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1990 Rome, Italy

I walked down the street carrying my school bag after class and see a group of boys tripping another boy my age down into the mud. I looked away for fear that if I interfere, I will get bullied too by the older boys.

"Go back to Japan, you little freak"

"He never fights back does he?"

"He's so creepy."

Hearing those words about the boy made me feel less alone. That I wasn't the only outcast at school because I don't talk back or defend myself.

I made sure the group of bullies were away before I slowly approach the boy on the ground, dirty water dripping off of his face. I kneel in front of him and wiped his face clean with my handkerchief which caused him to be surprised.

"S-Sorry," I stuttered

The boy stared at me with his blue eyes and gave a small smile, "Thank you."

I smiled back too, "M-My name's Y/N."

I didn't dare to give him my full name because I'm scared he'll realize that my father is a mafia boss and he'll be afraid of me.

"I'm Giorno. Giorno Giovanna."

He got up from the ground and hold out a hand for me. I took it and he pulled me up before brushing the water off his coat.

"I'll see you around Y/N. Thank you for the help."

I pulled him his sleeve, "Wait!"

He turned around, "What?'

Should I ask to be his friend?

Giorno must've seen the look on my face because he smiled and said, "If you want to be friends, we can. You don't have friends at school do you?"

I shaked my head no.

"Then I'll be your friend. Your best friend."



"Gioooo," I whined as we walked down the street in the main plaza in Rome.

"Y/N I won't go out with you if you keep on window shopping. Just buy the blouse! Why are you so indecisive?"

"You never told me your opinion so of course I wouldn't know what to buy!"

Giorno signed and gave me an annoyed look, "You look good in everything, now just buy the damn thing and stop wasting time! I want to go sailing before they close the deck for the day."

I pouted and he walked back with me to the boutique where I paid for the blouse and put it on. We then walked to the shore where there are people already boarding on the boat and Giorno sneaked us into one without paying.

On the boat, people looked out into the sea and marveled at the sunset. Giorno stared ahead too and I turned to him, "What do you think of my new clothes?"

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now