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You woke up the next morning from a text from Giorno.

Giorno: Good morning Y/N. Did you sleep well last night?

Y/N: Wow! I didn't know you wake up this early too. And yes, I slept fine. Thank you for asking :)

Giorno: That's good to know. And as a mafia boss, I have to wake up this early for businesses.

Y/N: That makes a lot of sense. My father also had to wake up early and go outside for meetings and businesses when he ran Rosa.

Giorno: I'm sorry about your father's passing. How come you didn't take over Rosa? I thought it was a mafia that's only passed down to the Rosa family members.

Y/N: Well I'm not really into being in the mafia world here in Italy. It's a hot mess.

Giorno: Hahaha that's understandable. Anyways, would you like to spend some time with me later this afternoon at 2:45pm? I'd like us to catch up on what happened after those 3 years :)

Y/N: I would love to!

Giorno: Would you'll like me to pick you up?

You giggled and kicked your leg in your sheet excitedly. Your body is being overcome with ecstasy and you jumped out of your bed and ran over to your closet to get dressed for the day. Today will be the first time in a while that you will hang out with Giorno (the dinner apology does not count), and you imagine yourself with Giorno talking about what you both did in Italy and France.

You ran downstair to the kitchen and see Ella at the stove, making berry toast for breakfast.

"ELLA!" You screamed happily as you jumped on her and hug her from behind, "GUESS WHAT?"

Ella turned around and slapped your hands off of her and gave you the most deadliest looks ever, "Guess what? I'm guessing that in the next second, I'll squire this whipped cream in your eyes for fucking up our breakfast you bitch."

You nervously peeked over her shoulder and see the trail of whipped cream traveling from the toast all the way up to the wall from when you jumped on her.

"Oh uhhh it's my fault! Sorry!" You changed the subject back to what you want to tell her, "I'll clean it up later BUT Giorno texted me!!! Squeeeeeeee! We're gonna hang out this afternoon!"

Ella widen her eyes and the death look instantly switched to a happy one. She dropped the whipped cream can on the marble floor, which made a loud sound and she started squealing--forgetting about the breakfast that you accidentally messed up for her, "This so exciting! How did you meet him again?? Where? What?? When??? How???"

"You were right about that boy! That golden haired boy was Giorno the whole time!"

She squeal even louder, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME!"

She toss the toast into the trashcan, "Forget about breakfast! Let's spend the day deciding what you should do with Giorno when you guys hang out!"


After planning your outfit and the list of activities you wrote for you and Giorno to do, you decided to kill some time before you go out with him.

You're outside walking around Naples and taking in the old familiar scenery. You walked pass the bookstore where a few middle schoolers gathered around the front talking about their school assignments. The smell of pizza from a nearby pizzara entered your nose and it made you hungry since you didn't have breakfast because Ella tossed out the toast that you accidentally made her destroy. You entered the store and walked up to the counter, were the chef came out and greeted you, "Good Day signora! what would you like to order?"

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now