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When you reached the front door of the villa and opened the door, Elle threw herself onto you and gave you a tight hug.

"Dumbass! I was so worried! I thought you died out there!" She cried out.

You laughed and patted her back to comfort her, "I'm alright Elle! Thank you for your concern. Also I got some souvenirs." You smirked and hold out the watch and the brooch.

"No way! I didn't think they would have those on them. I thought they were just some jealous hobos! Not some rich folks too."

"At least I can bring those to a nearby jewelry store in exchange for money. It should be enough to repair the car window and buy me two new dresses." You said as you examine the jewelry carefully in your hand. They were definitely made from real gems and can fetch a hefty price.

After you finished showering and got into your lounge wear, you and Elle sat in the living room debating which show to watch on the TV.

*Ding Dong*

"That must be the doorbell. I'll get it Elle you stay here." You put on your bathrobe and ran to the front door, opening it to find a smiling Bertelli holding a gift box.

"Welcome back home Y/N Rosa! God I've missed you so much!" He said.

You gave Bertelli a hug, "I missed you too Bertelli! Now come inside! Me and my friend Elle are getting ready to watch a movie."

Bertelli took off his hat to reveal his curly brown locks and set it on the cloth hanger and made his way inside the house, "Sorry I didn't come to dinner with you. I was preparing for a really important business meeting with Passione."

You stared at him in disbelief as you followed behind him, "No way! I thought Rosa and Passione are rivals."

"Apparently the new Boss took over Passione. He's the same age as you and wants to work with Rosa to make the drug trade stricter to prevent misuse. I really respect him though, he genuinely seems like a good person. Also, I brought a little welcome gift for you." Bertelli handed the gift box to you and you opened it to reveal a golden necklace decorated with amethysts and diamonds.

You hold out the necklace with your hand and dire the gems on it, "This is so beautiful! Thank you Bertelli! Also some assholes broke your car window earlier but I taught them a little lesson."

Bertelli smirked, "Lemme guess. You beaten them up and took all their valuables right?"

"Duh! I'm not going to let them get away messing around and breaking your car."

Bertelli busted out laughing hard, "And two years ago you could barely hurt a fly! Now you're becoming more ruthless and violent just like your father."

"Uhhh..Yeah I guess..."

Bertelli puts a hand on your shoulder, "I mean it in a good way Y/N. You have that trait in you just like the previous Rosa family members. It'll be of good use to protect yourself and your dignity."

Then his phone started to ring and he frowned at the number before picking it up. "What is it? You idiot! They were under your supervision! How could you let that happen? I'm coming over!"

Bertelli hang up the call and facepalmed before dragging his hands down to his mouth, "I have to go Y/N. One of my men messed up bad. Call me if you need anything."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now