      "He took our King and your Queen away from of us. I am sending 5 brave and strong men to Walder Frays castle to bring me the 4 men that shot Robb with an arrow and sliced Caitlyn's stark throat. Bring me those specific people and I will grant each of those 5 men 6 golden coins!"
      Everyone cheered and some men stepped in front of the crowd to volunteer.
      "Doing this means you will have to break into the castle and capture those men and not get caught. If you cannot do that please don't go." I said. None of the men moved.
      "We will bring you back what you need Your grace." They grabbed their weapons and got onto their horses and rod off into the distance.


      I sat in my chambers late at night. All the candles still set, the curtains open and you could see the white full moon through the window. I decided to write to my mother. Assuming she'd probably be in her castle.

      I filled her in with details, she probably knew I had married Robb. I told her everything that happened. Felt like a child all over again like I was telling my mother someone stole my toy. Stood up out of my chair crumbling up the paper and threw it in the fire.
      I leaned against the wall and sat down on the floor crying. My head against the brick wall. It wasn't easy trying to get over his death. Tears ran down my face, I tried to wipe all of them. I stopped crying for a second.

      I stood up and grabbed another paper and started over. I rewrote the letter, told her I was going to come back and visit someday. Told her that William was safe and other stuff. I rolled up the paper and tied it.
     I blew out the candles and sat in the window. Looked at the white shiny moon, at the small lake nearby, and the trees moving from the wind. I tried to stop thinking about Robb's death. How do others do it? I wish he had a proper burial.
     I wished so many things from that night to now. I wish I had fought but I would've gotten myself hurt. I hummed a song, the song I sang to William when he had a nightmare. The song my mother sang to me to help me sleep.

      I sniffled and crawled into bed. Closed my eyes and went to sleep.

𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now