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Giorno pull himself away from you and broke the kiss, "Wait Y/N... I don't know if this is right. You're still recovering from your injuries."

You pull him back down, "Well, I'm feelings a lot better. Besides..."

You run your hand up to his shirt collar and unbutton one button before looking into his eyes, "I want to be here with you."

Giorno blushes but hesitated and gently take Y/N hand off and holds it in his, "I am feelings a little shy about all of this... And plus, we've just changed our relationship status. I think it's a good idea that we spend a little more time together before getting intimate. You also have to focus on Bertelli and your recovery as well."

He notice the disappointed look in your eyes and he sighs before lying next to you in bed, "Y/N... Please don't be upset over this. I also would like to share such experience with you but I want to prioritize your wellbeing."

Taking you into his arms, he nuzzle his face close to your neck as he runs his hands through your white locks of hair, "Would it make you feel better if I hold you in my arms like this until you fall asleep, mi amore?"

You smile and nodded your head to show your understanding, "Alright... And thank you again for being here with me."

"Anything for you Y/N Rosa. Just know that I'll move Heaven and Earth just to see your smile."


After making sure you were sleeping peacefully, Giorno got out of your bed and went to his office. He pours himself a glass of water and took a sip out of it to soothe his dry throat before calling out to Polnareff.

"Polnareff? Are you there?"

"I'm over here Giorno."

Giorno follow the sound of his voice and finds his turtle body on the other side of the window. The turtle climbs towards him and Polnareff's spirit was summoned through the key on the turtle shell, "Do you need something?"

Giorno nodded his head, "Yes. I need to go through the files that contains that plan."

Polnareff nod his head, "Come in."

Giorno enters the room inside the key and Polnareff takes out a safe from the storage. He grudged as he tries to put it on the table which Giorno helped him. Polnareff laughed sheepishly, "Sorry. It's not easily moving things around since my legs are gone."

"It's quite alright..." Giorno said as he unlocks the safe and takes out the file containing informations on Rosa. He smirked as he cross off Savio and Armitox name on the list of people he's planning to kill off in the Rosa mafia in order for you to take over the organization.

Yes, he did this for you but he also did it for his personal gain as well. Bertelli is being a pain the ass for him and is the one selling drugs to citizens in Italy and organizing other illegal activities that hinders his organization work. That was why he worked with Bertelli. So he could get closer to him and find all the organization weak spot before assassinating him and take over the organization. But ever since he found out that you were still around, he changed his plans to have you take over the organization that originally belonged to you.  

Once you take over the organization, it'll be much easier for him to convince you to remove the drug trade and do whatever he wanted without risking you having any bitter feelings towards him.

"We've killed at least two important people from Rosa." He said to Polnareff as he skims down the other notes he wrote in the file, "Without the people who produces drugs for Rosa to sell, they'll be losing a lot of profits and men. The organization will be vulnerable enough for me to kill Bertelli after I deal with the hitmen team."

"Are you sure about this Giorno?" Polnareff asked with a frown, "What about Y/N? Don't you think she'll be mad at you for using her and doing this to the organization that she grew up with?"

Giorno paused and bit his bottom lips, "She might... But I had to do what I had to for the sake of the people in Italy and Passione. However, that doesn't mean I don't care about her. I'll have to see what I can do if that time comes."

Locking the files back into the safe, he nodded his head at Polnareff, "I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight Polnareff."


After getting ready for the night, he changed into a comfortable pair of pajamas.

Instead of heading to his room, he went straight to yours. When he open the door, his heart flutter at the sight of you. Gosh, even just the sight of you made him fall even more deeply in love with you.

He carefully climbs onto the bed in order to not wake you and lay by your side as he watches your sleeping face underneath the dim moonlight.

'You truly are a sight to behold Y/N...' He thought to himself as he admire you and brush aside a loose hair from your face.

Then the conversation between him and Polnareff enters his mind and he frowned, thinking about the worse possibilities of your reaction when you found out about his plan to get rid of a few members of Rosa.

It was understandable that there might be a few people in that mafia who you considered as family. So killing them off would possibly upset you.

"Im sorry Y/N..." Giorno said under his breath. "Will you forgive me for what I'll be going to do?"

Y/N shuffled a bit in her sleep and she slowly opened her eyes, "Giorno...? Did you say something?"

Giorno smiles gently at her and moves her close to his chest, "Nothing my love. Go back to sleep. You have a long day today after all."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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