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Days had gone by and we were 1 week and a half into the trip across the sea. We had been helping out around the ship in our free time, earning money and staying out of others way.
I was reading a book, the same book I read when I found out stuff of my family. Also the same book I got from the librarian.
I came across a page, at first I was just reading the book paying no mind then all my attention just focused to this specific page. It was about power, real power, physical power to use. I traced my fingers across the lines and mumbled...
"...blue fiery eyes would show caused by strong emotions. When she touched fire she felt immune, felt no pain when touching it. Not only immune but also could force it out of her hands like some greek god. Use it against others. They say she looked like one of them, says she was half alive and half dead."

I closed the book and Alban came into the room. I had such a shocked look on my face I couldn't believe what I just read.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing I'm alright."
"How are you."
"I don't know I've just been feeling really good these days. I just feel like there's stuff going on right now and we're missing it you know. It's crazy how our lives are, stuff happen literally ever second."
"Yea I know what you mean."
"I don't trust most of the men on this boat, every men I've met has kept their word, they will hurt us Alban. They've probably already have hurt most of the woman down below."
"Raped, tortured, harassed."
"Yea... anyway where's William?"
"Earning some money up top."
"Alright well I'll be back I'm going to go find some blankets for tonight it's gonna get colder."

I went down below and opened some crates. Some of the woman were just in bed or cleaning.
"Hey you. Where are we going?" I asked one of the woman.
"Seriously? You paid that much money and don't even know where we're going."
"I know that we're crossing the narrow sea, I mean if I'm lucky enough I can find a house to buy for a couple of days if I'm in the wrong place."
"We're heading to Braavos." She scoffed.
"Perfect." I smiled at her.
"Ay you, princess. I told you brother not to step in my way again. He disrespected me and got his punishment." The captain shouted at me opening a door from upstairs.
"William!" I ran up stairs above deck and looked in the ocean. The men just watched me and laughed. I ran to my room and there was William, Alban was bandaging his wounds.
"He did it Helena. He slapped me in the face, more than once. Almost broke my jaw which hurt mostly, and he almost strangled me to death!"
"Oh my-" I put my hand to my mouth and started crying.
"I'm so sorry William, I'm sorry my dear brother I should've been there." I cried.
"You were right Helena, they weren't gonna hesitate.."
I took Williams hands and kissed them, his tears ran down his face and i just kept kissing his hands. I needed to act quickly.


      William and Alban headed off to sleep, but I snuck out into the captains room. I crossed the deck of the ship in just a robe and bare feet. I creaked open the door and he was snoring very loud.
      I climbed on top of him and took off my robe, he woke up very slowly, and so I whispered, "why don't we get past the enemy drama and problem you have with my family.."
     He was still trying to wake up, his hands trailed against my thigh's.
      "Only way I'm going to feel safe on this boat is if...-
      I stabbed him directly in the chest with my blade. The blade I always keep on me at all times.
      "Your dead..."
     He tried gasping for air, I didn't want him to yell so I took his pillow and smooshed it in his face until he was fully dead.
      I left a kitchen knife on his bedside table, so it would make it look like her killed himself. I took my robe and snuck back into my room. Tomorrow I'll be in charge of the ship.


𝐺𝐴𝑀𝐸  𝑂𝐹  𝑇𝐻𝑅𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑆: Queen Helena, Mother Of The Dragons.Where stories live. Discover now